Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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serioussam909 said:
I am having an odd crash when I kill Ken Lee in San Francisco.
I applied this expansion after a fresh install and applied all fixes after that.
You cannot expect someone to give you a detailed explanation of how to bypass this crash, if you don't give any details yourself.

However, i remember that i killed him with plasticEX, and i had no crash at all.
Ah, as i recall someone said that killing most npc with s-stims leads to crashes, so try to sneak-kill him or blow him up with explosives.
gracul said:
Ah, as i recall someone said that killing most npc with s-stims leads to crashes

Oddly enough, I use super stims to sneak-kill all the time with no problems, though I haven't tried Ken Lee this playthrough.
Pihi said:
I have one problem, Sulik, that damnt tribal do nothing at combat, only says that "i don't fight against that or this..." Then that nomad walk away just like nothing happened... He have hammer, knife, SMG+ammo, Desert eagle and leather combat armor... Damnt coward... i might shoot him myself...

leftclick on him and examine him with the binoculars. I bet he has two cripled legs, lost his left arm and does the best he can with what he has left of his right one. Using the Doctor skill should help.
If that doesnt help perhaps upload a savegame or something might help.
New installer?

Yo killap,

I noticed there is a new installer, F2_Restoration_Project_1.1.exe, dated 04-Feb-2008. Anything special about this build?
You cannot expect someone to give you a detailed explanation of how to bypass this crash, if you don't give any details yourself.

However, i remember that i killed him with plasticEX, and i had no crash at all.
I tried to kill him with plastic explosives - you can load my savegame and try it yourself.
When his hit points reach 0 - game crashes...
Re: New installer?

ckboon said:
Yo killap,

I noticed there is a new installer, F2_Restoration_Project_1.1.exe, dated 04-Feb-2008. Anything special about this build?
Heh, well yes. So, I am currently (and have been for a few days) quite ill and haven't been able to get all that I need done. GameStar magazine has asked to include my work on one of their cds that comes with their magazine. Their deadline was today and though I was hoping to fix all the known issues in 1.1 and release a 1.2, this was just not possible in my current health state. Thus, I fixed quite a number of issues and since I want to fix more for 1.2, I just went ahead and did a silent update to 1.1. Thus, if you want the latest fixes, you could regrab 1.1. Still, there will be a 1.2 and many more fixes will be included in this release.
Re: New installer?

killap said:
Heh, well yes. So, I am currently (and have been for a few days) quite ill and haven't been able to get all that I need done. GameStar magazine has asked to include my work on one of their cds that comes with their magazine. Their deadline was today and though I was hoping to fix all the known issues in 1.1 and release a 1.2, this was just not possible in my current health state. Thus, I fixed quite a number of issues and since I want to fix more for 1.2, I just went ahead and did a silent update to 1.1. Thus, if you want the latest fixes, you could regrab 1.1. Still, there will be a 1.2 and many more fixes will be included in this release.

Take it easy and have a good rest.
Sorry you don't feel well man. I hope you get better soon.. I know how it is to be sick and still have all your school obligations: no fun.

Ok, so I'm just about through with my game so here are all the 'bugs' i've found. if you need more detail just let me know:

History: Humongous Install (1.0) -> Restoration 1.0 + b-team & quick goris -> uninstalled 1.0 -> installed

1.1 + b-team & quick goris-> applied fixes (as of 1/27)

-Leaving Arroyo
After Kaga encounter, empty encounter immediately.
-The Den
Residential: boy who gives Mom's quest, gives quest then immediately asks if you have any updates.
Residential: after defeating tyler's gang, lara gives 'meet us back' line, her gang disapears she gives 'meet us back' line again and disapears herself
-Broken Hills
Female caravan guard infront of door to Chad / Bill is 'Error' in dialogue & inspection
Entering Chad's house: "Carefully undoor the locking mechanism.."
3rd Level (perhaps all): Repairing w/o inspection yields repair for 0xp. 1 inspection & repair yields disable for 0 xp, 2nd inspection & repair yields disabled w/ 200xp
Above ground: Northwest part of wall stops, can run around
Above ground: lockpicking doesn't give any message
Sub-level 3: terminal on generator in rm. w/ big computer doesn't give any input
Green Level: functional computer-> downloading biology -> error & only reply is error
Green Level: 'using' air vent outside elevator does nothing/gives no msg
red level: door infront of mona-lisa rm -> use door: enter code [abre not avail], use red keycard, 'use'-> 'confirm overide code' and 'exit' is only option. door won't open
Marijuana use (conjunction with psycho) permanently increased PE+1, EN+2, AG+1
Biology disk not recognized by Brother Paul, can't add info to computer
-Vault City
Tap Room hostile when entering. No mutants in party. After scouting Gecko, killing raiders, scouting to NCR, reporting Bishop to Lynette (account book and bishop holodisk) but BEFORE I've talked to Westin, get Vault Village quest, talk to village leader and get $10k for weapons. Talking to Joe fixes it
Re: New installer?

killap said:
Heh, well yes. So, I am currently (and have been for a few days) quite ill and haven't been able to get all that I need done. GameStar magazine has asked to include my work on one of their cds that comes with their magazine. Their deadline was today and though I was hoping to fix all the known issues in 1.1 and release a 1.2, this was just not possible in my current health state. Thus, I fixed quite a number of issues and since I want to fix more for 1.2, I just went ahead and did a silent update to 1.1. Thus, if you want the latest fixes, you could regrab 1.1. Still, there will be a 1.2 and many more fixes will be included in this release.

Sweet! ^_^ Thanks for taking the time to upload it! Rest up, Killap. You've earned it... quite awhile ago, actually.
Just an idea...

i've Had this idea a while back and i'd like to know if its possible. (although i doubt it)

Would it be possible to work a 'holster' key into the game, one that would send any held weapons to inventory and get the NPCs to put their guns away too? Obviously useful for those random encounters with caravans and places like NCR where the locals tend to frown upon people wondering about with guns drawn. This would be especially useful for me as i like traveling with a small army and telling each one of them to put their guns away for the thousandth time gets a bit annoying.

Thanks again for the hard work killap, take it easy and ffs, somebody pass him a stimpack :P
Heh, thanks for the kind words everyone. I am trying to rest up but I have a quite the load of assignments due by the end of the week. Sadly, no rest for the Bear Dude.

Oh, and just as a heads up. I made some significant changes to how the Village questline is handled. All the variables associated with it have been changed and cleaned up. Thus, if you are in the process of doing this quest, you HAVE to load up a save prior to accepting the quest from Stark. If you already did the quest, then there is no real worry, as long as you don't look into it that is ;). Things will certainly be broken as a result of these changes and parts of the quest may have reopened. The changes are for the better though as they should have fixed all the known issues with the Vault Village.
I have Fallout 2 (humoungus) - Restoration 1.1 with fast grynis and b-team installed. Game crashes when I try to enter three different areas. See below.


I have gotten to EPA and I go through vent and into the next area (utility area). Whenever I try to take either elevator to either (sub level 1-etc) floor. I get a "BLONG" sound and I get the following error:

Application error!
The instruction at 0048d9a4 referenced memory at 0846c717
The memory could not be read from. Click ok to terminate the application.

Then when I press ok I get the following:

dwwin.exe - Application Error
The exception Breakpoint
A breakpoint has been reached
(0x80000003) occured in the application at location 0x7c901230

Click on OK to terminate the program
Click on CANCEL to debug the program.

What is wrong and what I can do to fix it?

I really really love the restoration mod and I really want to continue playing it :)

Keep up the great work Killap!
I got the car, drove to Redding, went to the trunk.

The trunk vanished from the back half of the car. I clicked on the car and got this:


Error!: partyMemberPrepItemSaveAll: Can't find script!
Hello, at first thank you killap for this great stuff.I´ve played Fallout since the first time and this game is imho the best rpg ever in pc history.

So, i have a question:

I´ve read your fact list about this mod and you write that non english users must rename the Fallout2\data\Text\English folder into (in my example) German to play this mod.
I´ve done this and i can also start the game but then there is a mix between german and english text files.

For example, at the char create menu, the discriptions for strenght,stamina,intelligence... are in english and the discriptions for the special abilitys like small guns,first aid or close combat are in german. Thats not so bad but the dialogues and text files in game were also a mix between english and german.

Can you/anybody tell me how i can get this mod playable in german?

Greetings from Cologne

Segestis said:
Can you/anybody tell me how i can get this mod playable in german?

Greetings from Cologne


The extra content which Killap `reactivated` was never meant to be implemented in the german version of the game, so the developers never made the effort to translate the stuff. Even on your german Fallou-CD the files should be english.
But as far as I know a german Fallout fan community is planing to translate the mod to german within an unspecified period of time.

Die Inhalte, die Killap reaktiviert hat, sollten eigentlich nie released werden in der deutschen Version, deshalb haben die Entwickler sich nie die Muehe gemacht sie zu uebersetzen. Sogar auf deiner deutschen Fallou-CD sind die Files alle noch in englisch.
Aber soweit ich weiss plant eine deustche Fallout Fangemeinde den Mod irgendwann demnaechst zu uebersetzen.

Sorry I wrote a german translation beneath my post, but I wanted to make sure there are no missunderstandings.

regards, Skel
Skeltek said:
Segestis said:
Can you/anybody tell me how i can get this mod playable in german?

Greetings from Cologne


The extra content which Killap `reactivated` was never meant to be implemented in the german version of the game, so the developers never made the effort to translate the stuff. Even on your german Fallou-CD the files should be english.
But as far as I know a german Fallout fan community is planing to translate the mod to german within an unspecified period of time.

Die Inhalte, die Killap reaktiviert hat, sollten eigentlich nie released werden in der deutschen Version, deshalb haben die Entwickler sich nie die Muehe gemacht sie zu uebersetzen. Sogar auf deiner deutschen Fallou-CD sind die Files alle noch in englisch.
Aber soweit ich weiss plant eine deustche Fallout Fangemeinde den Mod irgendwann demnaechst zu uebersetzen.

Sorry I wrote a german translation beneath my post, but I wanted to make sure there are no missunderstandings.

regards, Skel

Danke für deine Antwort!

I hope they will translate this mod as fast as possible... 8-)
Oh no, i´ve had only a 4 Day holyday before i get back to work and my english is on the lvl of an 14 years old kiddy ;)

I think that is a job for students whit good english skills :P
Hello everybody!

First I would like to thank Killap for the job he is doing and express my appreciation for this restoration project. It rocks!!!

And here is a small but annoying bug: everytime i tried to select the "print to file" option in the character creation window, the game crashed. I run us 1.0 version, patched with the latest EXP. 1.1 and the files from fixes directory (1 page of this thread).

This is it for now! Killap, thank you once again for your devotion to Fallout. Keep it up!!!

:-) :-) :-)
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