Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Sorry for a double post, but I managed to click on the wasp and Sulik came up talking.
I'll try removing his armour maybe...
Wonder if I could click on Vic too... he must be somewhere ;)

---=== EDITED ===---
Alright, so I've told Sulik to remove the weapon and the armour and now he is still a wasp but is visible all the time (with a "frozen" 1 frame sprite) or flying after me when I move.
5h00n4y said:
encinodude said:
Does the wasp-morph issue happen when you put armor on Sulik?
Yes, they both had an armour, IIRC Sulik had the black jacket and Vic had the green leather armour.
But I see only one wasp and he appears only when following me - completely vanishes when standing still - I can't click on him nor select him.
Can I access their "config panel" with a key or something, without having to click on one of them?
Damn, that's the only save I've got :(

Lord Danath said:
Have you tried uninstalling Fallout 2 completely?
Yes. Now I've used the windows reinstaller.

I'm sure it's a problem from a messed-up install. Back your saves, uninstall Fallout 2, deleted the whole folder and reinstall again.
encinodude said:
I'm sure it's a problem from a messed-up install. Back your saves, uninstall Fallout 2, deleted the whole folder and reinstall again.

and try a different folder than usually :wink:
I'm at the enclave now. Did the elevator for the prisoner level change? I went to the elevator by the entrance (room full of turrets), but it just takes me to the vertibird pad now.
Crow1108 said:
I'm at the enclave now. Did the elevator for the prisoner level change? I went to the elevator by the entrance (room full of turrets), but it just takes me to the vertibird pad now.

The way to the prison level is right next to the Vertibird pad, 0.5 in-game meters to NW or so. I think it's a staircase rather than an elevator, actually.
Bofast said:
Crow1108 said:
I'm at the enclave now. Did the elevator for the prisoner level change? I went to the elevator by the entrance (room full of turrets), but it just takes me to the vertibird pad now.

The way to the prison level is right next to the Vertibird pad, 0.5 in-game meters to NW or so. I think it's a staircase rather than an elevator, actually.

Ah, didn't see it behind the elevator. Thanks Bofast!
OK, so I did the following:
- uninstalled
- deleted folder
- searched the registry for keywords (fallout, black isle, interplay) and deleted them
- restarted my pc
- installed to a differently named folder
- copied mod's files
- copied saved game
... and... nothing changed, I see wasps everywhere, arghhh!!! :(

Any more ideas, please? :(
5h00n4y said:
The Restoration Project I mean ;)
You said earlier that you unrar'd unofficialFO2patch_manual_install.rar before F2RP - that's not necessary. If you reinstall FO2 and then apply the automatic F2RP installer (don't unrar anything manually, and don't install the unofficial patch), do you still have this problem?
Yes, I did so earlier, but now I've only copied the mod files manually into the appropriate folders.
You think auto installer can solve this?
Oh well, might as well check it, but laters, I'm currently not in the mood... :(
5h00n4y said:
I'm currently not in the mood... :(

Not in the mood? Mood's a thing for cattle and loveplay

sorry couldnt resist. maybe killap or some other god will figure out something :D
I found Connar, but for some reason he always tells me to Leave him alone, thus I have no access to the Vault Village...

Another interesting crash is when I do the EPA quest. It seems after I have fixed the light issue and head back up to tell the doctor about it the whole game crashes every friggin time. I suppose this happened before I used the fix you had for EPA. I guess I will try again later then.
Carib FMJ said:
I found Connar, but for some reason he always tells me to Leave him alone, thus I have no access to the Vault Village...
I assume you found connar in the VC servant area? Did you by chance get the quest to help the village but neglect them for a month? Or are you running 1.1 of the RP? This issue shouldn't be present anymore in 1.2. Are we sure a fresh install was made?

Carib FMJ said:
Another interesting crash is when I do the EPA quest. It seems after I have fixed the light issue and head back up to tell the doctor about it the whole game crashes every friggin time. I suppose this happened before I used the fix you had for EPA. I guess I will try again later then.
Please post a savegame.

I appreciate the help in getting to the bottom of 5h00n4y 's problem.

It sounds like you are using old scripts or something - which are referring to incorrect protos. I suggest this - though this has already been mentioned. Uninstall the game completely. Make sure the Fallout directory has been removed entirely (of course keep track of your save games) Next, install the game with a humongous installation. Next, re-download the installer version of the RP from my signature and install it. Finally, copy back over your save games.
My vote is that the save games are already corrupted and have information saved that is not correct. Perhaps he had some old files from a previous mod. The clean install may work but only if he plays from scratch (or before loading the relevant maps) and I'd give him the benefit of the doubt on the install since he listed the steps he took. Doesn't the game save the areas so that future edits to the maps have no effect until the game is restarted.

If he has a save from before starting the quest then maybe it would work for him.
Voila!, solved it, many many thanks everyone.
Now I've done a perfectly clear install again, BUT, with the auto-installer and added the extras.
I believe that was it, the manual installer doesn't have those special armours or something is missing and it causes problems.
How on earth it got on my HD in the first place? No idea. T'was a sleepy night...
@ TheHologram

dont forget the savegames are working for everyone else. I'm no expert but I doubt that they are corrupted. anyway I just had an idea. I made a savegame on my system outside of VC. would you try it out 5h00n4y? maybe it'll help. SAVEGAME

EDIT: congratulations :clap: youre a faster typer than me
GlowHound said:
I was wondering, who put the animations and everything for the FOT Environmental armor in?

Wild_qwerty converted them from FOT to FO and I physically put them in.
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