killap said:
Templayer said:
Hopefully there will be someone who will fix it, instead of you running away from it. Or i will just not patch the game, its quite stable and the glitches are just simple and trivial now. Just like one major one, but i can live with that. Better than cutting the content.
You'd stop installing RP updates just because the F1 sound (an optional component included by me because a few people liked how it sounded) is removed? Wow, there's no winning with you guys...
Yeah, me too!

I like the F1 sound better dammit!
Seriously though, I believe that bug report is bogus. The guy said "
Seems to be solved by not installing the Fallout 1 weapon sounds". That sounds more like he's not sure, as in it didn't happen all the time. When the F1 sound was bugged it crashed on every shot with the 2.23 pistol, or a few seconds later. Seamlessly random crashes in combat has always been part of Fallout, no matter what gun was used.
When I beta tested the RP 2.1 I used the 2.23 pistol a lot and I didn't have a single crash in combat (except with Melchior but that's a totally different bug I'm sure).