Fallout 3 at E3 - G4TV interview

the4thlaw said:
Does anyone else think Morgan Webb (or whatever her name is) has a chin too prominent for her face? it makes her look like a hardened thug.

her photoshoots I've seen are far from sexy... but that's off topic :shock:

I can't stop laughing watching the interview. Todd is so funny that he looks like going to say 'Heh babe your place or mine?' :rofl:
Is it me or does it look like she wants to go as far away from him as humanly possible
What Todd Howard is doing with Fallout is parallel to people on youtube who create "best of futurama" clips.

start with something good, take everything out of context and mix it together in a horrible order thinking that everyone will think it's 'cool' and 'hilarious', and then put your name all over it.


:clap: @ the comic at the top of the page
What Todd is doing is far worse, at least the Futurama clip makers use the original material unaltered - even if it is taken out of context and mashed up :)
Nim82 said:
What Todd is doing is far worse, at least the Futurama clip makers use the original material unaltered - even if it is taken out of context and mashed up :)

the sad thing is you're right :( Todd is like that kid who jumped on my lunch when I was 5, only that kid probably had a deeper voice
Where, exactly, did Howard say they couldn't do FPS games 10 years ago? this is what he said:

Those other games are ten years old, so now, with the presentation we can do now, and because it's role-playing, we want you to feel that you are this person in the world.

If you'd actually read the damned thing properly you'd realize he simply said that The presentation (graphics etc...) had improved vastly in ten years, allowing for a more massive and immersive world. He never said a First Person RPG couldn't be done 10 years ago, he's saying a game at this level of graphical quality/size/etc... couldn't be done 10 years ago.

And why is a first/third person Fallout a bad thing? Do you really want to see everything from up above all the time? Where all the buildings look flat and everything is small and far below you?

Personally, I think an opportunity to see the Fallout world from first person kicks ass. to really get the size of a big super mutant, a feel for the hulking empty shells of buildings. You just don't get that sense of scale, immersion, and atmosphere when looking down on everything like that.
Hi El_Smacko,

Todd Howard said:
Those other games are ten years old, so now, with the presentation we can do now, and because it's role-playing, we want you to feel that you are this person in the world.
Check Per's post about this one, it's the 2nd post in this thread. If you still don't understand it, someone will come around and explain.
And why is a first/third person Fallout a bad thing?
Read this. Also, the 1st/3rd person perspective is only a small part of the overall degradation of the game, what's bothering us more. Take your time, read the news on the forum, check out the reaction of people...
Personally, I think an opportunity to see the Fallout world from first person kicks ass.
Yes, I think so too. As long as it's not called Fallout 3. I believe Fallout: Bos 2 would be a nice, proper title for it.
El_Smacko said:
Personally, I think an opportunity to see the Fallout world from first person kicks ass.
FO's iso view wasn't to 'kick-ass', it had it's purpose.

But in case you haven't seen Troika's PA game demo.
It's possible to make fpp/tpp/iso game. And by iso I mean playable iso.
Bethesda didn't want to, I guess they're lazy bastards.
But I guess people don't mind turning Fallout from p&p emulating crpg to something that "kicks ass!"
They're just doing what's 'cool', huh?
Check Per's post about this one, it's the 2nd post in this thread. If you still don't understand it, someone will come around and explain.

When I quoted Todd Howard, I did it in the context of his meaning. While I am optimistic about the game, I am fully aware it could go right down the sh*tter upon release. What I meant by what I said was this post:

it is totally clear, Per, that with the technology used in Half-life, you could never have made a first person Fallout at the time. utterly technically impossible!

Todd Howard never said that first person RPGs couldn't be done ten years ago. I was just pointing this out.

Read this.

I did, thanks, I also poured through the "Who is this for" article by Brother None, as well as the FAQs for Van Beuren and current Fallout 3. Now that I have a better grasp of everything I further grasp how afraid everyone is of Bethesda ruining the license. However, I still feel that alot of people are jumping to conclusions and panicking a bit too quickly. Personally, I think it's safe to remain cautiously optimistic at this point.

Take your time, read the news on the forum, check out the reaction of people...

I will, this looks like a great community.

Thanks, by the way, for not flaming me into oblivion.

EDIT: Black, I think your reading to much into my comment. I wasn't loudly proclaiming the superiority of FPS or anything. I was simply saying the Fallout world has a wonderful aesthetic look, and to experience it in full 3-D as an individual (and not from a God perspective) would be aesthetically pleasing. Personally, while I enjoyed Morrowind (haven't played Oblivion yet), I found the first person combat boring as hell, and definitely derive more entertainment from Fallout's stregic turn based combat.

...Which reminds me, why doesn't someone do a X-Com: UFO Defense remake?
EDIT: Black, I think your reading to much into my comment. I wasn't loudly proclaiming the superiority of FPS or anything. I was simply saying the Fallout world has a wonderful aesthetic look, and to experience it in full 3-D as an individual (and not from a God perspective) would be aesthetically pleasing. Personally, while I enjoyed Morrowind (haven't played Oblivion yet), I found the first person combat boring as hell, and definitely derive more entertainment from Fallout's stregic turn based combat.
And that's why I mentioned Troika's PA project. So far, no one was able to give good answer why beth did not implement normal tb/rt option and tpp + fpp + iso.
Other than "they're lazy, uncreative f-kcs who only know how to make fpp games" of course.

Thanks, by the way, for not flaming me into oblivion.
Oblivion? Why would anyone want that?
Nah, seriously, as long as your nick isn't sir tycho sexy, worm, moribundus etc I'm cool ;d
Todd Howard never said that first person RPGs couldn't be done ten years ago. I was just pointing this out.
Then again, if he hadn't diverged so much from the original idea, he wouldn't have to persuade me that the FPP is in any way better (or more immersive - Devil knows I hate using that word) than the ISO view.
Thanks, by the way, for not flaming me into oblivion.
Thank YOU for not coming around burst-bubbling and trolling, like some of the newcomers do.
...Which reminds me, why doesn't someone do a X-Com: UFO Defense remake?
About the UFO series has been discussed on this forum too, search a bit, I believe there's something worthy to be dug out after all.
El_Smacko said:
EDIT: Black, I think your reading to much into my comment. I wasn't loudly proclaiming the superiority of FPS or anything. I was simply saying the Fallout world has a wonderful aesthetic look, and to experience it in full 3-D as an individual (and not from a God perspective) would be aesthetically pleasing.
Huh? An isometric point of view doesn't conflict in any way with a 3D game engine or a full 3D world.
What I don't understand is how people continually try to pretend that first-person view is the same as 'immersion'.
Huh? An isometric point of view doesn't conflict in any way with a 3D game engine or a full 3D world.
What I don't understand is how people continually try to pretend that first-person view is the same as 'immersion'.

I'm quickly learning to not use that word.

Anyways, what I meant by see it in 3-D is not just polygonal, but from all angles. An isometric view, by nature, cuts off alot of the environment. The shape, hight, and scale of things is often lost, as is subtle detail because of the distance and direction from which things are viewed. Aside from that, environments are also often structured differently to be navigated and interacted with by someone clicking on stuff from above.

I'm just saying, I'd love to experience the world and characters of Fallout up close and personal, that's all.
El_Smacko said:
Anyways, what I meant by see it in 3-D is not just polygonal, but from all angles. An isometric view, by nature, cuts off alot of the environment. The shape, hight, and scale of things is often lost, as is subtle detail because of the distance and direction from which things are viewed.

That's a load of cack. Look at one of the more recent isometric games, Titan Quest. It has a fine sense of scale.
Oblivion on the other hand feels like walking through Disneyland.

Aside from that, environments are also often structured differently to be navigated and interacted with by someone clicking on stuff from above.


I'm just saying, I'd love to experience the world and characters of Fallout up close and personal, that's all.

Too bad Fallout isn't about that. It's never been about that.
And I'd take a crappy sprite with tons of witty dialogs over Oblivion/Fallout 3's plastic faced monotonous drones wiith the same voices and 2 lines of dialog any day.
Too bad Fallout isn't about that. It's never been about that.
And I'd take a crappy sprite with tons of witty dialogs over Oblivion/Fallout 3's plastic faced monotonous drones wiith the same voices and 2 lines of dialog any day.

Fair enough. I wasn't talking specifically about Fallout 3. I was just talking about how it would be nice to explore the Fallout world up close, in any context.

That's a load of cack. Look at one of the more recent isometric games, Titan Quest. It has a fine sense of scale.

Most recent Isometric game I played was Neverwinter Nights, so forgive me for not being totally up to date. I just bought my computer a couple weeks ago, and it's pretty low end.
El_Smacko said:
Fair enough. I wasn't talking specifically about Fallout 3. I was just talking about how it would be nice to explore the Fallout world up close, in any context.

Which is fine, but then it would have to be a spinoff, at least.
Starcraft: Ghost would've let you see the world of Starcraft up close, but they sure as hell didn't call it Starcraft 2, for example.

Most recent Isometric game I played was Neverwinter Nights, so forgive me for not being totally up to date. I just bought my computer a couple weeks ago, and it's pretty low end.

Well that's quite dated. I suggest looking at screens of Neverwinter Nights 2, Titan Quest, etc.
And download Van Buren, it's pretty low end but shows a good implementation of 3D architecture in an isometric view. Alas.