Dorian Grave
First time out of the vault

Upon further investigation, the second level of Swift Learner perk does nothing either. Also it only seems to affect to the experience gained from using First Aid and Doctor skills (and perhaps Outdoorsman, but I'm not sure). Killing critters and completing quests are unaffected. 
I also noticed a typo in Bobby's dialogue (in Den's residential area). When he's telling you about his deadbeat excuse of a father, there is a extra apostrophe in one of don'ts (so it looks like this don't'). Unfortunately I can't remember the exact line(s), but it shouldn't be hard to find.

I also noticed a typo in Bobby's dialogue (in Den's residential area). When he's telling you about his deadbeat excuse of a father, there is a extra apostrophe in one of don'ts (so it looks like this don't'). Unfortunately I can't remember the exact line(s), but it shouldn't be hard to find.