Fallout 3 at LGC: UGO

Brother None said:
Still, it was the first game that jumped to mind when reading this walkthrough.

Heh, first game that sprang to mind was F.E.A.R (with a dash of Bioshock) due to all the mind-buggery played out in that game.

Maybe the drugs could be countered with a lot of Mentats, heightened intellect to see through the hallucinations?
... Wonder if the air scrubbers in Power Armour would cancel out the drugs in the air.

(Long time lurker, first time poster :P )
Radiation gets through power armor, but not fully, so I don't know if it would/should provide protection against an airborn drug or not.
Well if you wear Power Armour in the Broken Hills mine when it is still clogged with fumes you don't take any damage and the Enclave troops were immune to the F.E.V virus you can unleash in the Enclave Base so I would guess it would keep out airborn agents.
Alphadrop said:
Well if you wear Power Armour in the Broken Hills mine when it is still clogged with fumes you don't take any damage and the Enclave troops were immune to the F.E.V virus you can unleash in the Enclave Base so I would guess it would keep out airborn agents.

i still fear this will not be considered by beth...
Yes in the story they all had a purpose, but in actual gameplay, the presence of some of the vaults served as little more then dungeon item grabs.
Texas Renegade said:
Yes in the story they all had a purpose, but in actual gameplay, the presence of some of the vaults served as little more then dungeon item grabs.

hit me with something big,... but even ingame they were more than mere treasure chests. even vault 15 and 8 (VC IIRC) that had not that much of interaction going on ...
I concur. Vault 15 provided info on the Vault system, small bits, as well as was where you were supposed to find the Water Chip.

Vault 8, in addition to being a source of phat lewt gave you XP (learning machine!), a PIP-Boy data entry with city locations, important plot clue (cross-reference GECK shipment information), dermal implants schematics, Jet-cure source, Phyllis (insight into the mentality of VC citizens)...

Are you retarded? Vault 12 had the goddamn Water Chip.
Kudos to those who get the reference.

LA Vault had the Master...

None of them were mere phat lewt dungeons.
From looking at that wiki entry and skimming this thread and avoiding spoilery bits, it does sound like a neat encounter. Hopefully the game has more interesting encounters like this, as opposed to the bit silly sounding vampire wanna-be raiders.
This sounds pretty damn good. At first glance it seemed like a glimmer of hope was returning, but it's definitely missing some choices.

Spoilery stuff here I guess:

Turn off the gas with high science and talk to some of the people when they returned to normal. Maybe find out whether they're actual survivors from the vault or other looters.
As it is now it's just another dungeon crawl. A very interesting one, but still just a dungeon.
Could be possible that the previewer just didn't get any options because of his skills or something...

Also, I'm reminded of one of the last Fighter's Guild quests in Oblivion, where you infiltrate their competitors to take some drugs and rid a town of "goblins" only to find that OMG <strike>SOYLENT GREEN</strike> TEH GOBLINS ARE PEOPLE
s for other games doing it.

Well Call of Cthuhlu did it and did it good. since the PC would get so freaked out he'd shoot himself in the head.

Eternal Darkness was sweet since things would happen that were not real. (Your memory card has been formated)

It does sound mighty interesting.

Also that site...got spywear on it.
I wonder how a person would act if they were raised on Psychotropics since childbirth?
Even with the gas turned off, they must be mightily screwed up in the head anyway.

It would be funny if you could persuade one of the crazies to be your companion after you turned off the gas. He would constantly spout Malchavianesque nonsense and just generally be completly insane. Well, I would find it amusing anyway :).
Texas Renegade said:
To me it makes more sense then the whole idea of a vault with a panther in it.....

Seriously who was the poor smoo that had the job of delivering the panther while the bombs were falling.

You couldn't deliver it early in the event that the bombs wouldn't end up launching and now you have to catch a panther......or let it starve to death and replace it.....

Ehm... what? Lay off what you're smoking, dude.

Also, while all this may sound good, I still don't find it particularly fitting, and in the end it's nothing original. Just stuff borrowed from various games thrown in together. Big yawn.

And remember, Fallout 3 still has fire swords and kids who can't find their dad in their own home. Talk about good quests...
PlanHex said:
This sounds pretty damn good. At first glance it seemed like a glimmer of hope was returning, but it's definitely missing some choices.

Spoilery stuff here I guess:

Turn off the gas with high science and talk to some of the people when they returned to normal. Maybe find out whether they're actual survivors from the vault or other looters.

I would hope if they're long term guests, it would take a while for the effects to wear off. If it's instantaneous, that's going to blow the immershun.
PaladinHeart said:
Radiation gets through power armor, but not fully, so I don't know if it would/should provide protection against an airborn drug or not.
PA does have a filtration system. It would be strange if it couldn't stop something as simple as drug.
Gamma rays can easily get through leaded plate (for 662 keV rays will lose half intensity after 6,35 cm [about 2,5 inches]). Gas molecules can't do this because it consist of extremely big molecules (in comparison to photons).

Westbend said:
I wonder how a person would act if they were raised on Psychotropics since childbirth?
If mother is constantly on drugs, foetus won't have a slightest chance for proper development. Even if it survive so long to be born, it will be a like a vegetable.
Hmm lewt dungeon vaults:

The vault type building in the gecko cave that you have to use electronic lockpics to open.

Again, this one provides info on the vault system. It isn't a purposeless dungeon grab.

BTW, I still feel the panther vault would be entirely inpractical.

Also, I have wracked my brain around this since the vault stuff came to light so riddle me this.

If the vaults are a giant social experiment, who is the experiment benefitting if we basically destroy civilization?

I think it is a cool concept, it is just funny to me.
BTW, I still feel the panther vault would be entirely inpractical.

Hellooooo.... Earth to empty skull, Earth to empty skull! Vault 43 is just an invention in the stupid Penny Arcade comic. It didn't exist in Fallout.
FeelTheRads said:
BTW, I still feel the panther vault would be entirely inpractical.

Hellooooo.... Earth to empty skull, Earth to empty skull! Vault 43 is just an invention in the stupid Penny Arcade comic. It didn't exist in Fallout.

What? It's not like it wouldn't fit in with the other decisions that BS has made.
What? It's not like it wouldn't fit in with the other decisions that BS has made.

Oh, it would fit just fine in the amalgam of stupid decisions that is Fallout 3. It just wasn't part of Fallout as Texas Renegade thought.