Fallout 3 DLC delayed

Well the vault you came from was doing pretty hunky dory though? Obviously they had no GECK so they didn't blossom into a place as big and wonderful as Vault City though. I liked the idea of using the vaults as a way to experiment on people but I think some of the the experiments were just way too badly planned that it breaks my suspension of disbelief. The worst being 92 where there were orders to make EVERYONE listen to something that would make them go fucking nuts. That isn't an experiment that is just dumb. Which the game even points out to you so what the fuck?
The Dutch Ghost said:
As for "Broken Steel", I think it will only be more filler disappointment, hardly any campaign with any interesting quests but more of a 'mop up' operation in which the player must destroy a number of remaining Enclave bases.
Here's hoping to facing many a gimped foe + hordes of helpers/giant robots to "assist" your heroic deeds!! I love playing dirty pool! It really makes me feel like I've accomplished absolutely nothing while appearing that I did. But as long as the explosions N bullitz are going off all over the place that's enough to convince me of how awesome & challenging a game truly is!
Crni Vuk said:
I think its really more about the "leadership" of Bethesda.

It would be unfair to call a simple coder or concept artist in the Bethesda team either "lazy" or "incompetent" when they just have to do what someone tells them to do.
While I generally agree, I still think that Bethesda doesn't seem to have the best general staff either. Animation is a great example of an area where it's pretty clear that they don't hire the best artists (probably need more of them as well). My guess is that they have a handful of quallity employees, are mostly comprised of average to mediocre staff, and have a fair number of crap employees.

TamaNeko said:
Well, I'm not seeing that on the various forums out there, especially at the Bethesda boards. Most people are overall pretty disappointed with it, with the same arguments I've seen here about bastardizing the series into mindless shootan. Guess they're starting to wake up. :roll:
In regards to O:A or Fallout 3 in general? I scanned the forums quickly after the first reviews of O:A came out and saw more complaints about that than I had about anything else but there were still a large number of folks who were defending it and praising it.

Crni Vuk said:
But anyway. I have to say that from a arstistical point. They are really awesome. <snip> The issue is just ... its only the art and somewhat the design. Anything else is just ... a amusement park. Nothing more.
I agree that they have some pretty damn good concept art but I think that they have a problem translating a lot of it into the game. Scenery is really what they seem to be able to translate the best and the rest tends to look pretty average.

Crni Vuk said:
I mean not everyone has the option to stand up, and say "you know what I am not going to butcher down Fallout cause I love it so much! Screw you and your crazy ideas I quite!" [even though I think one person did this once! In some form ... Douglas Goodall anyone ?]
Interesting interview, sounds like the type of guy I'd like to be making games. At the very least it'd be nice to have him in a leadership role at Bethesda so that he can make good design decisions rather than design decisions entirely based on marketing.
Well yeah, Godall seems to be a interesting person. Even though when it seemed to cause a lot of strange "Drama". I dont know did not followed everything but its somewhere burried in the Codex. Its always nice though to have small bits of sources so not everything is disapearing in the clouds of the internet. From a time when some people at Bethesda were used in making Terminator action games! (in immersive first person even ...)

The interaction between Godall and Todd are inteersting in particular as he very nicely says everything that I think fitts. Todd makes games "he is thinking" are true RPGs. Action RPGs in the first place, but nonetheless. I think someone said once in a Forum "Bethesda is making RPGs for people that dont like RPGs in the first place". I guess that sums it up pretty nicely.

Sadly ... youre right with what you say about the concept art and its interpretation. But well thats at least not the fault of the artist. And if there is one thing I can say, making the art to a game is definetly easier then making a game art.