Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

Jet and Cookies said:
They level 4 times, right?
No, they level 5 times. I forgot to put their base level in my chart on the previous page. It's fixed now.

As for changes to them, I haven't really taken the time to think about it much. But here are some quick thoughts on Cat Jules:
I know the Cat's bit is from the cat character in Red Dwarf. What's the Jules bit?
Anyway, I feel that he should be a bit more wimpy, selfish and vain. That means be be quicker to flee and use stimpacks, be careless where he shoots and not liking to get in close at the risk of breaking a nail (unarmed). Also he probably shouldn't be using big guns (in fact he doesn't mention that he can when asked about weapon skills). Of course that's strictly from a Red Dwarf Cat's perspective.
As he is now I would like him to get strength 7 on his base or first level so he can use all the big guns (like the M60) before he gets a power armor.
And that he tells you he can use them.
One more thing I was thinking, wouldn't it be nice to have a big gun specialist that can burst fire responsibly? So, maybe give him the "sure" or "absolutely sure" option in his combat settings.
Dravean said:
If you're going to differentiate the highest max health, then I'd say give that to Cat.
Of the three, I'd probably say Cat as well. However, having tons of health doesn't fit his character. He is supposed to be swift on his feet and not able to pack a huge punch.

Dravean said:
It'd be cool if Kitsune could get some martial arts perks as she levels up (if that's possible, I have no clue).
Adding perks is doable, but the only problem is that they lose them upon level up. The easiest thing to do would be to give a perk on their last level. In fact, I think it would be cool if all three of them got some perk as their last level up. Dex would get Slayer. Thoughts on the others?

I agree that Cat shouldn't use big guns. As such, I've greatly lowered his big gun skills. He is still very proficient in small weapons and energy weapons - as I originally had planned for.
I rather disagree with everyone else on Dex getting Slayer. He already ends up with a Critical Chance higher than the other two, and by a decent margin too. My two cents: give him Better Criticals.

I actually don't think anyone but the player should get Slayer/Sniper, they're pretty ridiculous with just one person in the party using it.

Bonus HtH attacks would roll over nicely with Kitsune (especially if you gave her 10 AP), and Bonus Rate of Fire would give Cat the ability to use any ranged weapon you give him about once more as well.

They'd end up useful, but not monsters. Well, Dex is already a monster but in a different sense :D
Jet and Cookies said:
I rather disagree with everyone else on Dex getting Slayer. He already ends up with a Critical Chance higher than the other two, and by a decent margin too. My two cents: give him Better Criticals.

Party crasher...

Actually, I understand your point, but unlike you I enjoy the idea of the new NPCs getting an awesome ability upon reaching the last level.
Dravean said:
Actually, I understand your point, but unlike you I enjoy the idea of the new NPCs getting an awesome ability upon reaching the last level.
I was hoping all of my NPC could be of this stature and capability...
…let the slaughter begin…
Dravean said:
Jet and Cookies said:
I rather disagree with everyone else on Dex getting Slayer. He already ends up with a Critical Chance higher than the other two, and by a decent margin too. My two cents: give him Better Criticals.

Party crasher...

Actually, I understand your point, but unlike you I enjoy the idea of the new NPCs getting an awesome ability upon reaching the last level.

Now who's to say I don't enjoy it? And Better Criticals is an awesome ability. Can't get an instant-death crit without it. But whatever, I'd not complain if he did get Slayer. The main problem is that, since there are only 2 final high-end perks, and 3 NPCs, one will likely come out significantly worse than the others. But Better Criticals and Bonus HtH/RoF are all about on the same level.

As it stands now, probably Kitsune gets the shaft while Dex and Cat get Slayer/Sniper. Of course, if she were to gain like 2-3 perks, that would probably make up for it.
Have a few observations and comments on this build of the RP.

In the Primitive Village, the first quest you get from the head warrior, do you need more than 6 perception or is there another skill to properly examine the supplies? From what I can tell you get the same karma and reward if you accept the supplies or do not accept them (and you have no good reason to do so).

In the Den where Anna's ghost is at; there is a shovel on the ground next to Anna's diary. Is this necessary considering there is a shovel in the bookcase which is right next to the diary?

Also I may have found a strange bug. I gave back Vic's radio and Metzger offered me to buy Vic at 1000. I refused. Came back later and cleared out the Slaver's Guild, killing them all, then freeing the slaves. Spoke with Vic and got all the information out of him then offered for him to join my party. He refused, said I didn't have room and that he'd go over to Mom's. Then his party controls came up and he's now in my party.

He should not have joined as my Charisma is only 2 and Sulik is in my party. In fact, if I tell him to stay put, he will not rejoin me. I have a save file that I happened to save JUST before this (and it's repeatable) and just after where he is in my party and I can equip him as I like.

Otherwise I have to say I enjoy the little things, the extra posters up all over the place, extra attention to detail, and the Primitive Village seems more fleshed out in general. Thanks Killap.

Edit: Couple other things:

I think I love the new Kaga encounter as far as it's setup and that he has teammates like you do. It's also good that he runs away when he's getting beat up (I tend to go for his head for a knockout to steal his gear). However, there's not as much explanation as there was previously as he just sort of yells at you for being the chosen one - but maybe that's just the kind of guy he is. I haven't met his 'final' encounter yet, but I think the final encounter would be best if he let his heart out to you, explaining himself, before your final battle. Just for super-villain sake :)

Finally, the Revolver. It was a good weapon before, but I was dealing 60-70 damage with headshots in the Den with it. Is that correct, because it was pretty obscenely powerful for that early in the game?
I think you should change this one thing for 2.1. It's not really such a big deal, since not many level 8-10s will have any Gauss ammo, but still.

When you connect to Navarro from Gecko's plant, and you be a wiseass with the guy that you speak with, he sends 2 Enclave guys with a vertibird out for you.

That's genius. The problem is, one of them has a Gauss Pistol. This wouldn't be a problem, except they're pitifully easy to steal, especially if you're willing to reload a couple of times. The other trooper has a Shotgun and no ammo. All in all, this isn't the threat it should be. In fact, to me it kind of just says "Free Gauss Pistol."

I think that the troopers should spawn with the guns equipped to make them unstealable. Failing that, causing them to ship you to Navarro for questioning, where you really won't make it out, is preferable as well.

Edit: So, after working around a bit, the Gauss Pistol can be exploited pretty easily. There's 200 2mm EC Ammo in the Toxic Caves, which can be simply acquired upon getting your car. Just a quick trip to New Reno and back for the Electronic Lockpicks, and bam. Game Breaker without going to San Fran, Navarro, or really any area out of your level at that point in the game.
The Bag in Modoc

First off... yes I am a n00b to the forums.

I installed Killap's wonderful expansion along with the high res package created by Mash.
These are the only 2 mods I have installed.

Anyway, I have had no luck finding the bag in Modoc.
The first thing I did was hold down the shift button to highlight ground items.
It didn't show up using that trick.
I searched the forums, and also Per's walkthrough for the bag location.
I have the pictures someone posted along with his description.
I was straining my eyes in different resolutions trying to find it.

Then I noticed the picture that was posted in a different thread didn't have as much ground clutter.
The straw wasn't visible on the picture posted.
So I have finally decided to break down and post to ask....

Was it removed from the game in the Restoration project?
I have OCD when it comes to finding every item, and exploring every inch of an RPG.
So this has been bugging me. :|
@ Pallor,
The bags in Fallout are bugged and since they didn't really have any use it was decided to be better to just remove them (and way simpler as I believe it would be very complicated to fix them).
Also, you are correct. The RP maps have been visually enhanced, thanks to Pixote.
Damn.... thanks for the reply though.

I love doing the "shady sands shuffle" on NPCs that get on my nerves.
I introduced a lot of pickpocketing orphans to that technique at The Den. :twisted:

However a single explosive doesn't work on a lot of NPCs.
So when I read about the satchel charge trick.
I backtracked a long ways to find it. :(
Wanted to chime in some more on this. The Verti-Assault encounter is cool and it's great you can talk your way out of it. As someone mentioned elsewhere, The Enclave troops should have the weapons equipped though, because a Guass Pistol that early is pretty game-breaking. Beating it off of them is one thing, but stealing it with 17% steal is quite another.

EPA stuff is cool, but is the Environmental Armor still there? I didn't see it anywhere. The 'huge' enemies are interesting there too. I strangely feel like the Solar Scorcher is too easy to get, but maybe that's just because I had my character pretty tweaked out for all of this. Otherwise my only qualm was not being able to fix the lighting system before the Hologram gave me the quest, that was a bit odd, but not a huge deal. I know there are still bugs to work out.

Still enjoying
Damn everyone know how to get in the EPA.

I'm still trying to figure out what to do with all those items, I go down the elevator kill all the low level bugs and get stuck... >.<
lucas. said:
.. I go down the elevator kill all the low level bugs and get stuck... >.<
Don't rush, explore carefully. Examine unusual scenery elements with "binocular" action and also watch the floating texts.
OK, I've just reached the EPA (btw, Earth Protection Agency? - I thought it was Environmental Protection Agency) and im on the 'power water and air' level I think, with the broken generator making the noises.

However, when I try to repair it, it just says its already fixed, despite me having done nothing to it. No sign of any lights either.

My repair is 75% and my science is 121%.
Yes, the EPA lighting generator keeps making 'bzzt' and 'whirr' and so on floating text noises. I try to fix it but it says its already fixed and nothing more can be done.
Chancellor Kremlin,
play further, this generator will be interesting later.

there are lots of floating texts in EPA. Anyway, also "binocular" action is useful, you must be observant. (especially in the maintenance level - that rusty one)
The generator thing is bugged. The text says it's fixed and there's nothing more you can do, but it's not fixed. You cannot fix it until you get the quest to fix it - I had that same problem.

EPA is great.