I just had to come and see what the 'hardcore' Fallout community had to say about the trailer, and boy were my assumptions correct.
In all seriousness though, it seems you guys want to dislike the game, regardless of the positive aspects of it.
Could it be that some of us have higher standards and more experience when it comes to videogaming? I really didn't want to dislike this game, but I don't think it Bethesda gave me much choice in making this preference.
I don't find the whole "it's not like previous Fallouts but it's a good game nonetheless" rhetoric entirely unreasonable, but right now I just don't see any noticeably good qualities about this title, Fallout game or not. Here is a [very minor] list of things I have a problem with:
- For a 2008 (PC) game, the game's graphics look downright inadequate. The animations are truly abysmal. Character designs are mediocre at best. The greenish Xbox-oriented HUD is worse than bad. If I'd created something like this during my game development career, it would undoubtedly have been less prolific. There aren't any object shadows. The whole artistic direction is uninspired. Look at the roof of the Capitol building:
Does this low-poly, low-res model really look good? What about the rest of the picture that can even remotely be called aesthetically pleasing? Be honest.
- From what I saw, the enemies' AI is really, really primitive. Look at the gameplay footage: they either stand there or run right straight at you with no regard to their surroundings. The close range battle looked particularly bad, seemingly much worse than sword'n'shield combat present in Oblivion.
- Infantile humor and overabundance of blood and gore. I don't know what to tell about both of these. I guess there are people out there who may consider exploding bloodbags (see, the "losing all 4 limbs and the head from a single gunshot" part of the trailer) cool and awesome and fried squirrels or dead people hugging funny, but I am certainly not one of them. Besides, most of what I saw looks unnatural and overdone.
- Myriads of inconsistencies, bad design choices, and factual mistakes of all kinds. This one may be a minor thing for many of you but it is pretty important to me, especially considering the fact that the game is officially an RPG. 200-year-old couch in almost perfect condition? Chinese propaganda broadcasts from centuries ago? Radioactive "magic" spells in what is supposedly a sci-fi setting? Magical compass, fast travel, and dozens of other Oblivion leftovers that were bad to begin with? Radiation that doesn't kill? When you have a couple of questions like this, they really start to pile up and affect your impression of the game.
- Gameplay. From what I heard and what I saw on those 5 minutes of the game's footage, Fallout 3 seems like a first-person shooter with a few RPG elements. The FPS part of it looked like it was taken from 2002. No cover system, no tactical AI, no vehicles, no penetrable materials, no interactive surroundings, nothing really notable except for the overabundant "lotsa blood" effect. As for the RPG part, it largely remains to be seen. From what I know, however, there's nothing about it to be excited about. The game environment is ridiculously small, about 3 by 4 miles if I remember correctly. The leveling system seems pretty boring. The dialog system certainly looks aged. There's no indication it will be even remotely as advanced as the system used, say, by Mass Effect. Again, poorly made characters do not look particularly interesting. One look at the cowboy hat wearing mayor and you already know what he is going to say. And what about the whole "Here's a nuclear catapult, now go find your <mysteriously> daddy" storyline? Who in the right mind can find this idea praiseworthy?
As you can see, there's a lot of things one can find that are wrong with this game. Now, if you really like it, could you please name me some things about it that are right and original and more than barely sufficient? Some things about Fallout 3 that can really justify the amount of hype this game gets? I sure can't name any.