Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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lucas. said:
mor said:
the bad luck dog... how do kill it?

Erm... what this has to do with the RP?

Anyway... The best way is to trap Pariah dog and you into a small room (lock the door... just in case).

Then shoot it until it's dead.

It's an horrible way to solve problems...
my bad, either i never encountered him or forgot i did and with all the newer stuff from RP i assumed its was your devil dog.

i think i an gonna choke him with my bare hands
Typo : Primitive Tribe, Ghost quest, dialog with the ghost,
she says "I'm a ghost stupid". There should be a comma after ghost.

unlogical dialog : Primitive Tribe, Ghost quest, burial ceremony;
shaman suddenly asks "are you ready, Karla?". How does he know the name? (The whole quest dialog feels strangely out of place, btw.)

Unstackable items : Primitive Tribe, Forest;
I suppose you adressed it as it is crossed out in the wiki, but the firewood does not stack, specifically I picked up the two north and then the one near the fireplace with bones. After that, having two and one in the inventory, I returned to the woman, gave her via dialog the wood, and retained one firewood in the inventory.

Hidden Items :
There are items under rugs in an Encounter, I think this was in "meeting some fisherman" that talk about how they throw spears in the storm. Since you can see the items now with SFALL left shift, minimum two items are under rugs and therefor unaccessible.
I have a screenshot of where one of them is.

Redding : Painless Doc Johnsons House:
I got the doctors bag from his shelves, used it on me but while healthy to the max and with a under 10% doctor skill, and the game says "you look healthy already", immediately followed by "The supplies in the doctors bag run out". Would this be a critical fail of my Doctor skill, or does the game trace a Doctor-bag-content variable that is set very low here?
Anyway to modify the world encounter rate?
I used to get 1-2 encounters every square with a luck of 7,now with luck 7 im lucky if i get 2 from Gecko to San Francisco and back :/
And yes,i have modified the world speed and encounter rate in the ddraw file but this seemed to change little, when i put speed 60 it goes extremely slow, and i do get a bit more encounters but still not to my liking, and when i changed the encounter rate i didnt see any change...
Any suggestions?
Having some problems with needles (empty hypodermics) not stacking, and this includes condoms too (Red mostly, but also blue).

Not sure if this is a bug, but there is a poster of me (a wanted one) in the Sherrifs Office in NCR despite the fact I have 1000+ Karma and no bad traits.
Chancellor Kremlin said:
Not sure if this is a bug, but there is a poster of me (a wanted one) in the Sherrifs Office in NCR despite the fact I have 1000+ Karma and no bad traits.
Is that the posters saying something about "looking familiar"?
There is on of those in the NCR entrance map and two in the NCR 1 map. They also suffer from clipping issues and should probably be removed.
mor said:
lucas. said:
mor said:
the bad luck dog... how do kill it?

Erm... what this has to do with the RP?

Anyway... The best way is to trap Pariah dog and you into a small room (lock the door... just in case).

Then shoot it until it's dead.

It's an horrible way to solve problems...
my bad, either i never encountered him or forgot i did and with all the newer stuff from RP i assumed its was your devil dog.

i think i an gonna choke him with my bare hands
Funny thing i got the encounter and i killed the pariah dog without it taking a ,,liking to me''...
When i finally killed it,considering it had 750 hp, i didnt get a +1 luck which is whats supposed to happen according to some people?Anyone get a +1 luck for killing that damn dog?
You don't get a +1 luck bonus for killing Pariah Dog.

It just makes your luck return to normal so killing him just makes your luck go back to normal.
Darek said:
Is that the posters saying something about "looking familiar"?There is on of those in the NCR entrance map and two in the NCR 1 map. They also suffer from clipping issues and should probably be removed.
That’s been rectified for RP 2.1…
Not really a bug but kind of annoying - after you help Farrel in Modoc clear his garden from rats and pigs, he still says "Now what?!" everytime. it makes sense that he'd be nicer to you then.
OK, this however IS a bug- my car disappeared in Modoc! I got in through the main part, then when I left for Bed & Breakfast and got back it wasn't there.
EDIT: OK nevermind, I actually remembered I got in through the Town Well by accident, so I figured it might be a bug and my car's still over at the ghost farm, and I was right.
ANOTHER Edit: OK I know I'm annoying but- it's hinted at one of Cornelius's crazy lines you can feed jerky to the dogs guarding the coop to keep them calm but I can't seem to find a way to do it.
EDIT NO 10000: these bugs just keep coming. ok so, the orphanage in the Den just plain disappeared. no sign, no children, just the drugs on the floor, beer and the squatters. It's still regarded as if there is one, but it just disappears. I wonder if I go away for a few days it'll come back, after the squatter thanked me for setting this up.
Many thanks for this great patch!

My suggestion is to include the high-res patch in full-install mode, as it's needed for EPA, maybe some other maps, too.
Typo : Redding, Wannamingo Mine Surface
In the lower left of the map in the half destroyed building is a pile of cartons that has an item description that contains a comma but should not.

Can't reach : Same Map.
In the left building is a generator and some "pump" with a ventilator. You have a "hand" icon for the pump, yet using it boils down to "you can't get there" yet you can stand in front of it from both sides.
do we have a savegame editor for the mod or is there away to add the geko reactor data Holodisks

i lost it somehow in between fixing the reactor and speaking to mc clure, didnt noticed and saved :(
mor said:
do we have a savegame editor for the mod or is there away to add the geko reactor data Holodisks

i lost it somehow in between fixing the reactor and speaking to mc clure, didnt noticed and saved :(

Savegame editor? Never heard of it.

This expansion runs fine with Win Vista, Xp and Seven?

Waiting for 2.1

Great work killap !
mor said:
do we have a savegame editor for the mod or is there away to add the geko reactor data Holodisks

i lost it somehow in between fixing the reactor and speaking to mc clure, didnt noticed and saved :(
there is savegame editor (that suppose to run with all mods)
I don't understand why it is so hard to search by oneself ? laziness or what? it was mentioned couple times in RP topics

congratulations to you, time to learn what is "Google" :roll:
Hey guys. Just did a fresh install and everything. Uninstalled and installed the whole game, the unofficial patch, everything to do with Fallout 2 and this mod. I booted up F2RP and went to start a game. After creating my character, i went to the temple of trials... only there wasn't anything there! Just blackness! Grr...

As i had backed up my whole fallout 2 data folder with just F2RP 2.0e installed, i deleted my maps and re-installed the old maps via copy and paste; blackness still! I downloaded the High Res mod; STILL NOTHING!!! GRRRR!!!!

Help is appreciated :p

Edit: I am using Sfall 2.9. I have attempted to edit graphic options to solve this, as well as copying over with the backed-up scripts (as when i begin i do not have anything, even the spear you're supposed to start with); no dice.
Radar E 33,
unofficial patch is included already in RP.

Grand Cherokee,
RP 2.0 runs fine also on Windows XP + SP2 for me.
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