Fallout 3 Broken Steel X-Play Video Feature

Kittens and puppies aside, showing off their horrendous animations as promotional material? Jesus, their fanbase must be digging the bottom hard to sink even lower.
Yeah Grizzly, I saw that too, specially when liberty prime falls off the cliff. Could Todd Howard sound any more insincere and disinterested when he talks about the fanbase support?

I personally that they just don't get what was good about fallout. I love how their problem with continuing the game after the story was "it was too haaaarrrd" and how its such a big deal that there are changes to the world after you make that one "big" decision.

Thats the problem with them in general, their idea of a big decision, as well as subtlety is so out of whack with the original fallouts, go look at their dialog scripts and compare them to the dialogs for fallout 1, you'll see how much more thought out in terms of "what the player may or may not do" and "how does what the player do somewhere else affect how this person reacts". I mean Seth alone from shady sands takes up 2-3pages of dialog not to mention several seperate files for scripts that are pages upon pages long.
Well this is really Role Playing in action.

I do like action sequences but I prefer it in straight shooters, not half assed ones that are suppose to be RPGs.

Would there be any other way to solve this situation without resorting to guns and giant robots?
Animations are shit. I really hope FNV won't use this horrible outdated Gamebryo.
I think F:NV will have to but hopefully they'll try to rectify it with some decent animations.
Though there is only so much you can do with the old Gamebryo engine they are using.

Wow... that looked... really boring.
Wes Johnson talking to you, robot glitching near you, Deathclaw running at you, some pretty cool dude shooting fire at you.
I can feel the awesomeness already. :roll:
Wow, that robot animation is CRAP. They shouldn't be allowed to showcase that kinda work.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Kittens and puppies aside, showing off their horrendous animations as promotional material?

No kidding, Liberty Prime is absolutely horrific. I mean, that's below any reasonable standards.

I do like how Todd notes they have very kind fans at the end. No kidding. I know few fans as obsessively forgiving as the Bethesda fans. Nevermind the major design flaws in Oblivion and Fallout 3, the bugginess of the Pitt and the delays of these two DLCs are accepted kind of as is, even fervently defended. Guess they never got the memo on consumer expectations.
Yeah that was some bad animation for the robot especially round the 2:00 minute mark.
I think now the only reason i'm getting this is so I can continue after the MQ, and see what the consequences of using the FEV are.
I dont know why. Its really not a personal thing, but Todd seems to me at least not to be the best spokesman in my eyes. His mimik and gesture with the voice make it a bit hard to actualy believe anything, if that makes sense it looks like he wants to convince people about the quality and how awesome the game actualy is but doesnt even really believe by himself in everything knowing that its bad or other games are doing it better (particularly the ending thing, and its reall a SURPRISE for him that people have complained?). Maybe the one or other knows what I mean.

I mean I seen quite some of the promotion videos he did for Oblivion and the narration he did while playing the game showing the features that have not "made" it in to the game (and I still think have been a blatand lie ...) and so I might be a it biased but its really hard for me to take anyting he is saying about the game(s) serious. Not with such material where you can see the animations that really are bad compared to modern games nowadays. The animations almost scream Oblivion in ones face.

Its still a mystery for me how Bethesda always can get away with such bad voice acting coupled with such really awfull animations. Other games that are really not thaaat bad get teared to shreds for such things. Why got the Witcher compared to Fallout 3 for example not the same attention when the game has in some cases a better story and better look (speaking of animations) ?

In the main game they at least tried to make NPCs sound like those in the original games. But this time it's like listening a fantasy dudes with swords and horses.


"Well, well. Look who's back amongs the living! Basic rule of thumb on these operations: keep your head down and let the robot do most of the heavy lifting. He can take it better than you can"

Now when BoS[aka Pussies] have that robot, they decide to let it do the whole killing thing, so they will not get their PA covered in bloody. Ewww

my version of the dialogue would be:

"What? You were supposed to be dead! Oh well...too bad huh? Hehe.
You might stick around for a while, see how this piece of junk do the most of our job. I told them I hate letting others (esspecially a giant robots) to do the killing for me, but they told me to save my ammo for the best parts. Probably there'll be some nice killing for us afterall."
Actually now I'm not sure they won't hire Uwe Boll as a director for Fallout Movie.

If the giant anti-communist robot is that cool to their opinion that they continue using it, I can only imagine what they will think to be cool in the movie. Riding the nuclear bombs and staying alive? Super powers? Flying deatclaws? Ok, I will now stop giving ideas to Bethesda.

Shit, what a bad taste...
The combat part is just horrendous. It's just silly, when you run into someones face ant keep shooting him with all this powerful, long range weaponry, while standing there perfectly still. It almost seems that the combat is turn based, but without the turns :lol: .

It also looks very FPS based, but lacking all the qualities that a normal first person shooter has. I would be ashamed to showcase gameplay trailer with such poor animations. It's not even poor, it's just bad. The transformer? Jesus Christ....

Also, it seems that they got the Nord voice back from oblivion.
Nice to see Liberty Prime back, it's a fun spectator show when it's around. Ho-hum video all around, I did find it funny how slow the character moves as if to add dramatic effect to it :P
Actually Gamebyro engine is very similar to Aurora (NvN2) engine in capabilities and scope.
Sure GB. is used / optimized for displaying a lot of low to med poly units on the screen but this doesn't really justify the poor animation quality.

The Aurora is much older and limited engine but the Witcher team was able to create much much better animations with it. I guess it boils down to the capabilities (or the lack of) the coders.

Heh, they (Bsoft) haven't been able to give their animations a feeling of gravity or friction in 2 games and 5(?) dlcs. I could put up with out of synch movement in the WoW Ahn'quiraj bosses when Blizzard tried to put big bosses in the game for the first time but even Blizzard managed to synch their giant mobs' movement in the end....
Laziness? Lack of ability/talent? Say or think what you want, it just boils down to the fact that Beth just can't create. They are just copying things over from other places.
Liberty Prime reminded me of the professor in la mulana, he just walks off the ledge and falls directly down.

And who was it that said the excitement of video games is watching a number get higher? Because apart from new perks, that's the only reason people could request a raise in the level cap. Maybe the cha-ching exp noise. But Beth is smart to give it to them if that's their #1 request.