Heh, my copy paste from Darek, I think. Cool on conforming it to proper coding sanity.In case someone needs this... I got sick of error spam in my debug log so I fixed glcrippl script:
Original code that check if party member is crippled:
As for your github idea, eh, maybe. But honestly I'm not putting myself in the position to look over pull requests. I don't have the time, and the backlog would become sad for everyone. But I do want to check over things, least there be free reign to add/modify to everyone's heart content. But then again that's the purpose of forking projects. So, I don't really have a definitive answer for you. Heh.
And as a random side-note/musing, I'm honestly still amazed how 16 years after a game is released there are people still coming out of the woodwork and eagerly coding Fallout. I'll never understand this community. Or maybe that's why I feel at home here.

No. But there were talks awhile back of making it happen. I'm not involved in it though.Isit possible to use RP 2.3.3 together with Mib 88Megamod 2.4.4?