Fallout 3: A Rehash of Old Stories

Blackened said:
The BoS I liked the most was in Fallout 1, though I never played Fallout:BoS.

I remember I once read this (I mean , Part 1, #1).

It seems they screwed up with the Brotherhood in the same way in Fallout 3 - representing them as a do-gooders, fighting the "Good Fight", and giving their lives for the people in the Capital Wasteland. Even the Enclave is not dealt with just by the player. They also fight Super Mutants.

And originally, they were doing all this just to survive.

i liked both fallout 1 and 2 but in fallout 1 the Brotherhood
seems somewhat more powerful and " epic " !

The Dutch Ghost said:
With few willing to indicate the scarcity of original plot in Fallout 3, save for a few probably rabid fans of the original games who despise Fallout 3 just for the sake of doing it, it rests upon my shoulders to set things straight.

This I hate.
To me the writer basically says that Fallout fans wanted a rehash of Fallout 1 or 2 because anything with a 3 after it would be bad.

Yeah, it's also like spitting into the very face of the people who provided the ideas for the article. Especially since he implies that the only ones noticing the faults of the plot are the rabid fans with no brain.
Cimmerian Nights said:
rcatf said:
Bethesda is creative enough but they aren't story tellers
Don't shortchange Pete Hines - their PR department has the best storytellers in the company.

I personally like the one about how big they all are fans of the original Fallout.

Such a drama, conviction of words and passion to the Thing they love...
Public said:
I personally like the one about how big they all are fans of the original Fallout.

Such a drama, conviction of words and passion to the Thing they love...

If they love it so much why do they abuse it so horribly?
They also had the player looking for a GECK in FO3. *yawn* How original Bethesda. I may like your Morrowind but you suck at coming up with original plot lines. Go get a GECK, Blaaaahh. Oh yeah thats new. But wait theres bloom effects. :lol:

I once seen a guy on another site say that the next elder scrolls game will just have 2 sets of armor, 3 swords, 4 NPCs, 2 bosses, 5 quests and take place all in one room with a table 1 chair and bloom effects that will burn your eye balls.

Expect the next bethesda made Fallout to be that way.
TamaNeko said:
Uhh guys, did you all forget about the Outcasts? For all intents and purposes, they ARE the original BOS. Hell, they even try to kill you at the end of Operation Anchorage because they want your tech. A shame they weren't better developed into a faction you could do more for, but they were there.

lol, so that's why they suddenly started shooting eachother. I thought it was yet another glitch, since they didn't say shit. :|