Fallout 3 first footage

Creativename said:
[snip unintelligible gibberish]

Thats it, I live 3 hours away from Bethesda Maryland, Im packing a pitchfork, and a torch, Im showing up to the front door of Bethesda softworks in my best peasent clothing and gonna yell "RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE" all day until they make a good Fallout game.
Retards aren't welcome here.
so...uhhmmmm.....did i miss the part in the video that would convince any single person to ever want to play this game?

the combat looked shaky and hokey, vats looked absolutely more relied-upon and necessasry than they were advertising just a year ago, and i have to say...but i was actually hoping the environment would at least appeal to my love of all things post-apocalyptic...but i'm left sitting here scratching my pee-hole wondering how this can just keep getting worse.
What's up with VATS. Can i turn that slow-mo super-duper dismemberment show off, if only because i'm still getting *shot at* while it happens?

Also, why did the guy that caught the sniper round in the head started falling down to pieces for no particular reason at all? What the fuck?

I dunno. I dig the environment, the textures look a little bland but i'm pretty sure it will look alright in the end. Disappointed they only showed combat, why not some sneak kill at least? A simple sample dialogue somewhere would be great as well. :/

All in all, a disappointment.
Pope Viper said:
I wouldn't count on seeing Rosh anytime soon, I think he's moved on to other things.

Well no matter, after catching eye on a few earlier comments bout him I'm glad to concede he left a good permanent fingerprint anyway.
Vrede said:
Pope Viper said:
I wouldn't count on seeing Rosh anytime soon, I think he's moved on to other things.

Well no matter, after catching eye on a few earlier comments bout him I'm glad to concede he left a good permanent fingerprint anyway.
Well, no matter because he was right all along D:
Vrede said:
Pope Viper said:
I wouldn't count on seeing Rosh anytime soon, I think he's moved on to other things.

Well no matter, after catching eye on a few earlier comments bout him I'm glad to concede he left a good permanent fingerprint anyway.

well thatsd good. if anything happens to nma, we can always frame him.