Fallout 2: Dominion Screenshots and Videos

hehe.. BN unintentionally killed the topic. Funny ^^

Anyway... let's try bringing this train back on rail.

I agree that some pieces there look a bit out of place, but all in all, IMHO, it looks quite good and promising.
Just hope that someone will translate all that stuff ;)
Why can't they play in english? You can see head-up-in-ass self-pretentious culturally insecure developing countries from their localization laws.
Because sometimes it is easier to develop a game in the main language first.
Meh said:
Why can't they play in english? You can see head-up-in-ass self-pretentious culturally insecure developing countries from their localization laws.

Because it is a Russian mod. This is not a serious comment is it? if it is, then the label "western imperialist" is perfect for you.
Super serious. If the game would have been English in the first place, illiterate Russians would have not bought (aka. pirate) it, and much likely there would not be need for Russian mods. Or at least it might discourage making Russian content because the language mess up would look unprofessional and silly, so straight to English. If they would still make it Russian with no translation, what the f*ck we do care since we can't play it?

I don't know what you mean with "western imperialism", because most big nations in Europe have as much retarted politics as well. My native language isn't English and is spoken by 5 million people if that matters.

Just pissed because all the big and good looking mods seem to be in some crap language and not to the big crowd, and from my experience fan translations are generally awkward.
Yeah, fan translations usually suck. I should know as I orchestrated quite a few of them. The problem lack of support in my opinion, not the translation. Finding people to translate mods is hard enough, but when you have a translation no one is interested in editing, it demotivates everyone as the translators feel shame and do not want to be associated with lol mods. Many I have worked with had good hearts and tried their best. They have no interest in doing this any more.

MIB88 has proofed and edited allot of work on his own, which is a huge waste of his time IMO. I would rather he was able to work on adding new content.

Pavel the creator of the mod, has very little English, so he is creating it in his own language.

I doubt Dominion will ever be released in English anyway. There are very few translators around these days. There is good reason to care though, as allot of resources will be made available for Eng mods. Dominion's world map and some of it's art is already in the Megamod for example. Also Dominion will be released with the "graphics megamod" built in, which looks fantastic.
I think a few people just never will get the value of "free content" you know and particlarly the fact that some do this in their "free time" and not on a professinal basis.

I accept all kind of criticism as long its meant for improvement. To say that something "could be done better" though is always just a generic answer anything could be improved always. To just label something as "bad" though cause the people doing the translation or work tried their best with the limit skills they have is pretty dumb in my eyes. Particularly when you never had to pay anything for it and always know from the begining what you get.
Doesn't matter, there will be always people who treat you like shit. Just take FOnline: 2238 as example. In the beginning, people flamed and insulted us, as if they spend 60 dollars on the game and we robbed them. It was hilarious in a very uncool way.

Sometimes, people don't realize, that behind a mod are not many people and that it's all fanmade content, made in the spare time of the mod creators.
Dude101 said:
(...) I doubt Dominion will ever be released in English anyway (...)

Help us Dude101Kenobi you're our only hope! (of ever playing those seemingly cool russian mods) :P
I know when writing about "people" crying you are referring to me at this situation. I haven't complained about the creators or their work. Something good is lost to this kind of initially artificial obstacle. In Bizarro world there is no localization and they have more English projects.

Russian/Czech/Polish/whatever free content has about as much fun or interest value as the free content I flushed down from toilet. The map and art part made sense. Though seeing the assets used in a mod which've been played to death already is really win only for new players.
Mmm, maybe it is because you come from a small country, and everyone there speak english as a second langage, but in the "big countries", a very small percentage of the population speak english well enough to play in it directly, let alone program, or create elaborate dialogue.
So it's only natural that the people of a community create mod for their community, and there is enought communication between them that everyone benefit from it (script sharing, tool sharing, motivation sharing...)
So maybe it has none interest to you, little spoiled end consumer, but for us it has.
It wasn't meant to be personal. The world is divided into two categorie, the modders (who mode) and the players (who do nothing exept complain about everything and know nothing).
Chose your side. :D

No, joke aside, I learnt and got inspired a lot by checking the maps and files of Dominion. The more mod there are out there, the easier it will be for other mods to be created (yes, even english ones). Saying its worth crap aint just fair.
Meh said:
Something good is lost to this kind of initially artificial obstacle.

It's not artificial, you are simply incorrect in your world-view. English is not a freely accessible language everywhere in the world, and Chinese or Russian modders will work in said languages not just because the people they're aiming their mod at speak that language, but because often enough their English is non-existent or not that good. Implying that this makes them "illiterate" because they don't know English is just baffling, saying it has something to do with "localization laws" is equally confusing.

Does it suck to be us because we don't get to play it? Sure. Would it reversely suck for Russian players that don't know English when mods are made only in English. Yip. Someone always wins, and someone always loses. It's just the way it is.
One thing I find equally amazing is that Europeans for whom English is not their native language seem to know 2-4 additional languages in addition to their own.

I've almost admired that, and realize that Americans are a bit too self-centered to become a broader part of the world.

Maybe it's because that most of our country do not travel outside of the US, while Europeans have easier accessibility to a wider variety of cultures within shorter distances.
Pink Viper said:
One thing I find equally amazing is that Europeans for whom English is not their native language seem to know 2-4 additional languages in addition to their own.

I've almost admired that, and realize that Americans are a bit too self-centered to become a broader part of the world.

Maybe it's because that most of our country do not travel outside of the US, while Europeans have easier accessibility to a wider variety of cultures within shorter distances.
Part of this is simple selection bias, though: people who know 1 foreign language are more likely to know multiple languages. And you don't encounter the people who can't communicate intelligibly in English at all.

That said, all of Europe is basically smaller than the entire USA in landmass and is very diverse lingually. That means that it's really common to have to communicate with people who don't speak your language, which means that at the very least you need to speak English. And because your neighbouring country is a 3-hour drive away, you also get to learn that language.
I'm British, and we are quite famous in Europe for being ignorant when it comes to language. It is an arrogance thing IMO. Everyone else has to learn Eng, so why should we bother? There is definitely some socialisation going on there (Empire and all that). I never saw the use in other languages when I was growing up. I'm learning a little Polish right now.
Boy, am I glad to understand Russian very well. 8 years of learning it has its advantages.

According to this it should be worth checking out... Once it's done.