Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

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Psihotik said:
Can we expect some new talking heads in the upcoming release?

I hope so. I know people that are great at voice acting. Perhaps one day the new talking heads will actually talk.
dalponis said:
Psihotik said:
Can we expect some new talking heads in the upcoming release?

I hope so. I know people that are great at voice acting. Perhaps one day the new talking heads will actually talk.
Eh, maybe. The updated Cassidy talking head is part of 2.1.2 (the NMA beta release and soon to be final release). I'm still deciding how to include the other talking head (Rake). Some like him as Smitty, others don't. He will obviously be an option in the installer, so no one will be forced to have him if I do decide to go with Smitty.
My car went missing. I went to the Den, left it on the West side and left the map. I did the whole save Sulik's sister quest and after I did everything my Car went missing.
Carib FMJ said:
My car went missing. I went to the Den, left it on the West side and left the map. I did the whole save Sulik's sister quest and after I did everything my Car went missing.
I've heard this exact report before... Please post a save game. Also, the car isn't at the Primitive Tribe by chance is it?
I tried... However I did recover it by using the F2se. I changed the GRAV of the Car to Zero and it appeared back in Den with all the items I left in the back.
Carib FMJ said:
I changed the GRAV of the Car to Zero and it appeared back in Den with all the items I left in the back.
Do you remember what the number was before you changed it to 0? A save game before you made the change would also help.
I've been through those talking head threads and I've seen some great work. It would be a shame if all those don't make it to the RP. I think the Metzger talking head is so far the best. Is that one in the plan for RP?
Psihotik said:
I've been through those talking head threads and I've seen some great work. It would be a shame if all those don't make it to the RP. I think the Metzger talking head is so far the best. Is that one in the plan for RP?
Whenever they ever get finished I do plan to include them. At the moment we just have Cassidy and Rake complete.
Killap, how about implementing Nirran's disintegration animation fix in later releases? I think we all hate picking up the items from the ground after electrocuting someone :)
killap said:
Psihotik said:
I've been through those talking head threads and I've seen some great work. It would be a shame if all those don't make it to the RP. I think the Metzger talking head is so far the best. Is that one in the plan for RP?
Whenever they ever get finished I do plan to include them. At the moment we just have Cassidy and Rake complete.

Was it ever decided what to use Rake for? Wasn't Smitty the frontrunner?
killap is there any chace of you just posting a link with just the changed files from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2 i have 2.1.1 and its a bit annoying having to download all it again (i have limited internet connection).

I understand if not but it would be cool if you did. Also with all the optional extras please.
DForge said:
Killap, how about implementing Nirran's disintegration animation fix in later releases? I think we all hate picking up the items from the ground after electrocuting someone :)

I argee with this. also the fix for the exploded critters.
in that case,i will add an option to bypass all code(tho if the var are -1,as they would be if the ini is missing the code is bypassed anyway),except for the elect and explode death code

edit : done and uploaded

edit :i'm doing a play through now,i will cheat "Explosive Ending" perk to my dude(in klamath),and make sure it does cause problems or have any bugs

Using the book that Father Tully gives after finishing the game causes the game crash. I tried it several times, and it's the same.
kedimsidomuz said:
Using the book that Father Tully gives after finishing the game causes the game crash. I tried it several times, and it's the same.
Save game, please. Also, what version of the RP?

Smitty was what many thought Rake should go with. Not everyone thought this way though.

I haven't read what this fix does. Care to elaborate and provide a link to it?

@Gr1m Reaper
No, sorry... On the bright side, once 2.1.2 is final you won't have to worry about any new big releases for quite some time. Any fixes will be provided separately.
killap said:
Smitty was what many thought Rake should go with. Not everyone thought this way though.

Wouldn't you want to make a poll ? Or is it not worth it ?
The poll could have some of the proposed NPCs in it to choose from
killap, dont forget to look at wiki, there are two new ones for ya there. ;)

btw, did you solve the problem with the lack of sound and the path of the music folder in the game?
Felipefpl said:
btw, did you solve the problem with the lack of sound and the path of the music folder in the game?

Unless I'm mistaken about the issue i believe that got answered a few pages back, it's a common mistake.

You might be talking about an issue occurring despite correct pathing though, going off your wording, so ignore me if this is the case.
from other barrel

I tried to search in google and on this forum but I found only few pices of information. I've got the question about new npcs on Restoration Project.
There suppose be a 3 of them(at least that what I red). One is suppose to be a woman in slave camp but I didn't see any-raiders get killed and all slaves runned away. Where are they and what skills do they have? What kind of weapons and armors they can use?

As bugs are concered-I've played with 2.1.1-I've got the same with the tree on Primitive Tribe(but that is resolved in 2.1.2 now I belive). I didn't get the quest about the spirit of the girl there,although I searched her body and I wasn't able to get to the caverns there("only the cheef of warriors can let you in" massage from the guard or sth like that). I've managed to do all the quest there. The shaman said that he don't have any quest for me, so the cheef worrior, and that goes with the girl who wanted timber as well.
-I've rescued Sulik sister
-finished stimpack quest
-fixed the well
-got the lumber
I think there should be more quests there what have I missed?

And about fixes I belive there should be some massage(just one as you get normally during combat) about broken limbs in Modoc and Ghost Farm. I made many quests wandering why my companions don't fight-I fought that there is some kind of major bug or error with them. Later something pop to my head to check them with look options and they had all broken limbs :shock: . It would be nice to have a massage after falling down(I checked-no massage).

And btw. is there a way to get a good ending for Broken Hills?
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