Wow pablo, good work!
Remind me, what was it that you have done again?
(I agree with some of the map complaints, but overall they have improved the atmosphere of the game quite a bit. And more than anything I appreciate the time and effort Pixote has put into this.)
killap said:
It's understandable. This has been brought before. To some extent it adds to the atmosphere, but it can also be a bit of a surprise. I'm definitely going to go over it again. Really I think at most there should be 1-2 of these posters in New Reno, and that's it. I'm not personally attached to having them either way, but the fact that people don't like them and those that do don't really seem to care about them means that it is worth rethinking it.
I'm with Pixote and Dravean on this. If you would like to go over the maps and remove a few, fine. But don't bother by removing almost all of them on the accounts of a few players.
I have a better solution. I modified one of Nirran's global scripts (thanks nirran

) to destroy the posters while playing, so if someone don't want to see a single poster, they won't have to. You could include an option in the installer or offer it for download...
Anyway here it is,
If someone else want's it just download and put it in your Fallout 2/data/scripts folder.
Now back to what I was going to post about... Knock outs and timer events.
NPCs that gets knocked out get the Prone status or ((critter_state(self_obj) bwand 2) == 2). They are also added to the timer events queue.
If you rest for 10 min, just let time pass for a minute or just hit next turn while in combat mode (sometimes more than once), they will come to.
That means get up and lose the prone status. This all works great.
Oh, and by prone status I mean they are treated as containers, their animation don't necessarily have to show them lying down.
If you change map before they have come to, they lose the prone status but not the standing up animation from the timer event. Basically, they are not knocked out, but they are still lying down on the ground, just that the animation is not showing it. I don't think this cause any problems (NPCs work as normal), but you may see them fall flat and then stand up again whenever it's time for them to come to.
They don't seem to play the stand up animation while in combat mode.
Marcus for some reason is different than the other NPCs. He will only be prone while in combat. As soon as you exit combat mode he will lose the prone status (but not prone animation). If you walk away far enough from him to trigger his 'follow you' code or if you leave the map, he will follow you around as normal but his animations will be a bit off (they can stop in the middle of a motion). His stand up animation to get back to normal will only happen while in combat mode, not by passing time.
If a critter gets knocked out and the timer event breaks/goes missing he will forevermore be nothing but a walking container. It can be fixed by hex editing the current map save file. The critter is defined as 18000 + his script number, so Myron is 18160 (or 46 F0 in hex). Search for that and shortly after the last instance of it is the place to edit.
EDIT: well, knocking him out again and letting him come to will fix him as well, I guess that's a better solution.
I haven't really been able to trigger any bigger issues (like NPCs refusing to take part in combat).
I'm pretty sure I got someones save earlier where Sulik wasn't responsive until after a few rounds of combat, but I can't remember shit and also I lost everything Fallout related I had in a hard-drive crash a while back.
Does anyone know of any unresponsive NPC problems or have save games available that would be great.
Myron won't talk to you ever again if you open his inventory while he is unconscious...
Could add a party member check in his pick up procedure like so:
procedure pickup_p_proc
if not (self_obj == party_member_obj(16777376)) then begin
if (source_obj == dude_obj) then begin
call Node961;
Also, Myron's 'carry extra weight' thing don't work properly if he is suffering from withdrawal (lowered ST stat) at the time.
Get's too much extra capacity. This should fix it:
in procedure critter_p_proc
replace this line:
if ((LVar0 + LVar1) < 135) then begin
with this:
if (((LVar0 + LVar1) > 124) and ((LVar0 + LVar1) < 135)) then begin