First time out of the vault

I've beaten fallout 1, have gotten half way through fallout 2 two times now and haven't finished it, I will more than likely finish it this time but something that started to get a bit annoying was the "humor".
Yes it's a fun game, but the endless culture references just scream "dudebro" game dev. Gay super mutant gimps, a random event that is in reference to a "spam war" on a forum (lol???) "we beat the spammer yeaaahh!" a guy shooting brahmin at you/exploding when you get his questions right.
It screams "shoot shooty mcshoot face in the face" to complete quest. It's the "rawr XD" of the 90s.
The so called god of the franchise Chris have-a-loan filled the game with childish toilet humor and references to online forums and spam wars done over dial up internet.
on top of that he contradicts the invention of jet in it's own quest series. Apparently there were jet addicts before jet was even invented, which is Bethesda levels of writing but this time straight from the horses mouth.
The game is great and a straight up grade in mechanics from fallout 1, but the tone shift and humor in it kind of sucks. Dice roll to not get ass raped by a super mutant is a true low of the franchise in my opinion.
Yes it's a fun game, but the endless culture references just scream "dudebro" game dev. Gay super mutant gimps, a random event that is in reference to a "spam war" on a forum (lol???) "we beat the spammer yeaaahh!" a guy shooting brahmin at you/exploding when you get his questions right.
It screams "shoot shooty mcshoot face in the face" to complete quest. It's the "rawr XD" of the 90s.
The so called god of the franchise Chris have-a-loan filled the game with childish toilet humor and references to online forums and spam wars done over dial up internet.
on top of that he contradicts the invention of jet in it's own quest series. Apparently there were jet addicts before jet was even invented, which is Bethesda levels of writing but this time straight from the horses mouth.
The game is great and a straight up grade in mechanics from fallout 1, but the tone shift and humor in it kind of sucks. Dice roll to not get ass raped by a super mutant is a true low of the franchise in my opinion.