'The Road Less Traveled'
'The Road Less Traveled'
Comes a point, perhaps a metaphorical crossroads,
(in the interest of carbon 'vinyl' dating my musical 'Crossroads', shall once and forever feature Clapton. Bruce, and Baker),
comes a time when the wayward youth, perhaps, wander away from one broken record of the blame game, only to spindle another,
blame the parents, the teachers, the peers, the marketers, and the scribblers for hire that infest the game entertainment industrial complex.
Blame the dysfunctional nurturers, the lazy authority icons, and the sleek predatory herdsmen that cull all demographics for those that worship
the branding that enslaves, the brow beaten then exploited that 'Love Big Brother'.
Comes a point and time when the individual takes stock on just what they can and can't do,
and begins , at a point of no return, at that metaphorical crossroads,
after jettisoning at least some baggage of the blame game,
doing what they are able to do.
Just does something -- right or wrong -- that enhances their life, if not 'freedom' at least free of the same cycle of rutting hop and skip, hip or hop:
Ain't no muth-ah, but a of keep-a of his bruth-ah!
Free at some hypothetical nexus, where the only 'should-s' standing are of one's own extrusion, or one's own spin.
Building their likes and dislikes,
away from those that will eternally ''should'' on them, the parents, the preachers, the peers, and that mythic Darwinian Zoology of brand ambassadors and buzz agents,
whether at 78, 45, or 33 rpm,
at dial up or broadband.