Fallout 3 Bridge Crossing Video

Did you notice that Minigun did less damage than a teddy? What the fuck?

BTW, the music on the background is not bad. It is there, just adjust your volume.
13pm said:
Did you notice that Minigun did less damage than a teddy? What the fuck?
Doesn't VATS act as a super-mode besides the ability to pause and hit chance based on stats?
I don't think the AI is that bad, I'd guess that it's only made "dumb" like that for the demos.

Atleast I hope.
Why would they dumb AI down for the demo? Wouldn't it make more sense to show your awesome AI and amaze people with it?
People are stupid.

If anything, they show things in the demos that won't make it in game. At least bethesda is known to do that.
Rock-it the same as the HL2 gravity gun? Are you people retarded? The gravity gun could do 4 1/2 things:

1. Pick up a single item
2. Suspend that single item in front of the gun
3. shoot that single item
3 1/2. "bump' things based upon thier 'mass'Small things get bumped long ways, heavy things get bumped a short distance
4. (most important) Was a core gameplay element for much of hte game that was required to complete the game

The rock-ti appears to have 2 'actions'"

1. be loaded with a whole bunch of random shit
2. 'rapid' fire that shit out

I only see a vague similarity in the firing of shit out. But lets be honest here they use a completely different mechanism and premise. It's like saying a John Deere farm tractor is a total rip off of a Ford Mustang.

I think there is quite a bit to be mocked about FO3 but the whole gravity gun comparison is just moronic, in my opinion...

EDIT: added 4th and 1/2 things
st0lve said:
I don't think the AI is that bad, I'd guess that it's only made "dumb" like that for the demos.

I've seen that theory around and no: you don't dumb down AI for demos. That'd be ridiculous. You want to show of AI, not make it look stupid.

The theory is "smart AI might interfere with the demo", right? No it won't. Todd had to shoot himself 3 times with the Fatman before dying at the end of one demo, there's no way any normal enemy can stand up to his character in that demo. And that's the normal way you make sure NPCs can't interfere with a demo: Godmode your character. I've never heard of AI being dumbed down for such purposes. Hell, it makes no sense.
st0lve said:
I don't think the AI is that bad, I'd guess that it's only made "dumb" like that for the demos.
That would be strange, considering that Bethsoft scripted the fuck out of the Oblivion NPCs for that game's demos, giving the illusion of an extreme complex and well-made AI that simply didn't exist. If anything, the AI in the final version of Fallout 3 will be even worse than what we've seen in the demos.
13pm said:
Did you notice that Minigun did less damage than a teddy?

True, however as it was stated he did use the rock-it in vats, and for the demo vats probably is beefed up a lot. Did anyone notice that even on low percentages there are hardly any misses in any gameplay vids?
Probably made to look super-duper in the demo but not as effective in the real game.
all your impressions of the AI might be influenced by the fact, that the majority of combat was in VATS. i myself couldn make out any detailed AI reaction because of the fast paced action without vats either.

tho it would have been nice to see some farcry-like behaviour in the raiders camp. that was the only opportunity to watch AI in action, i guess.
What are you talking about? I saw more of non-VATS AI action than my eyes could handle. They either stood still and shot at you or run right at you in a straight line. The melee combat looked exactly like Oblivion.
Ranne said:
What are you talking about? I saw more of non-VATS AI action than my eyes could handle. They either stood still and shot at you or run right at you in a straight line.

I would just like to point out that that was also pretty much the extent of the original fallout AI. That does not excuse poor AI that could be improved with modern technology and techniques.
Havok4 said:
I would just like to point out that that was also pretty much the extent of the original fallout AI.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, AI is being ignored way too much by the gaming industry. It is good that there are failed experiments like Radiant AI, but the damned industry needs to move forward, not backwards.

That's part of the reason many of us liked the thought of a turn-based Fallout. Turn-based is by definition more constricted, not to mention giving the game and the player more time, and more fruitful experiments in tactical combat AI might have been achieved. Hell, with some skill it might even have been as good as Jagged Alliance 2.

Which would mean that instead of an embarrassment at realising the AI is no better than 10 years ago, there would have been an embarrassment at realising it is no better than 8 years ago.
You have a good point there and I was attempting to convey something of a similar nature. It worked in fallout primarily because combat was not the core focus of the game play but rather the dialog and branching quest structure was. With the apparently more combat focused Fallout 3 it is less acceptable.