Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

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And one more...

If i pick only 2 CH at the beginning will that effect negatively my game? (besides the limit for NPCs in the team - which in this case will be 1, right?).

Read the manual, or Per's guide, or maybe just play the game and find out, then replay the game with 10 charisma and see how being beautiful plays out.

Ugly = less dialogue overall, and more negative dialogue...and like you said - less NPC wanting to join your team. :wink:
OK, I get it. I av read Per's guide, Charisma is clear now (more or less ;)).

Could u just give me a hint what would be the reasonable level for small guns? 140? 170? (have perception of 8 and will get the sniper perk). I just don't wanna 'waste' skill points, and u r an experienced player.

Thank you for your reply
How about this: keep putting points into the small guns skill until you think it's good enough.
Oh, come on. U know everything about this game. I just asking is it is worth putting points beyond 150% for example?

"keep putting points into the small guns skill until you think it's good enough"

well, that's it... what is good enough?

When you have a 95% chance to hit with targeted shots, that's enough; increasing it further won't make any difference. Chance to hit depends on many factors, so I can't say exactly when that will be, but it's usually around 150% or so.

Critical hits don't care about weapon skill or chance to hit. The only things that affect which critical you get are the Better Criticals perk and Heavy Handed trait.

And yes, very much the wrong thread (and subforum) for this discussion.
Thank you guys for all replies.

I posted these questions here, because I have a modded game, and the "forum rules" indicate to put even gameplay issues here (or I might be wrong).

Anyway I wish you all merry Christmas.

And I think that when the restoration project is ready it should be redistributed in all around the world as "Fallout 2 Compl33t", killap and other contributors should benefit from the profits. I seriously think that no RPG will come close to this final version (yesh, not even the Bethesda clones)...


I was playing with the restoration patch for a while, and all was well. However, I've recently started a new game in which I am still given the option to be bald (leading me to believe that the restoration project was working fine). After this, however, there is no mention of kaga, nor does Cassidy have a talking head animation, nor does the Den have a residential area, etc.
Any suggestions?
I apologize if this is not the place to post things like this; I really don't know where I should.

What does it say at the bottom right of the main menu of the game? If you start a new game, there is a rock right behind Klint at the outside of the Temple of Trials. If you mouse over the rock, what does it say.?


Progress has been made (about half way through the bug list) on the new release but I got sick a few days ago and I've been out of commission. I hope to get back to fixing later this week. Just wanted to give an update.
You are the man, dog. And you pretty much always have been despite Sean Connery's statement to the contrary. Looking forward to the new release! Haven't spotted any problems people haven't already noticed, this is looking better and better.

Progress has been made (about half way through the bug list) on the new release but I got sick a few days ago and I've been out of commission. I hope to get back to fixing later this week. Just wanted to give an update.

thanks for the update, have a good recovery and i hope you'll have the patience to go through the encounter/misc bugs section since most of reports dont have a save game...
Felipefpl said:
and i hope you'll have the patience to go through the encounter/misc bugs section since most of reports dont have a save game...
Probably not. If the descriptions are vague, in addition to not having a save game, then I'm going to ignore it. That is unless I can somehow narrow down the script files that might be involved and then spot the issue by going over every line of code in those files. Very unlikely. Let it be a lesson for proper bug reporting: No save game, no detailed description, no fix. I haven't checked that section in a while, but I know that in the past many reports there were just engine bugs and improper installations. Might be different now.

CthuluIsSpy said:
Btw, did you manage to have a look at my save files yet?Thanks.
Not yet. I got sick shortly after our discussion.
Let it be a lesson for proper bug reporting: No save game, no detailed description, no fix. I haven't checked that section in a while, but I know that in the past many reports there were just engine bugs and improper installations. Might be different now.

Fair enough, if i was moderator or owner of the forum/wikia i'd delete all reports without save games, but there is also another problem, saves stored in sites like rapidshare will disappear in 30 days if nobody downloads them and nobody does, unless someone has a premium account the saves wont be there for a long time, and since almost if not everybody here doesnt have a premium account the saves always will be erased. ;)

A small dream: NMA could have a storage system where p p l could store and link their save files to your need. ;)
OK, here's a bug from the Misc section. Raider traps don't explode on crit failure when disarming them.
I always thought it was an engine bug, but it's not, it's in the script.

procedure use_skill_on_p_proc
	if (tile_contains_obj_pid(tile_num(self_obj), elevation(self_obj), 33555383)) then begin
		debug_msg("Destroying Visible Trap");
		destroy_object(tile_contains_pid_obj(tile_num(self_obj), elevation(self_obj), 33555383));
		debug_msg("Destroyed Visible Trap");
That code needs to be removed or put under the explosion and damage part.
It seems to be the same with the other traps, at least the ones I've looked at.

The traps in Arroyo have additional issues, first off, the critical miss check don't work as criticals are disabled in the beginning of the game.
Could be simulated on a normal miss just fine I believe (if 1 of 20 or something).
Also, in 'procedure Missile_Fired' there's a line that seems to get stuck in a loop (freeze the game)...
	while(tile_num(Projectile) != Final_Hex) do begin
Not really sure why, or what it's for. It seems to work just fine without it.
Get well soon, Killap. Think I have a mild cold myself. :P

Doesn't everyone's ISPs give them some free web page and file storage space? That's where I put my uploaded savegames, so they don't evaporate....

On the unverified encounter bugs issue: how about specially-labeling the reported-but-unverified bugs as such on the wiki, and then giving us a testing build that delivers each random encounter in a non-random sequence, so some of us testers can go do some intensive bug-hunting specifically in that space? (Or would that require a prohibitively difficult engine tweak?)

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