@Brunzer, Darek
It's entirely possible I missed something in the Dunton/brahmin/Torr quest, but it didn't seem like it. I always tag speech, and when I was in Klamath my speech was 102 with charisma of 6 and intelligence of 7.
Unfortunately that happens sometimes, it's an old problem with no solution. The same problem happens with the Mapper.
I went straight to Modoc from the Den, and had some very confusing issues in Modoc when I arrived. My installation is slightly different since I'm using a heavily-modified mcmiria.int compared to the standard-issue RP 2.0 version, but I don't think that has any influence on the issues described below (particularly since a few others have reported variations of the same problems). Here's what happened in the course of doing all the Modoc quests:
--I talked to Farrel and Cornelius about the watch situation, retrieved the watch, and gave it to Farrel who thanked me. The quest was crossed off in my PibBoy and I got 1500 xp, but then I went up to talk to Cornelius and on his initial dialogue screen only (Hello thar!) one of my options was "Farrell has a wall safe...". I went back to Farrel and his dialogue options were as if I hadn't recovered the watch yet.
--Bess just wasn't working. I healed her leg, but she never stood up (in the display box, her description was "Bess already looks healthy" and "Unhurt"). I stopped by several times and clicked on Bess to talk (Moooo) but she never stood.
--Everything was going well with Balthas initially; he asked me to find Johnny and Laddie came along with me. There was nothing unusual about his functioning, until I went to the Ghost Farm. When I returned to Modoc with the Slag letter, Balthas was broke in a very strange way that I don't understand (as some others have noted earlier). If I tried to talk to him before speaking to Jo, Balthas' response area was blank and my only dialogue option was "Go on" (without the usual tiny green dot in front of it); clicking on this closed the dialogue screen. If I talked to Jo first about the Slag letter and then talked to Balthas, he offered the line "Thanks again, my friend, for saving our little town," and my only possible response was, once again, an odd "Go on" with no dot in front that closed the dialogue screen. I then went back to the Ghost Farm to tell Vegeir the good news and get Jonny. Upon my return I had the usual cutscene with the family reunited, and Balthas seemed to be working normally again/I could have a normal conversation with him ("Let me see your wares/Goodbye").
I tried looking at the scripts for the actors behaving oddly and for all those involved that had a new timestamp compared to RP 1.2--Balthas, Bess, Jo, Balthas' box, Jo's box--and couldn't find anything that looked wrong (the Cornelius and Farrel scripts have the same timestap as the RP 1.2 ones, so I scanned them but didn't look at them too closely). Since I couldn't figure anything out I started experimenting, and things got even more strange. I replaced mcbaltha.int and mcbess.int with the respective scripts from RP 1.2, and reloaded a save game from before entering Modoc (so the replacement scripts would load). This time:
--Bess was working fine. I healed her leg, and she stood up right away and started following me around.
--There was no problem with Cornelius and Farrel. I talked to them both, retrieved the watch, and gave it to Farrel. The quest was completed and, unlike the previous attempt, both men recognized that the feud was settled and properly displayed the correct post-feud dialogue options. Note that I did not alter mcfarrel.int or mccornel.int at all to acheive this outcome.
--There were no problems with Balthas. After returning from the Ghost Farm I was able to tell him the Slags had Jonny, and had a normal conversation with him for that point onward. He continued to work normally after I retrieved Jonny and their family was reunited.
I'm not sure what to make of all that, particularly the Cornelius/Farrel thing. I'll continue the game from this point using the RP 1.2 mcbaltha.int and mcbess.int, since once I leave Modoc there's not much else to be done with either of them.
Some other issues I noticed around Modoc:
--Line 104 of eckaga2.msg needs revision:
{104}{}{After Kaga kill yous, he will burn Arroyo to the ground.}
{104}{}{After Kaga kills you, he will burn Arroyo to the ground.}
--Someone earlier mentioned a problem with in-party Miria disappearing after blowing up the outhouse. This happened to me as well, but it's very erratic. I planted the dynamite and climbed the ladder; when my party appeared on the updated B&B map, Miria was nowhere to be found. I had saved the game right before going down the well, so I reloaded and blew it up again. This time Mira was standing next to me and functioning normally when we materialized on the updated B&B map.
--In Rose's B&B, the hallway door closest to Rose starts out open. Perhaps it should start closed, unless starting it open is the fix for the annoying instant-closing door issue there (in which case I'd say it's just fine as it is).
--Two of the children standing right next to Jonny (immediately on his left) at the Slag reservoir should be little girl sprites rather than little boys, according to their description.
--I don't know how you have your script headers organized with #includes, etc, but as I was looking at mcbess.int I saw she uses local variables 0, 1, 2, and 3 for things like follow distance, waiting, etc. These local variables are pre-defined/reserved for other purposes, though, in modreact.h. I'm sure you already knew that, so I'm guessing it's not a problem in Bess' case.