Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Corrected most of *unintentional* typos in F2 dialog files while having RP 1.2 on. So.. thought this might be the place to put it. If not - ignore it.


Here's the ReadMe, which is also included:

The What...
I went through each an' every dialog file and corrected about 90% of unintentional typos. I repeat: "unintentional". Which means.. keeping in mind: dumb, drunk, silly, accent-related, and any such intentional misspellings in dialogs. Also, I haven't added any of my personal comments.. that would be unprofessional.

The Watchout...
I used killap’s RP 1.2 while doing this, so I suggest these files be used with it - ONLY it.

The How...
Simply copy, paste and overwrite the files into ...\Fallout2\data\Text\English\Dialog

The Tip...
If, for whatever reason, you decide you don't want these files after applying them, be sure to make a backup of the original Dialog folder beforehand. Altering them doesn't affect saved games, meaning: you can go back and forth as much as you want.

The Test...
Play the RP without these files. When/if you run into an "unintentional" typo, in your opinion, save the game, apply the files and try that spot again.. see if there's a difference.

The Note...
I have not included the files that needed no editing, only the offenders.

Done this for *me*, but said "hey - wtfn"... right?
Unno said:
Corrected most of *unintentional* typos in F2 dialog files while having RP 1.2 on. So.. thought this might be the place to put it. If not - ignore it.
Wow, thanks Unno. I will go through all these files since numerous dialogue changes occurred between 1.2 and 1.3. I really appreciate this though! I actually did a typo run through myself when I made my unofficial patch. I only corrected obvious typos though - ones that would be caught by a spell checker and not typos like: "there, their, etc"

I am not surprised most typos occurred in the new RP locations. I wrote the majority of that dialogue late at night and never fully sat down to read through it all properly.

Thanks again!
Mr.Wolna said:
so what? i have to translate something again? ^^
No. These are typos that have been fixed. There are not relevant to translations. I will assume all your German dialogue files are typo free though! :D
killap said:
Thanks again!

Glad if it helps. Heh, put me on a grave somewhere.. say a typo stabbed me in the *bcak*. :lol:

Just kidding. I would probably hunt it down. :twisted:

On a serious note, I have a question.. don't know if you'll remember:

In Reno, when picking a pornstar male name[newr1].. there's a lot of empty name spaces, like more of them was originally intended.

Q: Could they be filled with custum names, and work correctly? Meaning: would they be linked to certain NPC lines, like the other ones.. or are those some "invisible-script-related-already used-blank spaces"?

~Just wonderin...
killap said:
Mr.Wolna said:
so what? i have to translate something again? ^^
No. These are typos that have been fixed. There are not relevant to translations. I will assume all your German dialogue files are typo free though! :D

ok, good to hear. wish luck that ou can realese in the nearly future.

and also hope for the source, to make support for other mods basend on the RP stuff. ;)
@ Unno

Looks like 'newr1.msg' has 30 male names + those blanks, and there are 48 female names. I would try just filling in the blanks, (18 of them, if the last is left blank like the first in both lists?) and see what it does. I doubt it could hurt anything.

Seems the male developers could fill all the spaces for female porn stars but ran out of ideas for males. :P
About three new recruitable NPCs we were promised to find inside EPA in RP 1.3: am I guessing correct that they're the people from cryogenic tanks, who will join the player instead of running away or dying , like in RP 1.2?
B-2Admirer said:
About three new recruitable NPCs we were promised to find inside EPA in RP 1.3: am I guessing correct that they're the people from cryogenic tanks, who will join the player instead of running away or dying , like in RP 1.2?
Correct. The people you see in the cryo tanks can now be recruited in 1.3. They have detailed personalities/backgrounds, weapon usage, etc.

Progress is occurring. After some more tweaking/fixing a round of testing is underway.
B-2Admirer said:
Will it be possible to recruit all three or only one of them for one game?
Only 1 per game. Which one you get depends upon what skills you have/karma standing.
B-2Admirer said:
What can you say about the issue i raised earlier in this thread ? Got no reply from you back then...
Wo, that was a while back. Sorry, it is hard for me to respond to every post here.

I don't plan on making any drugs usable on Skynet, since like you said, he is not an organism (even though his brain is organic). As for the other items like the monument chunk/Miss Kitty items, I am not sure... It seems that the reason you cannot use items on Skynet is that the "use_on" flag is disabled for him. Enabling it would allow for any item to be used on Skynet (unless something hardcoded to prevent anything from being used on Skynet). Though it is quite easy to restrict what can be used on him, I wonder whether the original devs left this flag disable for a reason. At this time I am not going to change anything here, though I understand where you are coming from.
I wonder whether the original devs left this flag disable for a reason.
Wonder on then. I estimate it would take you about 1765490372 years of wondering to come up with the reason they would add the pretty umambiguous dialog line about him, but intentionally disabled the item, which is connected with this line, to be used on him...
B-2Admirer said:
I wonder whether the original devs left this flag disable for a reason.
Wonder on then. I estimate it would take you about 1765490372 years of wondering to come up with the reason they would add the pretty umambiguous dialog line about him, but intentionally disabled the item, which is connected with this line, to be used on him...
You do realize that different people were working on different maps, no? So it's very possible that the creator of Skynet didn't want any drugs used on him and disabled that, while the New Reno maker was unaware of this and therefore tried to have Kitty use the drugs on him anyway.

Thanks. I asked cause I wanted to skip testing it myself - lazy. Did it anyway.. works.


newr1 said:
{531}{}{Kendo Bob}
{532}{}{Joe Plumber}
{534}{}{Monty and Python}
{535}{}{Russel Roar}
{536}{}{Ben Dover}
{537}{}{Action Jackson}
{538}{}{Reno Rammer}
{539}{}{Barry Poppings}
{541}{}{Ken Cummings III}
{542}{}{Deep Dweller}
{543}{}{John Doe}
{544}{}{Vanilla Slice}
{545}{}{B. B. Pounder}
{546}{}{He Man}
{547}{}{Gillermo Boa}
{548}{}{Jimmy Jammer}


I know you got enough on your plate, but maybe some of these could be implemented into 1.3.. it's easy enough to do? ^^

Also, about those files, from before.. I made one correction, forgot to mention it.

The Vault said:

Confirmed: Aunt Morlis' Flints - After convincing Aunt Morlis to give me the flint without three healing powders in return, she tells me "Sorry! I must have misplaced it". Nevertheless I end up with a flint in my inventory and 50 EXP. I think that's the answer she would normally give if the flint was stolen from her which I most certainly did not do. - fixed for 1.3 (unreleased)

Edited her line[ACMORLIS] when passing speech check...

{303}{}{Well... Oh, I'm sorry but I seem to have misplaced the flint. I wish you a safe journey though, child.}

{303}{}{Well... Oh, here you go. And don’t say I never did nothing for you. I wish you a safe journey, child.}

I ran all scenarios before making the change(success, fail, steal before, steal after, male, female.. etc) just to make sure. Since it says fixed up there.. thought I mention it.

PS Sorry about the numbers an' brackets.. I'm a "Ctrl + anykey" kinda guy.
As far as the game goes, yes they are.

The monumental chunk is from a random encounter, so it's just a joke.
While it's technically a drug, who knows how the hell it's supposed to work. It's not really part of the Fallout universe. Since I don't consider it to be a "real" item anyway, I can't say that I care if it can be used on Skynet or not.

But for the strength boost, what the hell? He's a machine, just how would he get stronger? He does not have mussels, so no adrenaline giving that extra oxygen... makes no sense.

@ Unno,
There was more problems with Morlis, but it has already been fixed.
I like your "Monty and Python" one. :)
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