Fallout 3 at LGC: UGO

UncannyGarlic said:
Jacen said:
minor detail, but it seems strange that you don't have to hack the computer to open the door. Wouldn't it have been opened long ago if you only have to touch it?
That and the two-hundred years later bothered me. It'd work if some vault dwellers figured out what was going on and sealed themselves off in a layer with only people who could keep it under control but if everyone is supposed to be raving mad and attacking at random then it makes no since that it has survived two-hundred years. Still, it's the best news I've heard about Fallout 3, it's a legitimately cool scenario that would be great if they fix the whole procreation problem.

Like so many other things regarding this game, it might make sense if it were set 10 - 20 years after the war (whenever they entered the vault), but not 200.
aronsearle said:
Jacen said:
minor detail, but it seems strange that you don't have to hack the computer to open the door. Wouldn't it have been opened long ago if you only have to touch it?


Are you sure no one has gone in? After all it seems like it's awful hard to get out once your inside.
Some people might just like to mindlessly play video games, not thinking about the context of the situation games put you in. Those people won't mind the logical fallacy that people amped up on a psychotoxin would be able to keep breeding in a sealed vault for as long a time as the United States has existed.

Those people won't care because they don't think. Period.

They're the type of people Bethesda makes their games for.
At least they took something from the Fallout bible, they could do this more often and maybe they wouldn't lack so much in the "good ideas department"
Hmm, there are a few ways it works. Maybe the original inhabitants did die or flee a long time ago. It is entirely possible those currently in the vault aren't the original inhabitants.

And so what if they are wearing vault suits, they could have stole from the vault upon entering.

Sure it takes a stretch....but it could work.

Hey, I am excited about the area!
Mikael Grizzly said:
Maybe the VDs are protagonist's hallucination also?

I think this "quest" rocks. It's the first time I'm starting to doubt whether I shouldn't play the game after all.


Gosh. What am I saying...
Beelzebud said:
Some people might just like to mindlessly play video games, not thinking about the context of the situation games put you in. Those people won't mind the logical fallacy that people amped up on a psychotoxin would be able to keep breeding in a sealed vault for as long a time as the United States has existed.

Those people won't care because they don't think. Period.

They're the type of people Bethesda makes their games for.

Yes thank you for generalising :clap:

I don't care because I think it's a useless detail which doesn't bother me - at all. Don't start generalising gamers who buy Beth games because you dislike Beth. Not everyone has your tastes, doesn't mean I don't think.
thefalloutfan said:
Beelzebud said:
Some people might just like to mindlessly play video games, not thinking about the context of the situation games put you in. Those people won't mind the logical fallacy that people amped up on a psychotoxin would be able to keep breeding in a sealed vault for as long a time as the United States has existed.

Those people won't care because they don't think. Period.

They're the type of people Bethesda makes their games for.

Yes thank you for generalising :clap:

I don't care because I think it's a useless detail which doesn't bother me - at all. Don't start generalising gamers who buy Beth games because you dislike Beth. Not everyone has your tastes, doesn't mean I don't think.

This one example might not be a problem in itself, but when you look at the big picture, beth often applies some ideas to the game without giving them much thought. The end result is that you get things like the nuclear exploding cars.
Personally, I think it would have been way more intresting if they had excluded the raving lunatics that somehow are sane enough to procreate, eat, work the jumpsuit extruder, and cloth themselves.

I mean think about it. Up the mindfuckery portion, and get rid of the cannonfodder and you could have had a situation that might have been as enjoyable as the haunted mansion in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.

Add a really hard hacking/lockpick/stat check on the main door, remove the stand-in chest guarding goblins, and put the player on a psychotropic rollercoaster ride I say.

But no, leave it to Bethesda to fumble the ball.
First thing I thought as I read was: "why are these people still alive?" and "why the fuck was the front door open?".
Agreed, generalization is never a good thing.

Of course i will have to stretch my imagination beyond all else to come up for excuses for their shortcomings. It's definitely a improvement from the super duper something quest.
People, think about it: if your character is hallucinating and seeing things that aren't really there, who says he's not imagining the vaultdwellers as well.

As I've said before: this is a pretty solid one. Not everything Bethesda is doing/has done is bad, you know?
To me it makes more sense then the whole idea of a vault with a panther in it.....

Seriously who was the poor smoo that had the job of delivering the panther while the bombs were falling.

You couldn't deliver it early in the event that the bombs wouldn't end up launching and now you have to catch a panther......or let it starve to death and replace it.....
The basic idea in itself is cool, but it's stupid if the devs claim that any vault dwellers would be alive like that 200 years after the gas had been released.
If the story is somewhat different when the game is released, though, I think vault 106 could be one of the best parts of the game.

alec said:
People, think about it: if your character is hallucinating and seeing things that aren't really there, who says he's not imagining the vaultdwellers as well.

A good way to make that work could be for the vault dwellers to appear and disappear behind the PC's back, sometimes letting you see only corpses when you turn around, and sometimes letting you see those imaginary survivors. One example would be seeing a man move out of sight behind a corner, and when you yourself round the corner, there's only a dead body on the floor... :)
Like it's been pointed out, it'd be pretty fucking cool if it really only was the player character alive in there, and everything else was imagined. Of course, it's also always nice to have an actual sense of danger (meaning that there is stuff in here that can hurt you somehow). But I also agree that IF it's indeed real Vault Dwellers running around, then that is to much of a stretch. I'm not one to "nitpick" as some would call it, but I really don't think that would be nitpicking in this case, it seems to me like a rather glaring fault.

Still, if it really is the player characters imagination then it'd be pretty damn cool. Just the person down there in the Vault, going insane... Oh yeah.

Bethesda did have some cool ideas for quests in Oblivion also, it's just that much of it was buried under poor execution and boring gameplay. But some of the ideas were cool, like the quest where you travel inside a painting.

Hopefully they'll hit the right notes with this.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Maybe the VDs are protagonist's hallucination also?
That would work but the lady he mentions attacks him with a pipe... Then again, they could make loot collected off of people you killed and injuries caused by halucinations (could or couldn't kill you?) disappear when the drug wears off. I think that there are a lot of ways to solve the problem, the question is whether or not Beth noticed the problem in the first place...
UncannyGarlic said:
Mikael Grizzly said:
Maybe the VDs are protagonist's hallucination also?

That would work but the lady he mentions attacks him with a pipe... Then again, they could make loot collected off of people you killed and injuries caused by halucinations (could or couldn't kill you?) disappear when the drug wears off

That would be very cool. I think they should do just that, maybe letting you keep a couple of important items exclusive to the area, and hide the vault entrance once you get away, making you wake up from your drug-induced haze somewhere completely different. Kind of like getting the life power-ups in Sands of Time, where the whole sequence felt like a dream and other characters even acted like nothing happened.