Fallout 3 at PAX: IGN and Child's Play

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
IGN.<blockquote>My wandering around the world let me discover the Jury Street Metro Station, so I was actually able to go underground and explore a raider-infested tunnel system that had plenty of goodies to discover. I encountered a Ryan Briggs, some kind of surgeon or medical researcher working on mole rats. He didn't like my presence and opened fire on me with his assault rifle. I shot his head off and claimed his rifle, as well as his blood-splattered scrubs that I donned myself. The scrubs don't offer much armor, but they do look nifty, and they give a +5 bonus with certain medical skills. I also got the key to his safe and raided his office for all sorts of medical supplies, blood packs, vodka, drugs, and ammo. However, I also left with this worrying thought that I might have killed someone might actually be very important later in the game. That's one of the dangers when you go off script!

Dumping all those points into weapons skills also turned out to be problematic, cause Ryan had a nifty computer terminal in his office. But to even access it, you need a terminal skill of at least 25. You pretty much need to decide early on what kind of character you want to play, then build a skill set to improve it. Want to be a ninja? Then work on those stealth and unarmed combat skills. Want to be a ruthless killing machine. Gun skills are always nice. Want to be a techie? Then hone terminal skills, definitely.
</blockquote>The other bit is not a preview, but news from Kotaku that Bethesda is donating the Fallout 3 Airstream to Child's Play, which is pretty cool of them.<blockquote>Now you should be getting enthused about the Nuclear Airstream too. Turns out that Bethesda plans to donate the amazing piece of schwag to Child's Play following the launch of the game. Can you imagine winning this bad boy and parking it in your front yard for late night gaming sessions. The whole thing, I'm told, even runs on electricity.</blockquote>
hmm i wonder if you REALLY have to decide where to put your points. with 19*5 points to distribute on your way to level 20 and certain perks pushing those skills, 2-3 skills can be maxed out? are there consoles in the endgame that demand a 100 in computer skills?
I like how they consistently call VATS turn-based. What part of the complete lack of turns makes them think it's turn-based?
And yet again comes the clothes that give you magical bonus at certain skills, nice. :shock:

Why the heck didn't they use the same tools of the original Fallout for this, Medic was increased through the use of the doctor bag, how clothes can improve a skill is beyond me.
JESUS said:
And yet again comes the clothes that give you magical bonus at certain skills, nice. :shock:

Why the heck didn't they use the same tools of the original Fallout for this, Medic was increased through the use of the doctor bag, how clothes can improve a skill is beyond me.

JESUS said:
And yet again comes the clothes that give you magical bonus at certain skills, nice. :shock:

Why the heck didn't they use the same tools of the original Fallout for this, Medic was increased through the use of the doctor bag, how clothes can improve a skill is beyond me.

Because they are "magical clothes" you said so yourself :wink:
endaround said:
JESUS said:
And yet again comes the clothes that give you magical bonus at certain skills, nice. :shock:

Why the heck didn't they use the same tools of the original Fallout for this, Medic was increased through the use of the doctor bag, how clothes can improve a skill is beyond me.


:D ok you people are stretching your imagination now, at least we should try to justify these design flaws with some 50tish science.
IGN said:
(...) However, I also left with this worrying thought that I might have killed someone might actually be very important later in the game. That's one of the dangers when you go off script!(...)
I wonder how much have they paid him for writing that. Might, maybe, I have this feeling... He's implying that killing someone might affect quest, which in some cases is probably true but his suggestion is a bit misleading, perfect for suckers (read: Fallout 3 buyers). He wrote it in a way like this: "I have a feeling this game will be awesome. It might even surpass it's predecessors!" whereas Pete Hines himself explicitly said:
Pete Hines said:
(...)Not in every single case, but in a lot of cases If the guy who gave you the quest ends up getting killed there’s a plan B. His successor or somebody else ends up being the guy you finish things with. (...)

IGN is a better PR coordinator than Pete Hines.
JESUS said:
:D ok you people are stretching your imagination now, at least we should try to justify these design flaws with some 50tish science.

The smock is covered in disenfectant which kills the germs you might accidently give to the person you are healing. Ergo this translates as the bonus.
Well it's a bit far fetched but better than the nanobots. :P
Alphadrop said:
JESUS said:
:D ok you people are stretching your imagination now, at least we should try to justify these design flaws with some 50tish science.

The smock is covered in disenfectant which kills the germs you might accidently give to the person you are healing. Ergo this translates as the bonus.
Well it's a bit far fetched but better than the nanobots. :P

Then they should make the medical creep achivement, because rubbing yourself against the patient should be a big no-no in hospitals right?
JESUS said:
And yet again comes the clothes that give you magical bonus at certain skills, nice. :shock:

Why the heck didn't they use the same tools of the original Fallout for this, Medic was increased through the use of the doctor bag, how clothes can improve a skill is beyond me.

You try doing surgery in power armor and tell me how it goes.

You know, if doctors wear doctor's clothes, you'd think there would be a reason for it right? God knows it's not a fashion statement.

Skills are abstractions, even in the original games.
quetzilla said:
You know, if doctors wear doctor's clothes, you'd think there would be a reason for it right? God knows it's not a fashion statement.

It's not because doctor's clothes make them better doctors either.

Seriously, what?
So your point is that some type of clothes/armor hinder some skills?
ok i can accept that, but giving direct bonus through clothes is much worse than just considering the abstraction of skills.
The way BS chose to do that is bad design in my opinion, why not give "tools of the trade" so to speak to increase these skills, instead they chose the magical clothes way, another poor decision to add to the pile.
horst said:
hmm i wonder if you REALLY have to decide where to put your points. with 19*5 points to distribute on your way to level 20 and certain perks pushing those skills, 2-3 skills can be maxed out? are there consoles in the endgame that demand a 100 in computer skills?

Fallout 3 uses the same skill point setup as the other games. 5+(int*2). By level 20 you can max out 3 or 4 skills (assuming the max is 100+your base skill as determined by your attribute). Some of the perks give 5 skill points to two skills so if you take exactly 20 levels of skill raising perks you can max out 6-7 out of 13 skills assuming perks don't have a maximum rank.

There are books in the game (I didn't get a chance to read one) but they're probably lore material like in Morrowind and not manuals that raise skills. By level 20 if you focus on skills you'll max out half of your list but you'll be missing out on some of the better perks.

Why the heck didn't they use the same tools of the original Fallout for this, Medic was increased through the use of the doctor bag, how clothes can improve a skill is beyond me.

uhhhh... uh.... they're permanently steralized through the use of micro-robotics and impart a moral bonus of +5 because the wearer thinks they're an official doctor!

I should write videogames.
JESUS said:
And yet again comes the clothes that give you magical bonus at certain skills, nice. :shock:

Why the heck didn't they use the same tools of the original Fallout for this, Medic was increased through the use of the doctor bag, how clothes can improve a skill is beyond me.
I've been out of the loop for a couple of months, but are these 'magical items' common in Fallout 3? That's... no fun. :/
Cow said:
There are books in the game (I didn't get a chance to read one) but they're probably lore material like in Morrowind and not manuals that raise skills.

There are manuals that raise skills. Chinese field manual.
Didn't the sunglasses in fallout give you a charisma bonus, or am i making it up?

I'm not fussed by clothes giving a small (5% no more) type of bonus, i'm more concerned of "perk at every level" and no traits that have a negative(?).
aronsearle said:
Didn't the sunglasses in fallout give you a charisma bonus, or am i making it up?

Fallout 2.

To be honest I'm not upset about the clothes, but it's not exactly a brilliant idea either.