Fallout 3: Anchorage Questioned


The competent and moderate editors of GameSpy have kept their word and questions asked by the community were answered. See for yourself here.<blockquote>Jeff Gardiner: There are definitely some subtle shades of "Doctor Strangelove" there. But we never went overboard with any overt humor in Fallout 3, and the same is true for Operation: Anchorage. It's subtle, and often dark, and for us, that's really the right tone.</blockquote>Link: Fallout 3 Operation Anchorage Reader Q&A

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So its basically what modders can already do, but they're charging for it?
There are no new features, does not open any possibilities to the modder and does not follow cannon(non-accurate? C'mon that's bull!). And Now that I come to think of it, most of the new equipment are refurbished models.
Silly me for expecting something better from them. I mean, not even weather? Even the trees in the screenshot are already in-game , and what's even worse, they are placed next to each other.
Im no Beth hater but this is almost insulting.
Wow, I've been optomistic so far, but this really makes it sound like shit. I mean each response made it sound worse and worse, and I'm a psuedo-fanboy of Fallout3 (in spirit). Like the BS answer about weather, he throws out a bunch of words that sound like a yes but actually mean no.

Gah, maybe the next one will be better...
There are definitely some subtle shades of "Doctor Strangelove" there. But we never went overboard with any overt humor in Fallout 3

Mmm, that superhero quest was pretty much the definition of subtlety.
Wow. I was willing to forgive Bethesda for at least trying to make a Fallout 3, but now they're outright butchering it.
GSpy Reader: Fallout Nerd Question: Will there be an explanation given for why T-51b is in use in Alaska rather than a variation on the T-45b? Aren't the Power Armor suits in Fallout 3 supposed to be the original, older models?

Actually, the T-51bs were introduced in Alaska in 2076 as well, and Alaska was liberated in early 2077, so it does not conflict with any of the lore.
Honestly, besides it being linear and more of a combat simulation, I'm not really upset with this DLC. I am thinking of it in Tactics sort of way (minus the tactical combat).

Not jumping up and down, but not really disappointed either (yet).
hey, the name of it is operation anchorage...

they can do whatever the hell they want to it...

not like they are making a FPP + RT game out of a 3/4 view TB game and like calling it FO3.

i mean, if they were doing that, that would be a travesty.

but this, this is fallout: operation anchorage. they can do whatever they want.
Rev. Layle said:
Honestly, besides it being linear and more of a combat simulation, I'm not really upset with this DLC. I am thinking of it in Tactics sort of way (minus the tactical combat).

Not jumping up and down, but not really disappointed either (yet).

Suddenly I have to think about Yoda's warning on the Dark Side

Yoda "You will be, oh you will be."

Wouldn't it have been better that if Bethesda insisted to make a FPS download of a Fallout world historical event, to make it for a real FPS game?
Ausir said:
Actually, the T-51bs were introduced in Alaska in 2076 as well, and Alaska was liberated in early 2077, so it does not conflict with any of the lore.

Thanks for clearing that up, but that only makes his answer wrost. He knows jack about the lore and thinks that answer will suffice for any flaw they add.
I dont really mind the content and the fact they're trying to earn some easy money but they should at least read the fallout bible!
Todd Howard: maestro of subtle humor.


However, there are decisions to be made within the scope of the content itself. The player has the choice on how to outfit their strike team. They also get to decide how to approach and subdue the Chinese Stronghold, as well as how and if they'll help the Brotherhood Outcasts. Subsequent DLC, The Pitt and Broken Steel, will contain more open-world gameplay.
Dude, who stole my RPG?

Jeff Gardiner: As this is a combat training simulator, the creators of the simulation didn't design it to be 100% historically accurate!
The ultimate cop-out.
I was actually the one who posted the Fallout Nerd question.

I assumed that Operation Anchorage was the initial attack on Chinese lines in the late 2060s, thus only having T-45s, but if this is rather the final push, yeah the T-51s would be in service (albeit with limited numbers) at that time.

So my bad. :/

I agree though, the answer given just further illustrates the complete disregard Bethesda has for established material. I got this glaringly wrong and they didn't even realize it.
To be honest, Operation Anchorage sounds more like a little extra you throw in on another expansion pack or DLC.
Sort of how Half Life Blue Shift was suppose to be a little extra on the proposed Half Life version for the Dreamcast.

Well that is how I would have handled it anyway.
GSpy Reader: Are there any new creatures, and are they attuned to the frosty environ of Alaska (polar bears for example)? Since this scenario is pre-war, the creatures should not be byproducts of radiation I presume...
Jeff Gardiner: The focus of Operation: Anchorage is a simulated military combat exercise. Hence, it will not feature penguins or polar bears! But no, no new creatures. Some new enemies, but not creatures.
Yeah, the military would never want to accurately depict the palce they were going to be fighting in, they'd only want there to be soldiers. What a rediculous excuse for laziness. Nevermind that Polar bears and penguins live about as far away from each other as possible.
Maybe he's referring to auks. Who, after they were mutated by FEV, ate everything.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Bleh, they always make it sound so nice in interviews...



At the bottom of the screen, I hope to M'Atra Chinese Hei Gui commandos won't be regular combat troops.

Depends on the "coolness" factor. The more cool it is, the more from it in the game. Like icing on a cake. The more the better ...

GSpy Reader: Will the Operation: Anchorage content be open-ended like in Shivering Isles, or will it be a wholly linear experience akin to not-so-notable downloadable content we've seen from other games?

Jeff Gardiner: "Operation: Anchorage is a more linear experience. However, there are decisions to be made within the scope of the content itself. The player has the choice on how to outfit their strike team. They also get to decide how to approach and subdue the Chinese Stronghold, as well as how and if they'll help the Brotherhood Outcasts. Subsequent DLC, The Pitt and Broken Steel, will contain more open-world gameplay."

Awesome even more linear then Fallout 3 already? ... Thats pretty much in my eyes the acknowledge that its just another Call of Duty experience. Just in the Fallout world ...

Letz hope the DLC sells not like Hotcakes. Or we all know how Fallout 4 will look like ...Call of Fallout - The nuclear chronicles
Crni Vuk, I think its most likely that Operation Anchorage and every following DLC will sell like hotcakes.

Bethesda's hyped ensured that some time ago.