So I don't know what to tell you, but this is the quintessential example of installation gone bad. I've seen this reported several times by Mac users recently, but I'm not sure how they went about fixing it. But yeah, the answer is not a bug, but something wrong with how you installed the RP.Then I entered the Den. The entire map for the Den was just the color black! I can walk around the blackness, but there aren't any people or scenery. I can hear the music. If I save once I'm in this state and load the savegame, it doesn't load and I'm dumped back at the main menu. The Den is still in this state if I load an old save and enter the town again.
As another data point, Umbra Village has the same problem.
I just reinstalled the whole thing using the installer and got the same results. I'll try a manual install on top of the existing install and see if that makes a difference. If not, I'll try a manual install on a fresh copy of the game.
if the manual installs all have the same problem, I'm gonna come back and claim that there's a real bug here somewhere.