First of all, i wanted to say your editor works now on my computer

i want to report/suggest a few things:
1 - attached is my translation to pt-br, several words/phrases arent displayed, the tabs and several other places of the editor needs to auto-resize themselves so this problem doesnt happen, i believe this may be the case with other translations that will come. (btw, i suggest you to look everywhere carefully incluiding the menu where there is space but the word isnt displayed)
2 - small bug: the repeated traits image attached shows a duplicated list of traits, i wonder if other places suffer from the same problem, i didnt test them all.
3 - the bad quality image attached shows the image of my character in the cave in the lowest/ugliest resolution possible, is it really like that?
4 - the editor doesnt have an "About" box with the version number and date of release of the editor, this is needed so we can be sure we are using the latest version available.
5 - feature request: i noticed the editor finds gog/steam installations automatically but has a problem to find installations out of Program Files directory, my installation for example is at C:\Downloads\Variedades\Fallout 1
6 - when you click on Settings it comes the dialog box where you can point the path of the installlation of fallout, etc, etc - the interface section where it's written "Load from file" i mean, there is no need for that to exist, just click on language and press Ok or then clicking 2x in the language chosen should be enough to change the language of the interface just like it happens in several programs, no need to check a box for that.
That's all and thank you for your editor, it's really useful.