Fallout 3 and Game Violence's Taboo

The simple fact that they even included child-killing in the original game is what made the game so groundbreaking in the first place, on many levels. My reasoning behind this notion is because it added a complex realism to the world and, most importantly, the choice in the many ways the player could point their moral compass. It provided the player a gameplay dynamic that had not even been considered in the gaming industry up until that point.

Now, I don't think I ever killed children in the original games, nor did I get the "Child-Killer" label, but the fact that I could if I chose to, was an aspect I came to love about the game. Having said that, I cannot stand games/developers that tout a complete open world with the ability to make "important" ethical choices, but then bottleneck the consequences of those choices into a pre-determined path (aka Bioshock). I guess the main question that everyone has been asking themselves already is the following:

Why not leave the content in the game and allow the players to make their own choices?

Now, I am a devout fan of the Fallout series. The original games both hold spots within my top 5 PC games of all time, and I've been skeptical of Bethesda's work on Fallout 3 because I was so incredibly let down by Oblivion. Be that as it may, my answer to the above question? Who cares at this point...

I'm not sure if this was already mentioned in this thread - and forgive me if it has been - But the game will modded to hell and back and we WILL see somebody out there create a mod with the "Child-Killer" label, as well as a mod that will allow children back in the game. It's unfortunate that this aspect will not make it into the final retail version of the game, but I'm still hopeful about the game only because we've had to wait 10 long years.

And secondly, if the rumors about Interplay still owning the rights to a Fallout MMO are true, and if players are NOT happy with Fallout 3, then eventually we will have a true sequel (the way the developers originally intended and planned) to the games we've all come to love.

Just my opinion, but like I stated above... I remain incredibly hopeful about the Fallout series.
The simple fact that they even included child-killing in the original game is what made the game so groundbreaking in the first place, on many levels.

Wasn't that groundbreaking, you could kill kids in Wasteland too.
Mælstrom said:
The simple fact that they even included child-killing in the original game is what made the game so groundbreaking in the first place, on many levels.
No, it wasn't. Ultima VII had didn't have god-like children, Wasteland didn't have god-like children, etc.

Mælstrom said:
My reasoning behind this notion is because it added a complex realism to the world and, most importantly, the choice in the many ways the player could point their moral compass.

Mælstrom said:
It provided the player a gameplay dynamic that had not even been considered in the gaming industry up until that point.
Brother None said:
You know, as much as I like seeing you guys take potshots at Emil again, his whole argument is superfluous anyway, because of one point he names:

Let’s be clear, with the ESRB’s rating system, that’s not something that would fly anyway

Simply put: with killeable kids, they would practically not be allowed to sell the game in the United States. This is true for Bethesda as it is for everyone. That's exactly why child-killing was never a bone of contention, even here it never really was because even we're not rabid enough to think Bethesda should just give up on selling the game so we can have mortal children in there.

Make fun of the decision all you want, but it was never an option. Which makes this whole op-ed piece kind of inane.

yeah i agree, the rest was probably just BS/Filler for the sake of appearances, stupid yes!

Unfortunately games now aren't allowed to be as raunchy or graphic as they were back then, back when no one really cared(not even Jack thompson...ok maybe him)

on another note...i love crotchety joes pic....

I do wish they would've spent more time on the bloody mess animations, y'know like bringing back alot from the original games but oh well.

*goes to kill the cathedral bitch for caps...