Fallout 3 Editorials

I'm pretty sure a lot of people disliked the changed currency in Fallout 2, so that's why they went with the tried and true bottlecaps in Fallout 3.

Also, I find it strange that enslaving a raider is "evil" but killing them and mutilating their shattered bodies is not. You can even mesmerize them and put a grenade on them for giggles, but enslave? Noooo.. that's a "bad" thing to do.
Mentats said:
Why is bottle caps the current currency in FO3 instead of pre-war money, like in FO2? I know now duh, the west coast is better than the east coast! West Coast!!!!

Actually, if I recall, wasn't the currency in FO2 gold coins or some sort of minted coins backed by gold?

I didn't mind it being changed in FO2, and if FO3 hadn't been occurring 200 years later I wouldn't necessarily mind it either, though I'm not sure what kind of gold supply one could scavenge, so maybe caps would still be the best form available. The difference is that FO3 makes no effort to explain who backs this currency (in FO it was the Hub merchants, I believe).
Brother None said:
* I entered someone’s open room in Rivet City. They came in and went to sleep for the night, locking me inside with them. I didn’t have the lockpicking skill to escape the room. I woke them up and talked to them, but there wasn’t any option for “please let me out of your house”.
had that too. i spoke to some guy walking down the corridor, and he replied with a kind of "don't you know who the fuck i am? i'm xxx from xxx&yyy gunstore."

i looked into the room he was in front of and he walked in. i saw some weapons lying there so i thought, "well, maybe this is where they keep the good stuff" and entered.

turns out he was going to sleep and locked me in right there.

yay... :roll:
The first line in that "op-ed" was

"Bethesda were part of the story."

That entire op-ed reads as if it were written by a 6th grader.
Leon said:
Jericho is pretty entertaining when I load him up with missile launchers and such. Eyenixon's story about Jericho picking up a Fat Man comes to mind.

Jericho is my favorite character even though I noticed that many of his sound bytes are shared by the Raiders.
Elhoim said:
There was one that was really predictable but I found it funny nonetheless, with Cerberus, the robot in Underworld. As a matter of fact, I found most robot chatter more or less funny.

"Damn this pansy zombie programming..." :lol:

Cerberus was really fun.
TheFlyingBuddha said:
The difference is that FO3 makes no effort to explain who backs this currency (in FO it was the Hub merchants, I believe).

Really? Because I'm not very far and I know it's backed by Rivet City.

Good thing we have these negative pieces to cling to, since Yahtzee up and decided to actually like the game. It's like we're all living in crazy town! Impossible Fallout 3 could be good!
PaladinHeart said:
Also, I find it strange that enslaving a raider is "evil" but killing them and mutilating their shattered bodies is not. You can even mesmerize them and put a grenade on them for giggles, but enslave? Noooo.. that's a "bad" thing to do.

Maybe Beth wants to get the message through: "Killing is good!" Guess that's why US has such a high rating of people dying from firearms...
terebikun said:
Really? Because I'm not very far and I know it's backed by Rivet City.

Good thing we have these negative pieces to cling to, since Yahtzee up and decided to actually like the game. It's like we're all living in crazy town! Impossible Fallout 3 could be good!

Well it's entirely possible I missed that. I would say Rivet City is the most likely place to back it, but I don't recall anything in the game being clear about that. In fact I don't even recall being able to explicitly ask anyone why the hell they use bottlecaps for money, which seems like something my character might be curious about. More importantly the relative size of Rivet City as a settlement makes it rather well, underwhelming. Megaton feels bigger, personally.

The economy isn't really make or break for me. It just would have been nice if it made more sense (some farms, more settlements of varying size, some established roads, given this is 200 years after the war and most of these settlements have supposedly been around since shortly after the war), that's all. But Beth did the same thing in Oblivion, slap one cottage and a vegetable patch outside of a bustling city and presto, food source. Not to mention there was plenty of beef to be had in that game but no living cows to be found...

Anyway, I personally found Yahtzee's editorial to be a little underwhelming compared to his usual stuff. It turned mostly into an "it's better than Oblivion" piece, which is fine, but I think there was more to be said than that.

As to living in Crazy Town, I'd never want to live anywhere else. The game is good, but it's not any more than a 7 or 8 out of 10 in the long run. Sanity is not statistical, after all.
terebikun said:
Good thing we have these negative pieces to cling to, since Yahtzee up and decided to actually like the game. It's like we're all living in crazy town! Impossible Fallout 3 could be good!

Consensus Town any better?

Honestly, this is exactly the same reception Oblivion had, down to the last sycophantic, gushing review. It was still a piece of shit game.
Ausdoerrt said:
Maybe Beth wants to get the message through: "Killing is good!"
What would have been innovative with the whole karma system would be if it kept track of how many kills were in self-defense, in defense of those who couldn't defend themselves, or in as part of some kind of law enforcement situation. And maybe it could keep track of mutilated corpses too. But of course, such a complicated system would very likely need to be designed in the game from the bottom up - not tacked on at the end and certainly not modded on after release.
Is it just me or is Fyfe pretty much illiterate?

Bethesda were part of the story. Fallout 3 previews, between explaining VATS and the Megaton dilemma, made sure to note the long-standing concerns over whether Bethesda could pull this off.

I am not sure what language this is written in but I am skeptical that it's english. I would like to find out what educational system he is a product of so that I can avoid it for my children. My 6 year old writes better than this guy.
Yes, and clearly "editors" are merely in a fluff-job. They no longer seem to edit for spelling or grammar; more packing in ass-kissing reviews.
iridium_ionizer said:
Ausdoerrt said:
Maybe Beth wants to get the message through: "Killing is good!"
What would have been innovative with the whole karma system would be if it kept track of how many kills were in self-defense, in defense of those who couldn't defend themselves, or in as part of some kind of law enforcement situation. And maybe it could keep track of mutilated corpses too. But of course, such a complicated system would very likely need to be designed in the game from the bottom up - not tacked on at the end and certainly not modded on after release.

Not really. You remove the karma system altogether and make a Gears of War clone :lol:
EnglishMuffin said:
I'm just wondering, did anyone actually find anything funny in fallout 3? I think I smiled twice at 2 things that I read on computers that I hacked, but other than that....

the writing on the green-screen computers was the only writing worth reading, imo. those actually felt similar to the old holotapes from the originals.

the rest of the writing, when attempting humor, was about as funny as a 2008 episode of the simpsons. oh wait. no. not even that funny. but that's not funny at all! oh. yeah. :roll:

hint: swearing ≠ funny.
Stop the personal attacks. And Gamasutra ran the critical piece on childkilling, so they're hardly just doing sycophantic stuff.