Heya Beardude! I'm a long time fan of your RP, as you well know, and I always make sure to get your latest mod soon as I know it's out. Fantastic work!
That said, for the first time, I'm being hit with some WEIRD effing bugs. Ever since I went to the Sierra Army Depot map, I've been having completely random game crashes!! The first time it happened, I was in the Sierra Army Depot map, the Battlefield--I was in the room with the Howitzer, and tried to search one of the shelves. My game just shut down.
The second time it happened, it was in the control room where you talk to Skynet. I was just examining a computer, when the game just shut down. I haven't had the heart to try a third time, because I lost about an hour of game time during that last crash :c
The only other mod I'm running is the latest Miria Mod. Although, I should note that I used F2SE to give my character extra chems so I could recruit both Kitsune AND Cat Jules, but I did that ages ago and never had any of these issues, so I don't really see that causing the issue.
Finally, I'm using the Fallout 2 from GOG (though I also have my own installation CD I could use if GOG's version is the problem. Again tho, I don't think it is, given it JUST started happening). These crashes have so far only happened within the Sierra Army Depot. Figured I should report this, in case it's a bug within the RP