First time out of the vault

Yes, male. No Smoking in vault suit, leather armor, MK1. Lighter in wpn slot doesn't help either. Full installation.
This is first time I'm playing with the full english version; before I had RP installed on german version and had one time english and one time a german text.
Is it normal for the english version that if someone is bitching about you, you see the bitching words in german, mixed with slight english?
Is it also normal to see sonuvabitch? And who changed "Mind your own business" into "mind your own affair"? sounds so terrible..
Did you remove the option that numkey0 ended a conversation or was this never present in F2? I'm sure it worked before, because now is the first time I ever got annoyed by having to confirm everything I tell the companions. Leaving 4 companions behind is like hell. Never experienced a bug with it, only convenience was that you could end a conversation without pulling a trigger.
Also changing pathfinding doesn't change anything.
Also, it's quite annoying that if you're in combat mod and want to shoot someone, it automatically inspects. It creates spam. This looks new as well, why would anyone want this?
This is first time I'm playing with the full english version; before I had RP installed on german version and had one time english and one time a german text.
Is it normal for the english version that if someone is bitching about you, you see the bitching words in german, mixed with slight english?
Is it also normal to see sonuvabitch? And who changed "Mind your own business" into "mind your own affair"? sounds so terrible..
Did you remove the option that numkey0 ended a conversation or was this never present in F2? I'm sure it worked before, because now is the first time I ever got annoyed by having to confirm everything I tell the companions. Leaving 4 companions behind is like hell. Never experienced a bug with it, only convenience was that you could end a conversation without pulling a trigger.
Also changing pathfinding doesn't change anything.
Also, it's quite annoying that if you're in combat mod and want to shoot someone, it automatically inspects. It creates spam. This looks new as well, why would anyone want this?