Josan12 said:
I'm inclined to agree with Continuum
kungfujoe said:
Pretty much everything in the Fallout games is retro-futuristic
Futuristic, not only retro, but futuristic too (fifty-fifty

). And NCR cops don't look futuristic at all. Again, it's weird that military (and special police forces for that matter) uniforms/armours evolved and are looking futuristic, but cop's uniforms stuck in
our 1950s. Also, what about Mr. Handys? It's a futurism in retro style, not straight rip off from
our 1950s.
Retro-futurism vs.
retro (real-life 1950s).
kungfujoe said:
Putting 1950's-era police uniforms into the game makes perfect sense in context.
Yes, it makes sense for Fallout which utilizes nuclear holocaust in real life 1950s, not alternative, retro-futuristic future, filled with nucular powered walking tanks, serving robots, latex pajamas and weird energy guns.
Glovz said:
Would it be difficult to create a critter to have something like the guy in the overcoat in the pic I posted, possibly no hat or maybe a helmet from the combat armor, with a belt that also has a strap from shoulder to opposite side hip, maybe a baton hanging from hip?
Probably someone would need to make it from scratch
Hayden said:
Fallout has never been a strictly futuristic game. It's retro-futuristic
Of course, it's retro-
Hayden said:
It combines elements of the past and the future
Yes, both elements, not only one.
I think there's a distinct difference between being influenced by something, or took some
style as a base and lazy ripping off real life stuff in case of quite unique setting like Fallout has.
Also, there was no ANY consistent vision and there was an AWFUL art direction during development process of Fallout 2. They basically threw some
cool, and
funny ideas without any thinking how this is going to blend with the game's setting, existing art assets and their style.