Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Found another small bug. All the Geckos but one in Arrayo (a quest with the dog) do not attack me.
Hello, I´m a first-time poster but long-time Fallout-player.

I´ve been away from Fallout for some years and I return to it to discover this awesome Restoration Project. Thanks to killap and everyone else working on it. This will be the first time I try it out.

But I have a problem. Fallout 2 won´t start, it says "Couldn´t find/load text fonts". There was some error during installation (some number wasn´t correct?). What should I do? Reinstall the RP? Reinstall everything?

Anyway, thanks once again for an awesome mod.
Anyone know a fix for falche? or maybe its just my problem it's just a bummer cause I'm a total pack rat

And on my XP machine it says "Character data (main1) not found
Xellos said:
ciechan said:
Found another small bug. All the Geckos but one in Arrayo (a quest with the dog) do not attack me.
AFAIK it was always like that :)

I didn't know that; it should be fixed anyway :)

thx for the new Sfall, sound is fine now :D

When did the error come out, during the instalation of Fallout or RP?
Sephis said:
Ummm somtimes fallout 2 crashes when I alt tab out, is there a setting i can edit for this (windows 7 64 bit if that matters)

and while I may be frowned upon for doing this, I use falche2 to edit my carry weight, But I can't seem to find my save game?
Falche2 don't work with the RP. Get F2se instead. It's much better anyway.

As for where your saves are.
A "missing" FO2 savegame directory is a Windows Vista issue. Save games and other items are placed in a hidden AppData folder, usually located at C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2. It's called the Virtual Store, and it's part of Vista's UAC. Any file writes to the Program Files directory by limited user applications are rerouted there, so if you installed Fallout anywhere apart from the Program Files folder you won't be affected. You also won't be effected if you set Fallout to run as administrator, or completely disable UAC (which is strongly advised if using many pre-Vista apps). It can actually cause a problem for people who don't know about it; if you start a game of Fallout, and then later on set Fallout to run as administrator, all your saves will vanish.
(Entry courtesy of Jabu and Timeslip thread posts.)
Found a small bug in Klamath:

The quest to protect Torr's "Moo Moos" happens at the same time of day that you take it.

I remember it always taking place at night otherwise Torr's dialogue makes no sense.
@Darek, thank you for the response i'll have to try that when I get home and see if it works! I need to carry all those scorpion tails and junk darnit! Why is it better by the way*

*Nevermind Now that I opened it on my XP machine to look at it, it's pretty obvious why it's better. I think I'll reinstall Fallout 2 in my game folder when I get home.

Will editing the game date let me artifically bypass the games 13 year limit without ruining the game? (This Editor is cool)
Psihotik said:
when I enter the options menu and character creation, it all seems like it's fast forwarded, the dude picture is spinning like crazy and when i try to enter the resolution, one type makes around two to three numbers, I tried to type in 768, but all I get is 7777 or 7766. Any ideas?

With sfall, you can control the speed of the game. It sounds like it somehow got cranked way up for you. Try holding Crtl and pressing 1 or 2 on the number pad to slow down the speed.

TJ07 said:
So I think I found a big one. I met this Jason guy in Abbey and I offered to escort him to Gecko so he can play Tragic or something and then the screen goes black. I can still see myself and my party, but I'm surround by a black backround. I can just run around there while listening to the Gecko's soundtrack

I encountered that same problem while beta testing, it's too bad that it managed to sneak into the release version. I'd recommend that everyone hold off on escorting Jason until killap releases a little bug-fix patch.
etrev said:
Is there any way to make font bigger? In 1280x1024 it is way too small, and in smaller resolutions in looks like shit on my lcd. After few dialogues I did exit the game, because my eyes hurts from the small font.

I had a lot of trouble finding a resolution that looked good, but ultimately I found the game looked best if I turned off DX9 Mode and just set the resolution to what I wanted (1280x960 in my case).
Sephis said:
Hmm I turn invisible with items edited or created lol
There are probably no animations for whatever weapon you added.
Try putting an armor on first.

Lionel Lark said:
Start playing a stealth character then!
Better yet, set the game to "Ghost mode"

@ spukrian

It sounds like you got a problem with your fallout2.cfg file.
Read about it in Troubleshooting FAQ, for technical help
It's also possible that some of your your proto files disappeared.
If so you need to reinstall and then make sure they are read-only.
Crashes when I move, am I ediiting items wrong?
or maybe when killap removed associated scripts with items they stopped existing properly to be editable?

if thats the case, i'll accept it happily in return for no more "too many items" bugs
ciechan said:
When did the error come out, during the instalation of Fallout or RP?

During the installation of the RP I got the message about incorrect numbers. Now, FallOut2.exe will not start (cannot find texts/fonts).

I did a manual install of FO2 according to the guidelines found here on NMA.

Well, I guess I should´ve tried starting Fallout 2 before installing the RP... then I would know.
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