Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

Hello everyone. This is a bug, right? When I am in the Temple of trials and am in the process of a fight with some ants, I am trying to blow up the door and those ants simultaneously. I blow up, say, three of them at once and get my experience points before the battle ends. Then I finish with the rest of'em and end the battle. Here goes another portion of exp points, including the part for those blowed up already. A bug, right? I get the same exp point twice.
http://rusfolder.com/45124388 - savegame.

p.s. Oh, and one more instance:
If you steal the key from the gate, leading to the Dweller's clothes, and then accept the fight with Cameron, then this key get transported to the chest outside the room (along with other your belongings). But the gate will be opened after the battle somehow - it is logically impossible (well, we could assume that Cameron opened them with stolen key and nicely put it back to the chest, or he could have had a spare one, but serioulsy, hah).
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It seems that if you get info about dermal implants from computer, but don't talk to Troy, and go directly to Johnson, that branch in Johnson's dialogue goes "Error Error Error".
Posted a Misc. Bug report regarding Power Armor models, just a heads up. Keep up the good work, still got a few more areas left to clear before Enclave. :)
I've noticed one thing odd. When I'm boxing, or fighting in San Francisco, I'm a female character with combat armour on. Normally, I'm not this. I am using the boxer mod that changes your outfit, that came with the installer. I have modded some of the NPCs by incorporating new FRMs with them (green mohawk woman with extra weapon ability, etc.) but I haven't touched anything that has to do with combat armour that I'm aware of.
There's a few persistent area transition crashes:
1) from Den residential to Den west side
2) from Umbra shore to Umbra main
3) from Umbra cave to Umbra main (via dialog with the tribal)

Save/load right before the transition rectifies the problem, but only until the next time.
If you're using sfall 3.7, you might try my temporary sfall build in sfall thread.

According to Crafty, the crashes happen because the unlimited ammo exploit fix conflicts with some RP scripts. For example, map_enter_p_proc in dcdealer.int (drug dealer and his guard in the Den Residential) is missing an additional function for adding weapon in NPC inventory:
if (dealer == 1) then begin
    tmp := create_object(PID_DESERT_EAGLE,5,0);
    // add_obj_to_inven(self_obj, LVar0); // MISSED!
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Could you change the .223 ammo's name to .308?

IRL the .223 is an underpowered version of the 5.56mm NATO assault rifle round and thus should behave more like the 5mm JHP ammo in game, whereas the in-game .223 is the real-life full-sized .308 cartrige in everything but name.

It's a little thing, but annoying nonetheless.
Could you change the .223 ammo's name to .308?
IRL the .223 is an underpowered version of the 5.56mm NATO assault rifle round and thus should behave more like the 5mm JHP ammo in game, whereas the in-game .223 is the real-life full-sized .308 cartrige in everything but name.
It's a little thing, but annoying nonetheless.
It has nothing to do with the goal of Restoration Project. If it really annoys you that much, you can change it yourself with F2wedit.
Angry Bandits Encounter is empty between Den and Modoc (with car). On entering, nothing happens and there is nobody there. The landscape and scenery is all fine. Since the Angry bandits are persistent and they show up multiple times until resolved; I kept getting these empty encounters over and over again. I take it that I could have gotten other encounters, e.g highwaymen or robbers or perhaps even special encounters but in stead I got that. This is bad and has to stop.
RP version 2.3.3 with GoG's F2 version, no other mods. Perhaps it's relevant that I'm playing at 220% game speed (sfall feature).

Reporting same issue on foot, same game version 100% speed.
No other mods.
I got trouble with Merk and the hubologist quest. I planted dynamite into his pocket, went to congress area and waited for 10 minuts. The hubologist is now dead but I have no new option in Merks dialogue. Can only select "No" when he asks if the guy is dead. Tried playing with the save game variables, the quest status changes in Pip Boy but that's all, still no joy. Any idea?
I got trouble with Merk and the hubologist quest. I planted dynamite into his pocket, went to congress area and waited for 10 minuts. The hubologist is now dead but I have no new option in Merks dialogue. Can only select "No" when he asks if the guy is dead. Tried playing with the save game variables, the quest status changes in Pip Boy but that's all, still no joy. Any idea?
It's an engine issue. Do not leave the map when you use explosives to assassinate someone. It would cause destroy_p_proc process (called when critter is killed) in the critter's script not getting called properly.
OK. Hoped it is fixed, I remember on the original game this usually was more stable than waiting in the same area which often crashed the game.

I've already rewritten the save and did lots of stuff, can I now repair this state somehow?
I got trouble with Merk and the hubologist quest. I planted dynamite into his pocket, went to congress area and waited for 10 minuts. The hubologist is now dead but I have no new option in Merks dialogue. Can only select "No" when he asks if the guy is dead. Tried playing with the save game variables, the quest status changes in Pip Boy but that's all, still no joy. Any idea?
I don't know much about what makes Fallout 2 tick, but in the Fallout 1.5 Resurrection "Read me" it says this:
Fallout 1.5 Resurrection Read Me said:
Though fun, it's not recommended to kill NPCs by placing active dynamite or plastic explosives in their inventory. It may cause a script error in which the game does not correctly register the death of the NPC. This could make some quests impossible to finish, and could cause the game to crash. In general, leaving the map or saving/loading the game while an explosive is active will result in the subsequent explosion not working correctly. This is an issue with the Fallout 2 engine.
So I guess it's a bug in the actual game engine. Sorry I have no idea how to fix it :-(.

EDIT: NovaRain beat me to it. :aiee:
OK. Hoped it is fixed, I remember on the original game this usually was more stable than waiting in the same area which often crashed the game.
I've already rewritten the save and did lots of stuff, can I now repair this state somehow?
It's never been "more stable" on the original game. Most issues with explosives crashes were already been fixed with the bundled sfall. The said destroy_p_proc issue is the one unsolved. (Fixed in the newest sfall source code, but it's not released yet.)
Try setting GVAR_NCR_KILL_ELRON_QST to 2 and GVAR_NCR_SCMERK_STATUS to 4 with F12se.

Chad dialog interface bug with starting combat in broken1 map. Node021 don't close.
Not sure exactly what the problem is, but it's something to do with using attack_complex without a proper way to exit dialog. Anyway, just bypass node021 and node992 and change node018 to look like the following.


procedure Node018
   gsay_reply(613, 202);
   critter_add_trait(self_obj, 1, 5, 24);
   set_local_var(6, 1);
   set_local_var(7, 2);
   giq_option(4, 613, 205, Node998, 50);
   float_msg(self_obj, message_str(613, 206), 8);

Chad is also supposed to give up when taking too much damage. Problem is that "terminate_combat;" is in the critter_p procedure while it needs to be in the combat_p procedure. so add combat_p_proc and edit critter_p_proc like this:


procedure combat_p_proc
   variable LVar0 := 0;
   variable LVar1 := 0;
   if (local_var(7) == 2) then begin
     LVar0 := get_critter_stat(self_obj, 7);
     LVar1 := get_critter_stat(self_obj, 35);
     if (LVar1 < (LVar0 / 4)) then begin

procedure critter_p_proc
   variable LVar0 := 0;
   variable LVar1 := 0;
   if ((global_var(309) == 1) or (local_var(5) == 2) and obj_can_see_obj(self_obj, dude_obj)) then begin
     set_local_var(5, 1);
     attack_complex(dude_obj, 0, 1, 0, 0, 30000, 0, 0);
   if (cur_map_index == 79) then begin
     if (map_var(25) == 1) then begin
       set_map_var(25, 2);
       add_timer_event(self_obj, game_ticks(0), 4);
       doTalk := 1;
   if (local_var(7) == 2) then begin
     LVar0 := get_critter_stat(self_obj, 7);
     LVar1 := get_critter_stat(self_obj, 35);
     if (LVar1 < (LVar0 / 4)) then begin
       set_local_var(6, 0);
       set_local_var(7, 0);      
       set_map_var(31, 1);
       call talk_p_proc;
Can I use latest sfall with RP? The splash screen says Fallout 1.02 Sfall 3.7b when I apply the latest version of sfall, but it doesn't say RP anywhere.
Can I use latest sfall with RP? The splash screen says Fallout 1.02 Sfall 3.7b when I apply the latest version of sfall, but it doesn't say RP anywhere.
Yes, but 3.7 and 3.7b are not recommended, as the game would crash when you try to leave the Den residential map due to the conflict with a faulty script. Check previous posts in this thread for temporary fixed build.
Also, do not overwrite RP's ddraw.ini with the one from sfall package.
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Question. Blonde and redhead too slow. These animations were not made until the end?