Fallout 2: Party Orders add-on


Vault Fossil
The Party Orders add-on for [(sfall v2.0) Fallout 2 v1.02 US] by pelicano has been progressively getting better and better. This mod allows the player more control over their party followers in Fallout 2, and it is compatible with every mod out there. With the use of SFall, pelicano has hot linked some very useful keyboard commands:

<blockquote>This is just a little script add-on that will allow the player to give common orders to party members on the 'fly', using keyboard hotkeys, in any given moment outside combat mode.

The following orders are currently implemented:

- Heal yourself ([F] key): Any party member injured with more that 10 hit points of damage will attempt to heal her/himself. If heavily injured s/he'll use a super stimpak. If s/he doesn't carry any or if s/he's under 75% total hitpoints s/he'll attempt to heal the wounds using her/his medic skills (first aid or doctor, whichever is higher). Finally, if s/he's still injured s/he will use any stimpak s/he may have. In combat mode only (super) stimpaks will be used. Only a healing order per turn.

- Holster weapons ([H] key): Any armed party member will put her/his weapon away immediately.

- Regroup party ([R] key): Any party member away more than 2 hexes from the PC will regroup next to the PC

- Loot bodies ([G] key): The party member with the most carry capacity will go and try to loot the corpses near her/him and the PC. s/he will pick up any item near bodies (up to 3 hexes) as well. If the loot bodies hotkey [G] is pressed again while a party member is looting, this will cancel the loot order, calling back the party member. If the dude PC is looting (following [T] order) when the [G] order is issued the PC will cancel the looting and the NPC will continue, if s/he is able.

- PC pick up nearby items ([T] key): Uppon pressing the T key your PC will pick up from the ground nearby items (in a 3 hex radius). Used only for convinience. The dude PC will stop picking up stuff whenever combat starts, s/he can't carry more stuff or there are no more items to pick up.

- Scatter party ([X] key): Party members within 5 hex radius from the PC will run 4-6 tiles away, causing the party to spread out. NPCs with the default distance settings to follow_close will run back almost immediately, though. Also, don't expect cleverness from NPCs, specially if the destination is blocked.

- PC loot bodies ([T] key): The dude PC will attemp to loot bodies automatically as the NPCs. Only one member of the party (NPC or dude) may loot bodies at a time. Using this order while an NPC is already looting will cause the callback of the NPC, the dude PC resuming the looting if s/he is able. To stop the dude and cancel the order, press again [T].</blockquote>

Thread on NMA

In other modding news .Pixote. has released 300+ peices of Tactic artwork in Fallout 2 FRM, which makes for a very good modding resource.
Sounds like this would remove quite a bit of frustrations that people often bring up.

This mod is a little gem. There will be no more need to ask all party members to put there weapons away, one after the other when entering NCR. Also, that annoying bug where you cannot reach loot due to corpses being in the way, should not be an issue any more. Show pelicano some love and this mod might get even better :)
Very impressive list of features! Some of that stuff sounds like it would have been almost impossible to add to the game.

so there are no issues with this and anything from killap/the bear?
i wonder if all parties would consider adding this to the restoration project?
I love the loot commands. I disliked using pulse weapons because it always made looting a pain but an automated loot command will really speed things up.
I love the loot command as well. I'll be using all of these now. I've always played as a lone wolf because I usually hate parties. Hopefully this will help me out a bit.
Maybe now Vic isn't gonna start running away like a dumbass to his death whenever I try to kill the Wanamingos in Redding.
I'd completely forgotten about this mod. I'm glad people still have fun with it. Enjoy!
Most likely. I don't see why it shouldn't, it's a pretty straightforward script. If someone run into any problem post it in the thread.
This is just a little script add-on that will allow the player to give common orders to party members on the 'fly', using keyboard hotkeys, in any given moment outside combat mode.

Does anyone know of a mod that allows control of NPCs 'inside' combat mode? Akin to Baldur's Gate?

One of my biggest frustrations with FO2 so far (and FO1 for that matter).[/u]
IIRC there is option to turn in one of the ini files in RP to control party members, but it's not fully implemented and almost feels like exploiting
Ekans22 said:
Does anyone know of a mod that allows control of NPCs 'inside' combat mode? Akin to Baldur's Gate?

One of my biggest frustrations with FO2 so far (and FO1 for that matter).[/u]

SFall has that option, look for the ddraw.ini file in the Fallout folder (I'm assuming your playing the Restoration Project, otherwise download Sfall for F2) and change this setting -

;Set to one to directly control party members in combat

Change the 0 to 1.

That should do the trick, unless Timeslip has nuked that function.

EDIT: Just checked, it still works.
This is awesome stuff. I saw the option to enable the party commands when re-installing everything not long ago, but I never got to trying 'em out. One day.... one day...

Controlling NPCs in combat is interesting but sounds so wrong when we're talking about Fallout, though õ_o
Yeah, it's not Fallout if Marcus doesn't occasionally kill the rest of the party with his Minigun.
That's kind of why I never take Marcus with me.. Combat wise Cassidy and Sulik cut it for me just fine - and if you have more, even if you control them in combat, navigating interiors is a pain, because they block doorways.

And that's very funny, because the new 3D Beth Fallout games have the same issue :clap: NPCs still clog doorways.
Marcus is actually alright with a (Turbo) Plasma Rifle. But I also stick with Sulik and Cassidy most of the time.