Jet and Cookies
First time out of the vault

I think the Cookie is bugged to permanently give you an extra Action Point under certain conditions. I don't have a save state since I didn't notice until after my character had 14 Action points, but I've rested and tried a couple other things, but my AP is now permanently 14.
I think what happened was that, when I decided Navarro was an eyesore, I used 2 Jet 2 Cookies 2 Psycho etc. (Agility was already 10) and then slaughtered everyone. I waited some undetermined length of time, and cured my Jet Addiction. After that, I had 14 AP instead of 12 (10 base + 2 Action Boy)
I think what happened was that, when I decided Navarro was an eyesore, I used 2 Jet 2 Cookies 2 Psycho etc. (Agility was already 10) and then slaughtered everyone. I waited some undetermined length of time, and cured my Jet Addiction. After that, I had 14 AP instead of 12 (10 base + 2 Action Boy)