Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

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tiagop said:
(lucky me?)
It's not a luck, but a killap's magic eight ball! :P
I have played RP 2.1.2b without any crash or other serious issue. It's pretty solid and stable release, no doubt about it.
vorob said:
Since last update was on September 2010, is this project complete? Can i play it now without bugs or fear that after i played some time there will be new release?)

killap is nearly done with a new release that focuses on squashing some remaining bugs. But he's been very busy with other things, so it's hard to say when that'll be released.

vorob said:
btw, is there anything similar but for fallout 1?

There are similar "restoration projects" for Fallout 1, but nothing that's very close to being finished.

vorob said:
"• New playable character type - Bald Dude!"

Is it just idea of killap or this character was in game resources and killap just re-enabled him?

The new playable character types, as well as all the various options in the RP installer, are not based on anything the developers had planned for the game, but instead are features that fans have asked for or enjoy. However, since they weren't intended for the game, they are made optional.
Thanks Josan and Glovz (and an extra thanks for the bug wiki addition). :)

So I edited in the last empty caravan encounter bug I found in the table, and also corrected this:
Wade, Redding-New Reno Caravan Master:
It should of course be 'Wade, Redding-Vault City Caravan Master'.

@ Ryuzaki I have no idea about the automaps. I searched and came across a couple of post with the same issue, but no answers.
I doubt it's g_var related but rather some kind of map index that has gotten corrupt. I tried to search your sav.dat file with a hex editor but couldn't find anything helpful.
So over at the Gamefaqs forum I saw someone list punching bags that you get raised unarmed skill from.
kuhchung said:
1 in Bishop's basement (where Mike Tys... er, the Masticator is)
1 in the Dragon's house in SF
1 in Lo Pan's house in SF
Surely this shouldn't be.
Darek said:
So over at the Gamefaqs forum I saw someone list punching bags that you get raised unarmed skill from.
kuhchung said:
1 in Bishop's basement (where Mike Tys... er, the Masticator is)
1 in the Dragon's house in SF
1 in Lo Pan's house in SF
Surely this shouldn't be.

Fixed - (script removed).
However RP 2.1.2b is the most stable f2 version i ever seen, i experienced two crash:

-one of Kaga encounter (down to vault city, dont know which one, he has metal armor)
when i save game in battle, then try to load it back, the game crashes
dont know about any other kaga event, this was my second one.

- the other was at New Reno, wright territory, while slaughtering the family, i accidentally shot the entrance door (i aimed a family thug) then game crashed
i dont know if any of accidental door shots result crash
Ryuzaki said:
when i save game in battle, then try to load it back, the game crashes...

Maybe you should read the thread from the beginning - DON'T SAVE IN COMBAT...shit happens. But I'm sure the next release will be the most stable. As for shooting a door - I can't see how it is possible, it's scenery and can't be targeted. :roll:
Maybe there should be an Sfall option to disable saving in combat. :p Then this would finally stop.
.Pixote. said:
I can't see how it is possible, it's scenery and can't be targeted.
Hm, I'm not going to argue Pixote, but there truly is possibility to aim at some of the doors. Even with an unarmed attack, usualy it's my favourite modus operandi to kick-off some of the Klamath's locked doors using only the mighty bare tribal foot. 8-)
valcik said:
.Pixote. said:
I can't see how it is possible, it's scenery and can't be targeted.
Hm, I'm not going to argue Pixote, but there truly is possibility to aim at some of the doors. Even with an unarmed attack, usualy it's my favourite modus operandi to kick-off some of the Klamath's locked doors using only the mighty bare tribal foot. 8-)


I've never seen that one can aim at scenery objects.. Are you really sure?
Surf Solar said:
I've never seen that one can aim at scenery objects.. Are you really sure?
Yes, I'm using this feature regularly. There indeed must be some scripts attached to some objects (doors). Just try to activate an attack mode and feel free to kick off the doors.

I have tested it right now in Klamath (1.02 US), as well it is included in RP:
1. Locked door

2. Mighty tribal kick performed :)

3. The doors are gone
Of course you can aim at doors. In the same way as you can explode them, you can shoot them open, etc... Never opened a wooden door with a bozar before?

Also you can attack other scenery, if it's made via script. Lich wrote a tutorial a long time ago, how one can create barrels that explode when they are getting hit + scenery graphic change.
Lexx said:
Maybe there should be an Sfall option to disable saving in combat. :p Then this would finally stop.

I am personally behind this idea, while its not too complex it dramatically increases fight strategies, making player use his head a lot more rather than just laying behind, and after getting critic, loading...

This would be great in my opinion, and will fix lot things also.
Beside this, combat in Fallout 2 isn't very long anyway. It's not like there is any battle similar to the Blades attack on Adytum in Fallout 1, where it really could eat up 1 hour of combat time.

Saving before the combat starts should be enough, really. No need to do it while combat is running.
Except sometimes there is no way to save before combat, e.g. in encounters. If the game crashes during such an encounter (and it does, quite often), your progress is gone for good.

The current implementation of blocking the option to save is strange. Half the time I am not able to save in combat, the other half game saves perfectly. I do not understand the purpose of enforcing this behavior. Put a warning in the readme and let players decide for themselves if they are willing to risk savegame corruption.
Nevill said:
Half the time I am not able to save in combat, the other half game saves perfectly. I do not understand the purpose of enforcing this behavior.
The current behaviour is that you are allowed to save at the beginning of your turn, prior to spending any ap. This avoids many of the bugs, without causing too much player inconvenience. Unfortunately it's not a big enough restriction to fix kaga.

Nevill said:
Put a warning in the readme and let players decide
This suggestion contains an invalid implicit assumption. Players do not read readme's.

Here's my suggestion: At the end of the temple of trials, Cameron should give the players a quiz on matters covered in the readme. If anyone answers incorrectly, fallout should immediately uninstall itself.
Timeslip said:
Nevill said:
Put a warning in the readme and let players decide
This suggestion contains an invalid implicit assumption. Players do not read readme's.

Here's my suggestion: At the end of the temple of trials, Cameron should give the players a quiz on matters covered in the readme. If anyone answers incorrectly, fallout should immediately uninstall itself.
True that. :lol:

So what exactly is the problem with Kaga? I mean what makes him a bigger one than normal?

Ryuzaki said:
-one of Kaga encounter (down to vault city, dont know which one, he has metal armor)
when i save game in battle, then try to load it back, the game crashes
dont know about any other kaga event, this was my second one.
F2se has an option to clear combat info, that could possibly fix your save, have you tried it?
.Pixote. said:
I can't see how it is possible, it's scenery and can't be targeted.

Yeah...you can dumbass (just talking to myself). :roll:

Lexx said:
Of course you can aim at doors. In the same way as you can explode them, you can shoot them open, etc... Never opened a wooden door with a bozar before?

The common door scripts seem to be:

zilckdor - breakable door

zimtldor - unbreakable metal door

ziwoddar - unbreakable wooden door

There are a few other door scripts, such as Vic's door, Sierra Army depot, etc. The script on the door to Mr.Wrights office seems to be one of those unique door scripts. Even though shooting it doesn't seem to effect it, dynamite will blow it up. :shrug:
Lexx said:
In the same way as you can explode them, you can shoot them open, etc... Never opened a wooden door with a bozar before?

No, as said, first time that I hear this. Makes the lockpick skill even more useless, heh.
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