Fallout 3 at PAX: RPGamer

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
RPGamer previews Fallout 3 from PAX. Let me snip two pieces from the intro and conclusion.<blockquote>I wasn't entirely sure what to expect when trying out Fallout 3; I hadn't played any of the other titles, and the explanations I was given prior to starting out were sketchy at best.
Those that enjoyed the previous games will undoubtedly enjoy this one, and new fans can flock to the resurrected series.</blockquote>What.

Seriously, how would she know?
i'm guessing that her not having played the previous games gives her a serious edge on what fans of those games are looking forward to.

or sth.
Well you can call me a masoquist, which fits the avatar i guess, i went to their forums and its a disaster there too.
People still think that criticism is annoying, oh well what can you expect from kids who cannot articulate a argument to criticize why we don´t like whats being made of fallout.
And before people come here and call me elitist, i was a dumb kid once too (not like that though), and i work in a school, so i see every day how dumber this generation has become.
I will defend one thing about the current "generation", it aint their fault:

Mommy and daddy expect the school system to do everything including raise the kids these days while not allowing corporal punishment and complaining that their kids are in school too long.

Now I will get off the soap box
True, the parents are indeed more absent these days, they constant relegate things to the school that are their responsibilities, and not only that they believe the shit their kids tell them over the word of teachers and school principals.

bonustime said:
JESUS said:
so i see every day how dumber this generation has become.
Almost as precious as the article quoted.

Yeah it was just a rant, i´m tired of the same shit being spilled, and i should not generalize like that. But i stand by the dumber generation statement, it is, believe me, not only here in Brazil that the school system is gone for years.
ugh went to their forums read through some of that thread about 1.5 pages and almost threw up everyone bashing fallout fans without any understanding of the majorities views or more intelligent arguments and then going the game is awesome and totally true to first one.
On the subject of "Things used to be so much better!"

Peter the Hermit said:
The world is passing through troublous times. The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they knew everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for the girls, they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behaviour and dress.

People are more or less exactly like they have always been, including a tendency it seems to think thing are going downhill.
Hah. That's nothing. There are Assyrian tablets that say the same thing. And Confucius spoke about it; I believe Plato did as well, at least through the mouthpiece of Socrates.

Still, though: lots of dumbass kids out there. I don't think there are statistically more of them now than there were even a few years ago. I still remember the crazy stuff adults used to say about kids my age when I was in high school (mid-90s.) "Oh no.... the violent videogames and the Beavis and Butthead and the MTV and sex.... these kids don't have a clue!!"

It doesn't take much imagination to copy in more recent events and pop-culture references to basically say the same thing.

At the same time, there is PLENTY of ignorance to go around, and the educational system (at least in the U.S.) has been circling the drain for decades. Every year it gets less funding, to the point that, now, the new trend is to place the blame on the teachers for students' failures.

I'm VERY glad that all those merit-based pay ideas didn't make it. That would've been really ugly. No Child Left Behind was bad enough.
Brother None said:

Seriously, how would she know?
That's what I was thinking. If you haven't played the originals, your opinion of Fallout 3 in contrast to the originals is null and void.

Anani Masu said:
Peter the Hermit, 1247 AD wrote:
The world is passing through troublous times. The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they knew everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for the girls, they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behaviour and dress.
Although I, too, agree that the young-uns are definitely more coddled than in the past (10 year olds have cell phones, parents take kids' word over teachers [I've heard of this from the horse's mouth]), Peter the Hermit does have a point. Hopefully, things will work out in the end. I, too, remember when those older than I said my generation was being destroyed by MTV, etc., and although some surely were, overall I think my generation has done well enough.
The bulk of the population has always been fairly stupid. The commercial food supply has become seriously toxic over the past 20 years though, which accounts for a great deal of the brain damage to both young and old, mainly from excitotoxins and heavy metals.
I just got it. I know what is wrong with the world today. There are not enough ignorant game reviewers or hell, there just isn't enough ignorance period. Come on dumbshits, start fucking!!!
It is going to end all like in "Idiocracy" so why worry.

At least I will have the laugh that future generations don't have a clue if the examination probe goes in the mouth or the ass.
'The Road Less Traveled'

'The Road Less Traveled'

Comes a point, perhaps a metaphorical crossroads,

(in the interest of carbon 'vinyl' dating my musical 'Crossroads', shall once and forever feature Clapton. Bruce, and Baker),


comes a time when the wayward youth, perhaps, wander away from one broken record of the blame game, only to spindle another,

blame the parents, the teachers, the peers, the marketers, and the scribblers for hire that infest the game entertainment industrial complex.

Blame the dysfunctional nurturers, the lazy authority icons, and the sleek predatory herdsmen that cull all demographics for those that worship
the branding that enslaves, the brow beaten then exploited that 'Love Big Brother'.

Comes a point and time when the individual takes stock on just what they can and can't do,

and begins , at a point of no return, at that metaphorical crossroads,

after jettisoning at least some baggage of the blame game,

doing what they are able to do.

Just does something -- right or wrong -- that enhances their life, if not 'freedom' at least free of the same cycle of rutting hop and skip, hip or hop:

Ain't no muth-ah, but a of keep-a of his bruth-ah!

Free at some hypothetical nexus, where the only 'should-s' standing are of one's own extrusion, or one's own spin.

Building their likes and dislikes,

away from those that will eternally ''should'' on them, the parents, the preachers, the peers, and that mythic Darwinian Zoology of brand ambassadors and buzz agents,

whether at 78, 45, or 33 rpm,


at dial up or broadband.
