Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

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:ok: What Dravean said. Keep the posters: they fit with the game's setting and its major themes, they're pixelated enough that they're easy to ignore if one wishes, and they add overall awesomeness (enhancing the game's "look and feel"), imo.

You can't please all of the people all of the time. But if you try too hard to do so anyway, you can end up displeasing a lot of the people a lot of the time.

The net effect of adding the posters seems to have been positive overall, so I vote we keep it that way.

Hi killap, first of all thanks for the mod.
I have a problem. I'm using windows 7 and I installed the fallout in c:\black isle\ and your mod too and the game is working. But when I try to save the error appears:

I have tried installing the game on different locations it didn't help.
What should I do?
Hm, some crazy idea about the posters, guys:
Couldn't be they treated as an interactive objects? If there is some way how to attach a script to them, let the puritan Chosen One make his own decision.
"Led by a righteous wrath, you have ripped this depraved old's world relic for good."
Complainers would be satisfied. :V

according to the RP tech wiki, it's a master.dat file issue:
Overseer said:
Hi killap, first of all thanks for the mod.
I have a problem. I'm using windows 7 and I installed the fallout in c:\black isle\ and your mod too and the game is working. But when I try to save the error appears:

I have tried installing the game on different locations it didn't help.
What should I do?
I've had the same problem and after a short while I've found a solution: ignore it. :)
memetics said:
:ok: What Dravean said. Keep the posters: they fit with the game's setting and its major themes, they're pixelated enough that they're easy to ignore if one wishes, and they add overall awesomeness (enhancing the game's "look and feel"), imo.

You can't please all of the people all of the time. But if you try too hard to do so anyway, you can end up displeasing a lot of the people a lot of the time.

The net effect of adding the posters seems to have been positive overall, so I vote we keep it that way.

On top of that, the tribeswomen are all buxom and topless, so I don't see how the posters are significantly offensive as compared to them, and there's no way the tribeswomen will be replaced.

I find it odd that someone complains about these posters, mind you the game was incredibly violent for its day, and full of sexual adventures, just visit the Golden Globes and be a fluffer for a day to see what I mean. :P

Also the original game already has 2 or 3 semi naked women posters, which by the way seem to be taken from a 1990s Playboy magazine (out of character with the setting). I actually went looking for proper 1950s girlie posters, which are very mild by todays standards and only placed them in the sleazy locations - brothels, certain bars, T-Rays place (who happens to be some sort of sexual deviant). But I don't mind cutting back on a few posters here and there, if it improves the game. :wink:

For those people who don't know what we are talking about - The red arrows are the new posters, the blue ones are the original F2 posters.

@ Dravean and Killap

There are so many other things to handle as the amazing good looking posters in Reno or somewhere else.
It´s ridiocules to talk about.
What about a better ending like I mentioned already for Sgt. Granite or a "Radiation" and "Food system"?
I vote for keeping the posters as it adds athmosphere to the game, when I first played this version of RP I was like, "was this already here from vanilla game?". I don't see why anyone can be offended by those posters but opinions are opinions :)
.Pixote. said:
I find it odd that someone complains about these posters, mind you the game was incredibly violent for its day, and full of sexual adventures, just visit the Golden Globes and be a fluffer for a day to see what I mean. :P

Also the original game already has 2 or 3 semi naked women posters, which by the way seem to be taken from a 1990s Playboy magazine (out of character with the setting). I actually went looking for proper 1950s girlie posters, which are very mild by todays standards and only placed them in the sleazy locations - brothels, certain bars, T-Rays place (who happens to be some sort of sexual deviant). But I don't mind cutting back on a few posters here and there, if it improves the game. :wink:
Yes, it makes perfect sense to fill every last empty space on the walls with posters, especially the ones at Golden Globes so it shows these guys appreciate their work.
It also makes sense to fill every last empty space in tents with rugs, vaults with pipes, and deserts with pots, so no space is wasted just for nothing.
There might not be many people living anymore after the big war, but they sure know how to preserve a lot of stuff.

Good work! :clap:
Wow pablo, good work! :clap:
Remind me, what was it that you have done again?

(I agree with some of the map complaints, but overall they have improved the atmosphere of the game quite a bit. And more than anything I appreciate the time and effort Pixote has put into this.)

killap said:
It's understandable. This has been brought before. To some extent it adds to the atmosphere, but it can also be a bit of a surprise. I'm definitely going to go over it again. Really I think at most there should be 1-2 of these posters in New Reno, and that's it. I'm not personally attached to having them either way, but the fact that people don't like them and those that do don't really seem to care about them means that it is worth rethinking it.
I'm with Pixote and Dravean on this. If you would like to go over the maps and remove a few, fine. But don't bother by removing almost all of them on the accounts of a few players.
I have a better solution. I modified one of Nirran's global scripts (thanks nirran :)) to destroy the posters while playing, so if someone don't want to see a single poster, they won't have to. You could include an option in the installer or offer it for download...
Anyway here it is, gl_destroyposter.int.
If someone else want's it just download and put it in your Fallout 2/data/scripts folder.

Now back to what I was going to post about... Knock outs and timer events.

NPCs that gets knocked out get the Prone status or ((critter_state(self_obj) bwand 2) == 2). They are also added to the timer events queue.
If you rest for 10 min, just let time pass for a minute or just hit next turn while in combat mode (sometimes more than once), they will come to.
That means get up and lose the prone status. This all works great.
Oh, and by prone status I mean they are treated as containers, their animation don't necessarily have to show them lying down.

If you change map before they have come to, they lose the prone status but not the standing up animation from the timer event. Basically, they are not knocked out, but they are still lying down on the ground, just that the animation is not showing it. I don't think this cause any problems (NPCs work as normal), but you may see them fall flat and then stand up again whenever it's time for them to come to.
They don't seem to play the stand up animation while in combat mode.

Marcus for some reason is different than the other NPCs. He will only be prone while in combat. As soon as you exit combat mode he will lose the prone status (but not prone animation). If you walk away far enough from him to trigger his 'follow you' code or if you leave the map, he will follow you around as normal but his animations will be a bit off (they can stop in the middle of a motion). His stand up animation to get back to normal will only happen while in combat mode, not by passing time.

If a critter gets knocked out and the timer event breaks/goes missing he will forevermore be nothing but a walking container. It can be fixed by hex editing the current map save file. The critter is defined as 18000 + his script number, so Myron is 18160 (or 46 F0 in hex). Search for that and shortly after the last instance of it is the place to edit.
EDIT: well, knocking him out again and letting him come to will fix him as well, I guess that's a better solution.

I haven't really been able to trigger any bigger issues (like NPCs refusing to take part in combat).
I'm pretty sure I got someones save earlier where Sulik wasn't responsive until after a few rounds of combat, but I can't remember shit and also I lost everything Fallout related I had in a hard-drive crash a while back. :(

Does anyone know of any unresponsive NPC problems or have save games available that would be great.

Myron won't talk to you ever again if you open his inventory while he is unconscious...
Could add a party member check in his pick up procedure like so:


procedure pickup_p_proc
	if not (self_obj == party_member_obj(16777376)) then begin
		if (source_obj == dude_obj) then begin
			call Node961;

Also, Myron's 'carry extra weight' thing don't work properly if he is suffering from withdrawal (lowered ST stat) at the time.
Get's too much extra capacity. This should fix it:

in procedure critter_p_proc

replace this line:

		if ((LVar0 + LVar1) < 135) then begin

with this:

		if (((LVar0 + LVar1) > 124) and ((LVar0 + LVar1) < 135)) then begin
Darek said:
Wow pablo, good work! :clap:
Remind me, what was it that you have done again?
Thanks. I've posted a message congratulating Pixote for his work.

An easy thing to miss, but I'm happy to remind you. :)
Do not ever cut any poster out of this universe. They are obligatory for me at the very least. Those complaints are pure trolling, and asked for just to get attention, cause there is no sense playing this game without them after all, obviously.

Mother's boys' should not be playing this game if they are disturbed that much, and those posters are nothing compared to rest of the world.

Hopefully we've been waiting for more than a year, and we would see the upcoming patch not so long right ?
And want to send my regards to Killap, and helpers once again.
Just registered to say the posters suck.


yeah... it's just a "opinion" but there's no logic in they being there, in good condition even.

Wtf are they doing, advertising the services of the call girls of the nearest black cat brothel franchise? Who put them up? Why? It makes sense in the porn studio, but not much else. Might as well put some in NRC or the outer bar of vault city. Is it supposed to be publicity for paid wanking sessions at the studio cinema? Because i don't see the drug addicts having money for power and a viewer. Extremely nice idea to emphasize my niggas.

And it's not only the posters, the enhancement pack is pretty much made of good and bad things, like the epa (with obligatory mad scientist rewarding you with the most powerful hand weapon in the game) vs the rangers cabins etc.

Yeah, i'm sure a flame or just a track of text will follow this message just like the one above, but i don't really care, or in fact will read it.

Guess it's the restoration pack only for me.
All the alterations to the maps were done to improve the atmosphere and fix bugs. Pipes, dirt, posters, whatever, these things are secondary to the game itself. The biggest change was to the lighting, towns now have enough lighting for the player to run around at night without having to skip to the daytime. I actually like the new maps, but it's hard for me to be objective. :P With every new release of the RP the extra "stuff" on the maps have been reduced, it's not always obvious.

Some decisions are harder to defend - such as adding 2 large vats at the bottom of the Military base...these were taken from Fallout Tactics, but from what we know from F1 these things are possible. But I think the results with this map is pretty good, just compare it to the original.


Any new art will always be contentious. Anyway don't take this stuff too seriously, it's just a game...the best game ever. :D
Sure, that is a example of good content. It complements what was already there and explains from where the radioactive goo and the mutants came from.

However i just can't deal with fallout 2 getting more lol random content besides what is already these. San Fran was horrible the hubologists were pure derp, new reno was only bearable because it's thematic clown ride was at least subdivided in various crime specializations.
Adding tits posters everywhere in new reno just emphasizes a small part of the new reno derp until it can no longer be ignored and not in a "funny" way like the catcalls if you're a porn star: all of the city goes to watch pornos even the burned out jet addicts and prostitutes. There's enough money left over from crippling jet addition to GO TO THE MOVIES!!! People put on new shiny posters in the walls and live in BURNED buildings.
SCO said:
Wtf are they doing, advertising the services of the call girls of the nearest black cat brothel franchise? Who put them up? Why? It makes sense in the porn studio, but not much else.

I was always under the impression that cheesy girlie posters were common in places where working class men frequented. Anyway most of the original posters in the game are questionable, but they fill blank empty walls, and add to the atmosphere. Come to think about it I added a new cheesy poster to the boxing ring in New Reno, a "joke" poster, oh well. :roll:
The poster discussion has begun once again. :twisted:

Really, I don't care either way. Personally I think they add to the atmosphere, as long as they aren't plastered all over the place. My reasoning for re-opening the discussion is that there are people who don't like it. Yes, we can't please everyone. But they weren't there in the original game. Sure, you can say that about other RP map enhancements, but the only other time that people really started to speak up was about all the rocks added to the desert maps, etc. All other map alterations seemed to make people happy (or at least not jarring enough to cause people to speak up). We addressed the rock issue, now it's time to address the poster issue. Did all the rocks go away? No, but they were drastically reduced. Will all the posters go away? No, but I want to make sure there are not excessive amounts of them. Just a few scattered here and there for a nice touch.
pablo said:
Could the modders make Jules white? It's kind of ridiculously racist to have the only significant black character selling drugs.
If Jules :| is the "only significant black character" then who are the following people:

Joanne Lynette: First Citizen of Vault City

Ascorti: Mayor of Redding, & owner of the "Ace" Casino

Earl Marion: Sheriff of Redding

Jo: Sheriff/Mayor of Modoc
pablo said:
Just make the Wright family black, that should offer a better variety. No need to keep blacks poor and whites rich after the apocalypse.

The people I have just mentioned don't seem poor.

Also, New Reno's most powerful family, the Mordinos are Latino.

I call out pablo for 8-) having a "Critical Miss of Attention" while playing the game...

Sorry Bro.
Grim Monk said:
pablo said:
Make the Wright family black, that should offer a better variety. No need to keep blacks poor and whites rich after the apocalypse.
New Reno's most powerful family, the Mordinos are Latino.
Latino isn't a race, nor are the Mordinos black.

Grim Monk said:
Who are the following people:

Joanne Lynette: First Citizen of Vault City

Ascorti: Mayor of Redding, & owner of the "Ace" Casino

Earl Marion: Sheriff of Redding

Jo: Sheriff/Mayor of Modoc
Public servants.

Grim Monk said:
The people I have just mentioned don't seem poor.

I call out pablo for 8-) having a "Critical Miss of Attention" while playing the game...

Sorry Bro.
Cool story, bro.
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