Fallout 2 Unofficial Patch and Restoration Project Updated

Bimmy said:
Not Found

The requested URL /fallout2/expansion/2.1.1/F2_Restoration_Project_2.1.1.exe was not found on this server.

I tried with opera, googlecrome and explorer... same results
is the link down for some reason or I'm the only one with this problem?

I've already downloaded it and installed it, but I've retried today and it works perfectly for me.

Also checked here and it says the link works.

killap.net is a blank page... now i'm sad...
thanks for the help. I'll try to download the RP from my office, I really want to play this :D

edit: I googled F2_Restoration_Project_2.1.1.exe and I found a file that is 137,8 MB. Lets hope for good...
Bimmy said:
edit: I googled F2_Restoration_Project_2.1.1.exe and I found a file that is 137,8 MB. Lets hope for good...
Why are you googling for it? Just grab it from the link in the first post in this thread or from my signature. I wouldn't trust random links from google. Also, killap.net works for me, but there do seem to be broken images everywhere. I'll have to see what's up when I finally update it for the RP 2.x release line. I haven't touched that site in 2 years...
So *that's* where the presidential keycard went!

Edit: Oh wow, is it already time for another playthrough? Please slow your release schedule, I hardly have time to play other games! ;)
I do not know why but on my home pc killap.net is a blank page and the link result to be broken...
I'm at office right now and from this pc your site works just fine and the link works perfectly...

:lol: in my opinion computers are mysterious and obscure things.
Wow with this version of the RP I have the right amount of encounters without having to noodle around in the ini file, very, very cool :-). Thanks Killap
Can I install this over the last version, or do I have to re-install FO2 and everything?
I have the White Label UK Edition so I had to install the Child Patch. Will that effect anything?
TheGM said:
I have the White Label UK Edition so I had to install the Child Patch. Will that effect anything?
Nope, that's why the option is in the installer. Assuming you chose that rather than install the children patch separately... Though that still shouldn't be a problem.
holy crap! much thanks for your hard work, my good sir. looks like it's time for another play-through when i get home... perhaps in tandem with my play-through of arcanum. again, love your work!
Does the unofficial patch include being able to use the mousewheel? I read somewhere it incorporated some Sfall tweaks, but couldn't figure out what. It also killed my high res patch, so are they not compatible now?
It includes both the mousewheel and the high res patch, though you'll have to get to the graphics button in the options menu to change the latter -- editing ddraw.ini directly makes the RP go crazy with warning messages, at least for me. This is highly irritating because my monitor won't display Fallout resolutions; it chops the top and bottom off the screen. I managed to blind-click the button and change my resolution, though, and I haven't had any problems since.

On a somewhat related note, the documentation AND installer both clearly state that you're not to install anything but the RP... no official patch, no unofficial patch, just fresh F2 install.
Thanks a ton! Actually, I'm playing with just the patch, not the RP. Is there a difference re: the Sfall tweaks?
Not sure, really. I haven't played with just the UP since the RP 1.0 came out, lol. Assuming you've finished the game before, I'd really recommend trying out the RP.

Edit: Also, I see you stated in your post you were talking about the UP. My bad, that's what I get for multi-tasking. xD
That's okay. I've never gotten around to beating Fallout 2, so I want to play it semi-vanilla before I go with the RP.
Bimmy said:
Not Found

The requested URL /fallout2/expansion/2.1.1/F2_Restoration_Project_2.1.1.exe was not found on this server.

I tried with opera, googlecrome and explorer... same results
is the link down for some reason or I'm the only one with this problem?

link works fine for me in Firefox