Fallout 2 Unofficial Patch and Restoration Project Updated

I still get killap.net as a blank page on this computer but I got the RP from another one and it works fine.

It's the first time that I actually play the RP and I'm really impressed :D
many many thanks killap!

Sadly my eng is too bad to explain how much I love this mod :D
Is anyone else getting an error and a game crash when they enter The Den? I've been pretty much everywhere else and everything was fine (amazing, actually @ killap) but I kind of want the car and every time I get on the town circle and hit my triangle, it all shuts down.

I even got a super tool kit from San Fran so I don't have to do the whole ridiculous quest getting one from Vic's daughter.

Am I the only wastelander without a highwayman right now?

cunningandvalor said:
Is anyone else getting an error and a game crash when they enter The Den? I've been pretty much everywhere else and everything was fine (amazing, actually @ killap) but I kind of want the car and every time I get on the town circle and hit my triangle, it all shuts down.

I even got a super tool kit from San Fran so I don't have to do the whole ridiculous quest getting one from Vic's daughter.

Am I the only wastelander without a highwayman right now?

Please post issues to the RP thread.
thanks for all the time you put into this, it elevates an awesome game to unrivaled heights IMO.
killap you deserve a special place in fallout heaven...who am i kidding you, if there is a fallout heaven it is probably because you fixed it up and made it so. endless thanks.
and endless thanks +1 for thinking of mac players
killap you deserve a special place in fallout heaven...who am i kidding you, if there is a fallout heaven it is probably because you fixed it up and made it so. endless thanks.
and endless thanks +1 for thinking of mac players

That should be classified as sexual harassment. Haha.