serious bug
begging for hotfix
so many pages and i cant believe nobody found this bug.
brain rat is still heavily bugged. he can easily make vault village unreachable
* 1. Get weapons for Connar to be used at the nearby village.
1) Connar will tell you to find Joe near Cassidy's bar for help in obtaining the guns. He will send you to Harry to buy them, then you can return with the weapons for 800xp. Talking to Joe will also reveal there is a better way to solve the problem. Joe will refer you to Councilman McClure, and also tell you some ghouls might be behind the problem. If you ask Connar about the rats he will tell you the same thing, and also give you one of the amulets if you want. Talk to McClure and tell him you think you can get rid of the molerats by finding out who controls them.
2) In the Gecko junkyard, find the hole in the back to the hidden home of the 'Brain' rat. The rat will tell you about optimising the power plant, and you can get him to stop the molerat attacks in exchange for agreeing to fix the powerplant.
3) If you solve the problem without ever buying the weapons, then Connar lets you keep the $10,000, and you can't get the 800xp.
its possible to go straight to point 2 without getting the quest from stark and never see vault village in the result
i arrived at vault city and as usual started with simple quests and gecko power plant problem. i think its logical to do gecko quests first and leave ncr scouting for later as its dangerous trip. doing it this way i talked to brain rat about power plant and then suddenly i got dialogue:
something like this

k you've fixed the plant, now go optimise it
chosen:kk, but remember we have a deal. you'll pull back your man or there wont be any optimisation.
and then the message that i stopped brain's monsters. i was like "whaaat?". but i didnt find it as something wrong and continued. after power plant optimisation i reported it to mclure and he said
mclure: wow, rats stopped attacking our patrols.
again i didnt know what he's talking about.
then i went to ncr, returned and no, no. vault village quest line is broken. cant get village quests at all, stark wont talk about it.
this way vault village is completely unreachable and my way of solving quests isnt something unusual. who said i shouldn't talk to brain rat, who said i should go to ncr first. there's just a dialogue option avaiable to everyone which breaks whole vault village quests tree.
i'm on my 2nd perfect run with RP. first time i had 10 points in agi, didnt know that EPA gives perma +1 agi bonus so game restart

. now this...
killap, anyone. please, please, pretty please. can you make a hotfix before version 1.3 which forces stark to give this quest regardless of brain rat bugged dialogues? i'd like to see this village

oh please. there's no 1.3 ETA and its pretty serious bug since its locking unlocked content
oh. im lurking on this forum for some time. never posted before but im enjoying it very much, especially great mods and this preciousss RP.