Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

JayTheGay said:
is everoyne dead? wtf
Shhhh... we're working. :)

I'm pretty much done with the modeling portion.
-I adjusted the Lens focal length to pull it back from the barrel
-Added a mount system
-some side notes: Lengthening the barrel as some had suggested would stretch/distort the texture. It would also make a whole new weapon rather than a simple attachment. The work order called for a simple attachment so that's what i did.

I would say i'm pretty much done modeling this weapon. If anyone has any input, please speak otherwise I will continue with UV mapping and texturing. You have

Btw. This is quite a complex model to texture. If anyone would like to help, I'd be greatful to let you on board. you may even get some props. All you need to know how to use is Photoshop or a substitute. I will have everything set up for you. We will be working in a layered .tif format.

I will be taking input for the next 72 hours on this model, after then it will be going to final stages.

allrite, im pretty good with PS, but im a noob to UV mapping.

anyway, i wanted to help by more then just blabbering around in this thread, and im too much of a lazy cock to make my own weapons, so here is my chance.

PMing my contact data to u now

Preliminary testing of the damage engine in-game has met great success, though this was not without some bumps and dead ends during testing. Results are *very* satisfying, and within 95% of measurements taken from wound channels formed in ballistics gelatin at firing tests.

hm thats good news!

btw,planning on adding all the stuff from opeation anchorage to the normal game? fallout without gauss rifle is no fallout...
chipk said:
JayTheGay said:
is everoyne dead? wtf
Shhhh... we're working. :)

I'm pretty much done with the modeling portion.
-I adjusted the Lens focal length to pull it back from the barrel
-Added a mount system
-some side notes: Lengthening the barrel as some had suggested would stretch/distort the texture. It would also make a whole new weapon rather than a simple attachment. The work order called for a simple attachment so that's what i did.

I would say i'm pretty much done modeling this weapon. If anyone has any input, please speak otherwise I will continue with UV mapping and texturing. You have

Btw. This is quite a complex model to texture. If anyone would like to help, I'd be greatful to let you on board. you may even get some props. All you need to know how to use is Photoshop or a substitute. I will have everything set up for you. We will be working in a layered .tif format.

I will be taking input for the next 72 hours on this model, after then it will be going to final stages.

Add more polygons to the screen, maybe take some away elsewhere if you need to. The screen is what people are going to be staring at the whole time.
JayTheGay said:
hm thats good news!

btw,planning on adding all the stuff from opeation anchorage to the normal game? fallout without gauss rifle is no fallout...

That's DLC, which is something I cannot touch (or release in whole or part) because of legal reasons.
Wouldn't the revamped damage system affect all weapons, regardless of whether they are from the DLC or not?
No, unfortunately. The dmg system exists as an independent "critical effect" script for each type of ammo, and one for each melee weapon. In the case of energy weapons and explosions, there's one for each weapon rather than the ammo.

So a 10mm JHP pistol will have the same dmg script as a 10mm JHP SMG would.

So, I can't include DLC content, but it should be possible to have a seperate patch (esp rather than esm) for the new weapons, and not include any of the weapon's model or texture files.

Right now, the only problems with the dmg system are:
1) You do not gain or lose Karma when killing something(anything); until it is possible to figure out who the attacker is, there is no way to fix this
2) You do not gain Exp from killing something*
3) Vehicles & Mines take an immense number of shots to blow up (vehicles 70+, mines 5+)**
4) Critical hits are non-existant, but damage still fluctuates quite a bit - you still feel like they're there - but perks that affect criticals in any way no longer work properly

*The exp issue is being rewritten into a workaround so you'd gain exp from a creature's death if you're close enough to them, regardless if you actually killed it or not. This -should- be acceptable for most cases.
**As far as I can tell there is no way to run the crit effect on an object.
Armor Decay:


(Even though the armor is ruined near the end, it still provides semi-reasonable protection in the ruined state)
Started a preliminary model for the next project.

The Chinese Assault Shotgun
I modified the following
- Barrel (made it short and fat)
- Adjusted the restraining rod to a new location
- Modified the magazine, It's similar to the Russian Saiga combat shotgun... but bigger.

I imagine my character running though the streets, gunning down raiders with a "BLAT! BLAT! BLAT! BLAT! BLAT!"
JayTheGay, thanks for all the links. Some of them will definitely be put to good use.

ChipK, keep up the good work.

Update with info coming soon.
New weapon Proposal.

I found a classic gun dating back to the cold war era. It's the Beretta 1951. It's a 9mm handgun much like the current berettas, but this one has a rapid fire version, basically the older brother of the Beretta 92fs. It could be a weak piece of shit that breaks all the time, like the real thing, but it makes up for its weakness with a deadly barrage of 9mm bullets, perfect for CQB. I think this would make a nice expansion to our mod.

Modernize it a bit, 50s weapons implemented verbatim are hardly fitting.

Although a 9mm Autoloader is a good idea, one was also available in Van Buren.
Actually, there are plans for a post-war 9mm SMG based on this weapon: http://www.picaroni.com/vladas_m1992.jpg


(the .32 is the worst round in the game. Mirelurks have 220 hp.)


(First target was shot once in the torso, from far away, and allowed to bleed to death. He also got knocked down from the impact, but there isn't a printout for that. Second target is just a long range headshot. Ferals have 40 hp. Oh, and BP stands for bleeding points.)
:clap: Awesome job on bleeding.

One game that has a great heath and healing system is Jagged alliance and Jagged Alliance 2. Bandaids and med skills will stop bleeding and rejuvinate some health, but only time heals all wounds. Awesome system.

I've been pondering the Fallout 3 health system for a while (as we all have) and I thought about modifying and adding items.

Stimpacks - (quick heal with low level of addiction).
Doctors bag - an item just like the stimpack that Bandages all wounds and cures diseases without addiction.
First Aid Kit - used as a first person weapon to patch up your companions and NPCS, instead of having to talk to them every time or just not taking their medicine at all.

Can you also get NPC's to heal themselves?
bleeding, indeed, rocks!
ofc sucks thou, if injured NPCs - even those who really should have with medicine supplies/skills - all bleed to death because cant use them. so i think NPCs using meds is a very important part

nice ideas, chip, but srsly, f**k the "addiction to stims" part:

doc bag and FA kit should take time to use, which makes you almost unable to use them in battle - for realism, so you dont insta-doc yourself under a rain of bullets.

therefor, stims should be something pretty rare to find, and relatively fast for during the fight (hide quickly behind a rock, inject a stim into leg, pull the suringe out- ready!)
of course it might be not as realistic as possible, but stims always been fallout-world fast HP replenisher, not drugs.. dunno, i just feel weird about being addicted to STIMS :D ( i never used any drugs in any fallout btw. temporary stat boosts are for nerds :P )

i think it would also be a possible solution to make doc and FA skills like in previous fallouts: doctor heals cripples/health big time + stops bleeding, FA doesnt heal cripples, only refills a bit of HP and stops bleeding (anesthetics + and bages ftw!)...and FA should be less rare/expensive then doc then

and all the medicines should be equipable as "weapon" so you can heal other people :)

anyway dubby, gogogogo :P
btw, chip and me rock you all, and the laz rifle scope will son kick you in the ass! hehe
Well medic is going to have to wait. Right now I'm tackling advanced thermodynamics and figuring out how to simmer all this down into something the script language can comprehend.

I've figured out the majority of the formulas for [linear] heat transfer, buuut still need to fix a minor problem when dealing with a target with a very low thermal diffusivity. This still leaves me with dealing with the equations for laser and plasma exposure.

At the very least, I -did- figure out how to get the scripts for melee weapons to make use of the player's stats & perks.