Fallout 3 Full E3 Trailer

I'm not surprised they didn't show any dialog. Bioware did the same thing with their recent Dragon Age videos, nothing but action scenes.
Tornadium said:
Brother None said:
Running ghouls. A strange betentacled cthulhu-esque "demon" (mutant, I guess). Fire and cockroaches. Lots of combat, including footage from the "live" demo we saw just a bit ago (fake much?)

On the plus side: Dogmeat!

Fallout 2 has aliens,

You can't exactly comment on a mutant creature when fallout had fucking sentient plants too..

so just because you can point out a few crappy things about the orignals makes the whole crappy thing about the 3rd ok ?

also the presence of dogmeat in this game is beyond lazy ...
randir14 said:
I'm not surprised they didn't show any dialog. Bioware did the same thing with their recent Dragon Age videos, nothing but action scenes.

Actually, the Dragon Age: Origins trailers were very specifically marked as cinematic trailers.

These are gameplay trailers.

Big difference.`
This does look markedly better than the previous trailer... I do agree that it is lacking in some areas, specifically anything that isn't blowing shit up.

Hopefully, over the next couple months we will get a bit more info and video of dialog, bartering, etc...
Loved the ad and there were some really nice environments. Graphics pretty much suck though and I still HATE combat.
Brother None said:
Running ghouls. A strange betentacled cthulhu-esque "demon" (mutant, I guess). Fire and cockroaches. Lots of combat, including footage from the "live" demo we saw just a bit ago (fake much?)

On the plus side: Dogmeat!

The intro cinematics, the 50's advertisment, is done pretty well, if you ask me. The Mr Handy is pretty neat, but mostly they got the humour down pretty well for that bit.

Hi BN,

I actually dug (a fair bit, not tons) the live-action segment of the trailer too, but the shitty Flash-style animation coupled with it it dulled my burgeoning grin immediately. Nobody at Bethesda has bothered to watch "Bert the Turtle," or stylized 1950's UPA animation, obviously - or, alternatively, they just weren't good enough to try something like it themselves. And of course, there's the matter of PipBoy being used in a Vault advertisement, which reminds me of the ongoing "VaultBoy" confusion/ignorance displayed by Beth devs/PR in the past.

Gameplay still reminds me of Serious Sam. But, yeah, I agree somewhat with you, in that I think the ad had some good elements. It could've been a bit more aware of itself, though, in terms of being ironic; the dialogue was uninspired. But whatever, it's such a petty quibble at this point...

Anyway, thanks again for the coverage throughout FO3's development.
I liked the live-action intro, didn't mind the cartoon terribly, but the gameplay looks like an FPS.

What is shown in this video is not a Fallout game by any stretch of imagination. And my imagination can stretch pretty far.
astupidretard said:
I actually dug (a fair bit, not tons) the live-action segment of the trailer too, but the shitty Flash-style animation coupled with it it dulled my burgeoning grin immediately. Nobody at Bethesda has bothered to watch "Bert the Turtle," or stylized 1950's UPA animation, obviously - or, alternatively, they just weren't good enough to try something like it themselves. And of course, there's the matter of PipBoy being used in a Vault advertisement, which reminds me of the ongoing "VaultBoy" confusion/ignorance displayed by Beth devs/PR in the past.

Actually that is Vault Boy. Perfectly logical to put him in a VaultTec ad. What's not so logical is the fact that he's also used for the PipBoy.

I'm not sure what's up with the animations either. I think they need to ring up Leonard Boyarsky and T-Ray Isaac and ask them for a few pro-tips.
Brother None said:
I'm not sure what's up with the animations either. I think they need to ring up Leonard Boyarsky and T-Ray Isaac and ask them for a few pro-tips.
their redrawings of vault boy were wrong from the beginning actually. so it's no surprise that animation sucks
The advert was pretty nice I must say, while the gameplay... uh, remember how Vampire: Bloodlines trailers also consisted of dialogues? Yeah, that's not what bethesda does well
well, this one is significantly better then what i saw fo far (there are still lots of thing i didnt like, but still - an improvement)

shadow thing is alarming now, all that crap they sold us about technology, 10 years, bla bla, .... and what? o_O
BIG FAIL on immersion thing they soooo advertised (not that i care for it, just saying they kinda fail to delivier things they highlighted ...)

imo: their promotion of this frigging game should start with this trailer released 1 year ago ...
Brother None said:
Actually that is Vault Boy. Perfectly logical to put him in a VaultTec ad. What's not so logical is the fact that he's also used for the PipBoy.

I'm not sure what's up with the animations either. I think they need to ring up Leonard Boyarsky and T-Ray Isaac and ask them for a few pro-tips.

Makes me the stupid one rather than them (in this instance anyway) then - thanks for calling me on that. Argh, can't believe I did that. I may lurk until the next sequel now.
radnan said:
Tornadium said:
Brother None said:
Running ghouls. A strange betentacled cthulhu-esque "demon" (mutant, I guess). Fire and cockroaches. Lots of combat, including footage from the "live" demo we saw just a bit ago (fake much?)

On the plus side: Dogmeat!

Fallout 2 has aliens,

You can't exactly comment on a mutant creature when fallout had fucking sentient plants too..

so just because you can point out a few crappy things about the orignals makes the whole crappy thing about the 3rd ok ?

also the presence of dogmeat in this game is beyond lazy ...

Quit putting words in my mouth.

Mainly it was invalidating a point, regardless of the fact that the fallout 2 devs said it was a mistake.

Can't really bitch about having mutants in FO3 while no one bitches about them in FO2...
That was much much better then the live demo.
I loved the live action clip made me chuckle.
I can see why it was all action for most of the world thats what they want to see and thats what will sell to a lot of the xbox community.
Tornadium said:
radnan said:
Tornadium said:
Brother None said:
Running ghouls. A strange betentacled cthulhu-esque "demon" (mutant, I guess). Fire and cockroaches. Lots of combat, including footage from the "live" demo we saw just a bit ago (fake much?)

On the plus side: Dogmeat!

Fallout 2 has aliens,

You can't exactly comment on a mutant creature when fallout had fucking sentient plants too..

so just because you can point out a few crappy things about the orignals makes the whole crappy thing about the 3rd ok ?

also the presence of dogmeat in this game is beyond lazy ...

Quit putting words in my mouth.

Mainly it was invalidating a point, regardless of the fact that the fallout 2 devs said it was a mistake.

Can't really bitch about having mutants in FO3 while no one bitches about them in FO2...

I'm not putting words in your mouth...
either way you look at it

if we are comparing it to fallout 2 then it should be a sequel and as such it throws the baby and keeps the bathwater :)

if we are not comparing it to fallout 2 its NOT looking any better as the mechanics, AI, graphics, weapons and enemy design in combat are at least from my point uncovingcing ...
Black said:
The advert was pretty nice I must say...

Well, I guess my point about the live-action is that the 1950's glib-about-doom vibe goes beyond the conventions that Bethesda employed here, and that they could've done a bit more to poke fun at it. I will agree that I got a smile out of seeing them try for it, but if you watch "Atomic Cafe" or a lot of the 1950's stuff from the Prelinger Archives, I don't know - it just seems, again, like there's a lot of room for more ideas, more satire, more irony, without changing the pace, length or content of the scenes in the ad. Ren and Stimpy did a better job of satirizing 1950's ads than Beth did with this clip, I think.

But again, none of that really matters in the face of all the more substantial flaws that BN mentioned (Cthulhu critters, etc.) I actually liked the beasties in FO1/2 as they were quite unique - they didn't strike me as Geigeresque or Cthulhu-like or as being derivative of anything in particular, unlike the Beth-baddies which seem to come from Japanese horror-survival games.
Tornadium said:
Can't really bitch about having mutants in FO3 while no one bitches about them in FO2...

Eh? People have been bitching about them (the aliens) from the release of Fallout 2 until now. It's one of the game's most derided elements.

astupidretard said:
Well, I guess my point about the live-action is that the 1950's glib-about-doom vibe goes beyond the conventions that Bethesda employed here, and that they could've done a bit more to poke fun at it. I will agree that I got a smile out of seeing them try for it, but if you watch "Atomic Cafe" or a lot of the 1950's stuff from the Prelinger Archives, I don't know - it just seems, again, like there's a lot of room for more ideas, more satire, more irony, without changing the pace, length or content of the scenes in the ad. Ren and Stimpy did a better job of satirizing 1950's ads than Beth did with this clip, I think.

But it's not supposed to be satire. It's simply supposed to approximate, which it does pretty well.

They almost edged into PoS territory with that procreation joke, but for the most part it's well done.
I really like aspects of the graphics as shown here (Megaton explosion, environment in general), but then I'm an Altair 8800 guy who doesn't keep with the times. Also I agree with PV that it doesn't say "Fallout". We see combat, combat, combat, so they can hardly be trying to get us interested in an RPG. Nice generic shooter.

Did that Mr Handy start up a circle saw behind the guy's back? Because if so it's pretty funny in a bizarre way.