Note: I personally think and feel convicted about stealing, or lying or literally doing anything evil in the game because it I don't look at the game but my thoughts... my thoughts don't change while playing a game, just because it in a video game world doesn't mean it's ok in my book
Play the game how you want champ. You have a view point. Enjoy it if it works for you fine. But dont make the mistake of judging others who have opposing views as you. " JUDGE NOT LEST THEE BE JUDGED "
There's a clear different from pointing to something and saying... "Oh it's just a game" and doing something in the game and it being clearly not ONLY part of the game but easily part of your thoughts and way of thinking.
Yes there is a clear difference. One is a game. Not real. A form of escapism. Harmless in and of its self. The other is .... oh wait there both the same.
I can read a fiction book containing a character that kills for an ideal that i dont accept as justifiable in real life ... and still enjoy the book.
Does not mean that i am going to commit or condone such behavior.
Nor does me playing a female character or killing in game reflect that i am going to have a sex change ( or think of having one ).
I know it because God clearly talks about it
At the risk of censure on this board. SERIOUSLY?
Which God talks about it?
The Jewish God that christianity follows ?
He's ok with genocide but draws the line at taking other peoples possesions and this is good reasoning for you?
The Egyptian Gods ?
Some of them advocate theft .. some of them dont.
Look play the game or any game however you want.
Even have reasons to back up your views.
But please ... for the sake of EVERYONE who visits this board ...
Please keep your PERSONAL RELIGIOUS/FAIRY TALE views to yourself.
Otherwise people like myself who are just as offended BY your view as your are by my opposing ( Some would say supported by evidence ) view will just attack it.
5 - Strength once I get the power armor, it's ok and I wont be a pack rat with lots of things to store
9- Perception its a great combat stat, and great for random encounters
6 - Endurance I don't see it as too necessary, but like the hit points and healing rate turns into 2
4 - Charisma I don't think it's too valuable, it seems like from what I read it's mainly for how many companions you want, 2 is enough
10 - Intelligence exp points to counter gifted, dialogue options <3
8 - Agility Action points <3 , and to counter gifted with exp points
5 - Luck I know it helps a little in a lot
I like the stats.
The only real difference i would do is your charisma for me is too low.
But then i tend to play characters that are lot more SMOOTH TALKER and charismatically based then yourself.
But then .. each to there own right

Good gaming and i hope you have heaps of fun