NovaRain said:
1. The control party members option in sfall has some problems, just don't use them. It got removed in the newest sfall, which will be included in the final release of RP 2.2.
I didn't care it was bugged or crashy - I was enjoying my first playthrough with marcus on board

It's toggleable, so why remove it? Whoever wants to use it will use it through all the difficulties, believe you me...
Is it available anywhere as a standalone mod?
(Anyway bugs with it - 1) current item slot would get stuck when active critter changed and could be out of sync with animations, 2) inventory used strange models, 3) perks from the player would get transferred to the critters, 4) crashes?. I'd still play it and not mind.)
And some bugs in RP 2.2:
Swift learner apparently doesn't work at all. Maybe it's disabled in the beginning of the game?
The Klamath brahmin quest is still buggy.
If you try to get both rewards in any way stupid stuff happens: If you go to the brahmin map, then take the dunton job there - both quests are active. Then if you kill all the scorpions first, Torr turns uninteractive and the duntons dissapear, but the quests don't get crossed out. Then you can finish the quest by talking to the duntons in town (and exposing them?), and both quests get crossed out. But Torr is stuck on the brahmin map which is inacessible.
What exactly is the deal with this darned quest, in general? Could it be "fixed" to work like this:
1) Brahmin map remains acessible even after the job so you can pick up the radscorpion limbs (and rustle after you've guarded brahmin).
2) If you accept Torr's job, you can complete it and he remains there.
3) The Duntons are there untill you complete Torrs quest. After that, you can still take their rustling quest in town. If you complete their quest before Torr's, both get crossed out and Torr runs away.
4) Three ways to complete Dunton quest - Talk to Torr, use scorpion limbs on torr, and kill torr.
5) When you complete the Dunton quest, Torr runs away (if alive). The map remains acessible so you can pick radscorpion limbs up. If possible an outdoorsman check could pick up Torr's tracks for variety.
6)Everything as is from that point on.
EDIT: Using scorpion limbs on Torr at any point makes him run away. If the "Find Torr" quest has been completed, he hides in the back of the buckner store and you lose karma. Or something. This is so you can make him run away without having dealings with the Duntons.
Because just about every version of this quest I've ever played (and I've played a few) were bugged. And I don't know if this would in any way be non-conservative or something...