So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

It is probably intended, but the encounter/dialogs becale very shorter. Will it be permanent or is possible to make the longer dialog as optionnal content ?
I remembered it was very funny & epic. Now it feel a little underwelming... (it's personnal, dunno what is the general opinion)
The "walls of text" Kaga encounter was one of the most criticized aspects of the RP on sites like the RPG Codex. When I was brought in as the writer, I re-wrote him to bring him more in line with the vision of the original developers. Sorry you liked the old way better. With a mod like this, it's impossible to please everyone, and we decided to focus on being true to the original developers above all else.
Damn... Anyway, you did a great job with that walls of text, so with the the rest. I hope the RPG Codex won't mind other text based contents of the RP. Those are amongs the main aspect of Fo2.