Fallout 2 Savegame Editor

Though... Now I'm curious where I can change my Traits.

It's on the "Misc" tab, about halfway down on the right under traits :P


Back to that whole editing character location thing, guessing it cannot be done? after hours and hours of trying to fix a missing exit grid at toxic cave i'd like to do the quests involved and simply edit my location to right outside.
editing character location thing, guessing it cannot be done?
Yes, I can not do it correctly. Some information is stored in maps instead of save.dat. If only party members were left in old map, I would probably made location change possible. But scripts information(player and inventory items) is stored in maps and I don't know how to move it.
I have used this on my steam versions of F1 and F2 and both work great! For F1 it also works with Falche! If you run into the memory error that crashes your save reinstall the editor and it should work. (worked for me) ALWAYS HAVE A BACKUP SAVE!
Если sfallgv.sav содержит фейковый перк, то редактор не может корректно прочитать из него данные. (sfallgv.sav могу предоставить если нужно).

If sfallgv.sav contains fake Perks of the editor is unable to properly read the data from it. (sfallgv.sav can provide if needed)

Если sfallgv.sav содержит фейковый перк, то редактор не может корректно прочитать из него данные. (sfallgv.sav могу предоставить если нужно).

If sfallgv.sav contains fake Perks of the editor is unable to properly read the data from it. (sfallgv.sav can provide if needed)
Если что в исходниках sfall можно посмотреть точный формат sfallgv.sav. Еще есть описалово формата для проги 010 Editor (оно понятнее).

You can look in sfall source code for correct file format. :)
Hey, I killed a boat guard and a dock worker in San Fran and now every one in Chinatown is trying to kill me, I tried messing with the .sav files and even deleting them but to no avail. Any help? (I'm trying to stop their hostility, forgot to mention that)
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every one in Chinatown is trying to kill me, I tried messing with the .sav files and even deleting them but to no avail.

Have you looked at (61:GVAR_TOWN_REP_SAN_FRANCISCO=(?))
try setting that to 0 and get back to me.
if that doesn't work send me a private message and i will help you work through it
Is it possible to use this editor to edit quest values? I accidentally asked Moore for payment, and now the entire bishop quest line is cut off. I want to change the quest variable for that, but it doesnt appear to be in the list of GVARs.
Is it possible to use this editor to edit quest values? I accidentally asked Moore for payment, and now the entire bishop quest line is cut off. I want to change the quest variable for that, but it doesnt appear to be in the list of GVARs.
Yes, it's possible, but in your case I don't think it's necessary. Moore has two briefcases to give you, one good and one bad. You probably got the bad one. So go to inventory section of the editor and select Moore's Briefcase, then change it into his other briefcase (same item name, just below the one you have).
If that doesn't work, post again and I'll look deeper into the variables.
hey i tried using the critter editor to change sulik's stats when i try to save the changes it just says "Warning can't gzopen file'' the same happens with all my companions someone knows how to fix this?
Since the error occurs while saving, I would guess that something prevents opening the file for writing. The most common reasons:
1. Read only attribute on file.
2. System protection for files installed in "Program Files...".
Since the error occurs while saving, I would guess that something prevents opening the file for writing. The most common reasons:
1. Read only attribute on file.
2. System protection for files installed in "Program Files...".
the problem was the read only attribute on file i change it and editor works now thanks for the help
Yes, it's possible, but in your case I don't think it's necessary. Moore has two briefcases to give you, one good and one bad. You probably got the bad one. So go to inventory section of the editor and select Moore's Briefcase, then change it into his other briefcase (same item name, just below the one you have).
If that doesn't work, post again and I'll look deeper into the variables.

Thanks, that did the trick.

Having some trouble trying to get f12se to unbug my car though. I did the NCR->Redding caravan run, and when i left redding, i ended up on the world map with the car. After that though, everytime i enter a world map location, my car isn't there. It's not in NCR where I left it, even though the f12se editor says the car is in NCR.

Ive tried using the f12se editor to set my car to vault 13, NCR, and a few other players, but it is NEVER there when i enter the location. How do i fix this?
I am not competent in car questions, but you can try Darek's instruction from this post.
The following needs to be changed:

gvar 18 set to 1
gvar 348 set to 2
gvar 633 set to 23078

Then start your game, load up your save and exit the NCR entrance map on foot. When you come back to the map again the car will be there.
I am not competent in car questions, but you can try Darek's instruction from this post.

Thanks, that seems to have worked. Do you have a list of locations for gvar 633 (which code = which map)? It seems odd that changing the car location via the drop down list doesnt actually move the car there...
I don't know how it works. I would guess that dropdown list specifies map on world map, gvar specifies coordinates on selected map and if coordinates are not good car doesn't spawn. But you should ask someone who does modding.
Thanks, that did the trick.

Having some trouble trying to get f12se to unbug my car though. I did the NCR->Redding caravan run, and when i left redding, i ended up on the world map with the car. After that though, everytime i enter a world map location, my car isn't there. It's not in NCR where I left it, even though the f12se editor says the car is in NCR.

Ive tried using the f12se editor to set my car to vault 13, NCR, and a few other players, but it is NEVER there when i enter the location. How do i fix this?
One other way to "fix" this is to drive until the car runs out of fuel. The car WILL appear then, and should work properly after you refuel it (don't ask me why).
I found an easier way to fix it. Simply set gvar 633 to 0 and the car location to another map. It seems that if gvar 633 is 0 then the car location takes priority.
OK does anyone know which variables in the editor control companion stages (Which stage they are at)?. Trying to figure out why dogmeat appears to be back to his base stats of 128 hp.