Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

And, concerning the scenery in general, although the 50's style girlie pictures are really nice, some extra advertisements and propaganda posters probably wouldn't hurt... maybe something like this:







I think it may be nice to indicate where all the fruit comes from by having a few lay on the ground next to the rows of planted crops, or perhaps a fruit filled box or two that is accessible in those locations to indicate harvest gathering going on...

It's bad enough that there are no iguanas in the game, LOL...
Bf109 said:
And, concerning the scenery in general, although the 50's style girlie pictures are really nice, some extra advertisements and propaganda posters probably wouldn't hurt... maybe something like this:


@pixote: don't forget to put in some China's propaganda pics in SF. Shi Palace, Downtown,
If Killap agrees with new posters for the RP then I have no problem making the changes…to be honest I always found some of the original posters a bit out of place…they look more typical of the 1990’s then the 1950’s. I have built up a large collection of 1950’s posters and advertising from the net, so there is plenty of stuff that could be used. The posters above are a nice example of what’s available. They will need some ageing and tears to make them blend in better with the Fallout world.

Check out these sci-fi posters… http://www.cinemacom.com/50s-sci-fi-REST.html
Posters? Lizard is the person you should talk about it.

Anyway, posters are cool, like this one for example. But some generic 50' posters randomly taken from the web totally sucks ;) So grab the pencils and be creative!
Screw copyright…the images are incredibly small after they have been adjusted, and companies aren’t interested in following up with that sort of thing…as for designing posters from stuff related to Vault-Tec and other Fallout world companies – sounds good to me… :twisted:
Yeh, it rocks. :> But it's hard to find a good place for it. At least I couldn't use it anywhere yet.

Funny, I already use the loaded one!
Poster are a great way to create a new feeling, but because of the reduction of size and quality, not all of them are good...
For example, I don't like the posters of New Reno, some of them look like hanged shit.
On the other hand, the new ones from Pixote are great, so if you want to replace them Pix', go for it!

But go easy, Pixote - remember FO uses the 50's stuff as creative influence, inspiration etc. It does NOT try to create a 50's setting. Hence why some of the posters are quite ambiguous and only suggest a 50's theme. Really, IMO FO is a post-apoc sci-fi western (Tim Cain said this himself) with 50's inlfuences.
Grayswandir said:
I don't like the posters of New Reno, some of them look like hanged shit. On the other hand, the new ones from Pixote are great, so if you want to replace them Pix', go for it!

I probably won’t do anything else major to the maps in the RP…maybe a few new posters, but that’s it…I realize that over working a map can be detrimental, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. As it is there are some players that don’t like the changes, but they are stuck with the enhanced maps, so balance is important. I did remove about 50% of the girlie posters from the maps – but they are still found in the brothels. I think the next phase will be a lot of subtle changes – like a night time version of the Hakunin talking head, and more unique critters…I’m sure that this project will be an ongoing thing as long as people come up with interesting ideas that are feasible, and Killap has the energy to implement them. I’m looking forward to the survival mod by Josan…and hopefully I will finally complete my loot-able armor mod. :roll:



Oh yeah…I need to do a blue cave thing for the RP… :wink:
Josan12 said:
But go easy, Pixote - remember FO uses the 50's stuff as creative influence, inspiration etc. It does NOT try to create a 50's setting. Hence why some of the posters are quite ambiguous and only suggest a 50's theme. Really, IMO FO is a post-apoc sci-fi western (Tim Cain said this himself) with 50's inlfuences.

I agree. That's also why I think the 50s setting in Fallout 3 is hard overdone.
what about adding some PC longhairdude critters, so you don't feel too alone, making your fashion statement, with leather armour and long hair, or metal armour and long hair.
I personally like that the long hair PC can result in some unique appearances in certain sets of armor. It's kind of cool to be able to look entirely different than the other critters, but that's just me
Just one thought. Would it be possible to add option to throw lighter or lit flair into shithole in Modoc (backpack icon on the hole leading down). It would make sense IMO since description downstairs says about "one spark enough to blow the everything"
Worldmap/random encounter suggestions:

1) Remove HK CAWS and such from critters that don't even have rifle animations

2) Make the random encounter enemies skill level and equipment dependent on character's luck (ie with high LK, some enemy with crappy AP and skill level should have a "price" weapon such as the above mentioned HK, and with low LK you should be more likely to run into a "bad muthafucka" initially undistinguishable from other enemies - except maybe some extra description only available with awareness perk - with "normal" weaponry but lots of AP and extra crit chance).
Bf109 said:
1) Remove HK CAWS and such from critters that don't even have rifle animations
Any specific instances you remember in particular? I thought I did this but perhaps I missed some.
Come to think about it, nope. I've played both RP2.0 and vanilla lately (on different computers) so probably I just got the two mixed up...
These things may have already been mentioned, and my apologies if that is the case, but there are a couple of things I've been wondering about concerning possible RP additions.

1. Not being tagged with Gravedigger or karma loss when digging up the Mordino Stash if Myron finds it for you. Other specific instances carry no penalty (the ghoul, Anna's bones), and it isn't as though you're actually looting a body. Now one might argue that you're still looting a grave, but those characters who would be doing such things would likely have dug up all of Golgotha anyhow, making Myron and him pointing it out to you ultimately useless.

2. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but doesn't the Cure for Jet quest in Redding take precedence over the mining chip in terms of deciding the ending, thereby resulting in the Vault City ending for most people playing a good karma route? Now this idea may be against what the developers intended, but I have to wonder, is the current order of precedence particularly logical?
The NCR is obviously considered the more "good" owner, whereas Vault City is somewhat more neutral so wouldn't it make more sense if the Vault City ending were only obtained if one were to cure jet but did not sell the mining chip? To paint it with some overly broad strokes, the "good" owner is considered NCR, the "bad" is New Reno, and the neutral one is Vault City (now it's certainly a lot deeper than simply good, bad, neutral, but I'm generalizing ) Alot of dialogue seems to focus largely on Redding either going to New Reno or NCR, so wouldn't it make more sense for the third option to come about if the player took no action as far as the mining chip, rather than coming about as the result of following the good karma path?

To summarize; it seems odd that the Jet Cure quest takes precedence over the mining chip. Would it be against the spirit of the RP to change that?