Fallout 3 at PAX: IGN and Child's Play

Cow said:
uhhhh... uh.... they're permanently steralized through the use of micro-robotics and impart a moral bonus of +5 because the wearer thinks they're an official doctor!

I should write videogames.

Yes you should apply for the next Bethesda game, it's seens they lack the skills to make even the poorest idea believable through the use of complete nonsense.
Yeah, the sunglasses made you look cool, so +1 CH.

Clothes giving a +5% to some skill doesn't bother me. There are way more serious matters to be concerned about, such as

Sander said:
I like how they consistently call VATS turn-based. What part of the complete lack of turns makes them think it's turn-based?

If developers don't understand the basics of certain game-mechanics, you're in for DISASTER!
they wear those clothes to help control exposure to patients...

if you are wearing clothes with polyester in them, and the patient has an allergic reaction to polyester...

they are supposed to be hypo-allergenic clothes and also not wear collogn/perfume as they may contain allergens in them as well.
If developers don't understand the basics of certain game-mechanics, you're in for DISASTER!

I don't remember anyone saying VATS is a turn based system. They say it simulates the feel of a turn based system because you have to wait for the points to recharge, but not "vats is a turn based system."

EDIT: Oh, and only one person mentioned that they donated a 20,000$ item (probably valued higher for collectors worth as it's an actual restored antique) to a charitable fund?
Cow said:
EDIT: Oh, and only one person mentioned that they donated a 20,000$ item (probably valued higher for collectors worth as it's an actual restored antique) to a charitable fund?

Sorry, was too busy being reactionary.

I think it's great they donated it. Wish I could have been there to see it in person because the display sounded pretty cool from the descriptions.
Cow said:
If developers don't understand the basics of certain game-mechanics, you're in for DISASTER!

I don't remember anyone saying VATS is a turn based system. They say it simulates the feel of a turn based system because you have to wait for the points to recharge, but not "vats is a turn based system."

I don't remember the developers claiming it's really turn-based, but IGN (and possibly other so called gaming journalists) sure do it...

IGN said:
This is my second or third time to play around with the turn-based VATS combat system, and I'm now really feeling comfortable with it.
IGN said:
...hitting the right bumper pauses the game and kicks you into the turn-based targeting system.

I mean, how hard can it be to understand what turn-based means?!?

Also, it's sort of depressing to read the comments on that IGN preview... :(
If you watch the videos. When you use VATS you still get shot at while you shoot, albeit very slowly.

I don't think it would count as being TB.
It's a pause.
Nobody takes turns.
You're playing, you pause, you unpause, you continue playing.

Teh peek of Innovashun!

And it's nerfed at that. They had to tone down adjacent enemies' attacks since "aww poor baby gets attacked and it's 'annoying' to have to use actual tactics instead of using VATS like the half-assed training wheel compromise it is.
JESUS said:
And yet again comes the clothes that give you magical bonus at certain skills, nice. :shock:

Why the heck didn't they use the same tools of the original Fallout for this, Medic was increased through the use of the doctor bag, how clothes can improve a skill is beyond me.

Tools usually come in clothes, especially when you kill someone wearing them.
Cimmerian Nights said:
It's a pause.
Nobody takes turns.
You're playing, you pause, you unpause, you continue playing.

Teh peek of Innovashun!

And it's nerfed at that. They had to tone down adjacent enemies' attacks since "aww poor baby gets attacked and it's 'annoying' to have to use actual tactics instead of using VATS like the half-assed training wheel compromise it is.
Speaking of Bethesda inventing the ability to pause a game, did you hear that the Microsoft was awarded a patent granting them exclusivity rights for the Page Up/Page Down keys on keyboards? I feel like I'm on crazypills here. @_@
Roffler said:
JESUS said:
And yet again comes the clothes that give you magical bonus at certain skills, nice. :shock:

Why the heck didn't they use the same tools of the original Fallout for this, Medic was increased through the use of the doctor bag, how clothes can improve a skill is beyond me.

Tools usually come in clothes, especially when you kill someone wearing them.
So you agree that the tools should give the bonus and not that clothes have some inherent magical ability to confer knowledge on it's wearer?
Cimmerian Nights said:
Roffler said:
JESUS said:
And yet again comes the clothes that give you magical bonus at certain skills, nice. :shock:

Why the heck didn't they use the same tools of the original Fallout for this, Medic was increased through the use of the doctor bag, how clothes can improve a skill is beyond me.

Tools usually come in clothes, especially when you kill someone wearing them.
So you agree that the tools should give the bonus and not that clothes have some inherent magical ability to confer knowledge on it's wearer?

The point is that whether the tools or the clothes give the bonus is completely arbitrary -- there are justifications for either way you go about it. I'm guessing the main gripe with this issue is that F1/F2 had the tools give the bonus... and F3 is doing it differently.

In which case... Get over it. Seriously, there are bigger differences to gripe about than whether or not clothing is magical.
No, the point is not the implementation of the bonus, is the way it is implemented.
Again we go to that word that´s been permeating these forums ever since BS decided to release more info about the game, verisimilitude.

The funny thing is the way Fallout 3 implemented none have come with a decent excuse as to why that works, yet it was simple the way the old games did, why not copy that?

My best guess is that it was easier to do this way because the engine of Oblivion already had those magical clothes around anyway.
[quotes]And it's nerfed at that. They had to tone down adjacent enemies' attacks since "aww poor baby gets attacked and it's 'annoying' to have to use actual tactics instead of using VATS like the half-assed training wheel compromise it is.[/quote]

What? AP recharges pretty slowly and enemies attack you aggressively regardless if they're standing next to you or not (I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say here).

So you agree that the tools should give the bonus and not that clothes have some inherent magical ability to confer knowledge on it's wearer?

Guys. Seriously. It's video game mechanics. If you come into contact with the amount of radiation you do in the Fallout series it would liquify you. Also, getting shot multiple times in the legs wouldn't instantly kill you and reading a manual wouldn't give you skills that could only be practically used through first hand experience. Recovering from bullet wounds and broken limbs takes months but a doctors bag and bed rest fixes it in a day.

It's a video game. I swear, this has got to be nitpicking to the extreme.

p.s. there are tools in the game
Of course it´s a minor flaw nobody is arguing that, it´s nitpicking alright.
It´s not something that will break the game experience, at least not for me, but you people try to defend something that is bad implemented without arguments.

The point remains that all those minor nitpicking flaws are pilling up pretty fast at the last month wouldn´t you say?
Here's my argument: It's a video game mechanic and it works. The gloves give you a permanent boost while you're wearing them but at the tradeoff of not wearing a stronger piece of gear. It's a balance issue and it makes sense in video game terms because it's *gasp* a video game.

In Dungeons and Dragons armor makes you harder to hit, not resistant to damage. Wizards offered alternate rules to this in Unearthed Arcana... and they destroyed the game's balance. It doesn't make sense, but it's a game not real life.
What balance? no one will use it like that, you wear the magical vestment thingie when you need and then take it out after you are done, replacing it with the armor for combat, because combat it´s suppose to sneak up anytime on you.
It´s just my opinion that if they used tools it would have been not only a better and acceptable (believable) choice, than a magic apron or something. Someone said there were tools in Fallout 3, i fail to grasp why they put these options too.

As for the " it´s just a game relax man" argument, i agree but why are you here if not to discuss the game design?
I´m not pissed at Bethesda for putting magical clothes in there, it´s just silly.
Cow said:
Cimmerian Nights said:
And it's nerfed at that. They had to tone down adjacent enemies' attacks since "aww poor baby gets attacked and it's 'annoying' to have to use actual tactics instead of using VATS like the half-assed training wheel compromise it is.

What? AP recharges pretty slowly and enemies attack you aggressively regardless if they're standing next to you or not (I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say here).

Todd Howard from the 2ns Fan Interview said:
Another thing we stumbled into, because time is moving forward, is that while you are watching an enemy react to getting shot in this great camera angle, your character can be getting mauled by another enemy. Really frustrating early on as we played it, so we do two things now: 1) depending on the camera chosen we essentially pause the rest of the world, and 2) we have a setting that dramatically reduces the damage the player takes during such an occurrence.
Because of the lack of movement in VATS, they had to nerf adjacent enemy attacks, because it gets annoying when your lack of of strategy results in you getting bum rushed.
Let them have cake! Can't let our console kiddies actually face a fucking challenge. Let's "do what we do best", put training wheels on our corporate McRPG, thus robbing the player of getting his ass kicked once in a while for using half-assed tactics. Never had this problem with before with a 'birds eye view" did we? I have to think nerfing adjacent enemy attacks this way was totally unforseen which only proves that these guys are flying blind. They have no overriding design philosophy.
Bush league.
aronsearle said:
Didn't the sunglasses in fallout give you a charisma bonus, or am i making it up?
Yes, obviously a funny easter-eggish item from Fallout 2 should become a common game mechanic for Fallout in general. Good idea and makes complete sense after all the shit Bethesda has talked about silly stuff in Fallout 2. :roll:
It´s completely acceptable in my view to get a charisma bonus for wearing a set of clothes or glasses in that case, believable too. You look cool or intimidating it affects the way people reacts at you, no stretching of imagination there.