First time out of the vault

Been trying to get this to work some more(to fix the issue where Den loads as a black, empty map). [...]
I finally figured it out, I think. The solution was basically posted in the thread for a previous version of the project: http://www.nma-fallout.com/showthre...l-Expansion)&p=3954733&viewfull=1#post3954733
where rawrd tells us:
FINAL UPDATE: This is true, that it is ABSOLUTELY necessary to keep Proto contents of Fallout Restoration Project READ ONLY.
If its not set, the game will go on and DELETE the TILES as it sees necessary.
In Fallout 2/data/Proto, there are 8 folders. By default, all the files in those folders have read and write privileges. What I did was set them all to "read only" (only for user "Me") and lock them. It is very important to also lock them because otherwise, all privileges will somehow revert to "read and write" after you open and quit the game.
So far, it works perfectly for me.
That encounter would do the same thing to me while I had the Proto files at "read and write". Now it works.(also had a special encounter 'angry outcasts' that briefly popped up before exiting to the world map)
Ah! that makes sense. I know I set the folders to have read privileges at some point(as that was written down somewhere as a thing to do) but I guess the damage was done by the time I got around to trying to files or something(edit: looking back, the deletion happened way before I realized to even try the read privileges so I didn't even know these files were missing). Either way, going to give this a go now(by that I mean looks like a fresh install might be necessary), thanks for the information!
Edit: Excellent. I got it to work. Took a couple of tries, I thought I had everything in order but it still wasn't loading properly, looked over it again and converted two rogue .PRO files to .pro and that seemed to do it. A little nervous moving forward in case I may have missed something(as in, The Den has loaded but what if some other piece of content later on doesn't) but it is good to know that if that does happen there is a clear solution to be had, even if it takes a few steps. Thanks a lot!
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